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Old 08-05-2020, 10:06 PM   #7 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ruth (Rae) Elliot
First Year
x12 x12
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

He'd admittedly taken some time getting to the feast. Now that owls had begun coming in again, there was a massive backlog of things that needed his attention. It seemed that no matter how long the Headmaster stayed in his office, he wasn't making enough of a dent. Everyday leading up to the end of the school term, more things just kept coming in.

Tonight was the first time he'd seen any difference. He suspected once the kids were off in the morning, he'd be able to finally get the rest of it done. For now, Malachi had to pull himself away to get to the feast.

Trent moved up to the dais, muttering his apology for being late then settled into his seat. He'd kept them waiting long enough, he supposed, so the man did his usual tapping of his goblet to gain everyone's attention. It....felt great being able to cast a simple sonorus. It was the little spells you missed the most.

"Good evening everyone. I never thought I'd mean it so much when I say it's good to see all your faces." There was a time when he thought he never would again. Much as he didn't like some of them, there were none he ever wanted to disappear. It was too permanent a situation for such a temporary problem.

"It's been a rough term. Really rough, but like before, we've pulled through and I'd like to think we're a little stronger for it. I don't mean to turn this into a lecture. I know you're all probably hungry and eager to get off to bed to start your summer in the morning--but this bears saying. In these situations, we learn our strength. We learn just how well we can persevere. For those of you graduating, I'd especially like you to remember this. Outside, in the real world, you won't suddenly be out of the woods, not unless you go live among the muggles. Magic is everywhere and as we've seen, magic will always attract magic. I say this to remind you of all you've already conquered. I have nothing but faith in your," Most of them anyway, "continued success. For those of you returning come September, to you I say remember you will conquer again. Whatever may come, we and Hogwarts, will continue to endure."

"Special congratulations are in order for Gryffindor House, the winners of this year's house cup. All in all, the lot of you weren't as bad this year. I'll admit that." In the face of death, it turned out Slytherin was the one to worry about. You learned something new everyday.

"While I have your attention, before you all go off--some of you for the last time--I'd like to juuuuust for a second preach a little thing called "common sense"." You know, that thing a lot of them had been lacking this term. "All it takes is an extra few minutes to think before you act. What will happen if I do this? How will this help? What could go wrong? Am I prepared to fix whatever goes wrong? Do I need help? Do I need discretion? Consider all these things. They could save your lives."

There. It had to be said. "Now then, I don't think we need to wait any longer. Let's eat!"

Malachi settled back into his seat as the food began to appear. His stomach grumbled. Merlin, he was hungrier than he thought.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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