Thread: Spirit Room
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Old 07-14-2020, 05:25 AM   #68 (permalink)
Sunny Raine
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Something was not adding up. "I had a book," he confirmed, feeling around his pockets to see if it was there. Nope not there. Not in his bag either, he made sure to do a check of that as well. Huh. Well this was weird, eh? He couldn't remember where he had put the book or who he had given it to.

"It was an old edition," he began to think out loud. "Maybe a systems update would do the trick, eh?" As in an updated copy. "The library sounds like our best bet." Not that he knew what anyone was talking about when it came to Sir Nick and Alfred. Who were those people and how would they know about it? He was just about to ask Ms. Divine when she disappeared. Well that was abrupt.
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