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Old 07-06-2020, 10:57 PM   #43 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Zara H. Bunbury-Foster
Fifth Year
Default lovin' your mistakenames for WWW! :D
Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB

SPOILER!!: replies!
SPOILER!!: A spoiler within a spoiler
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
……. Nina didn’t need a ‘congratulations’ for having a boyfriend. The Hufflepuff (Minjae) had clearly missed the point entirely. Boys were so dense. Fortunately she refrained from rolling her eyes as she planned on being nice to him so long as he continued sharing his umbrella with her, which is why she was entirely confused when he suddenly lowered it! ”What are you doing!?” Of course she lifted her canvas bag over her head again to protect her hair! She had already told Williamson that they could simply move to the back to avoid having to put away the umbrella! Didn’t this hufflepuff care about the repercussions of drizzle on a perfect hairdo!?

Her hair was going to end up so frizzy ;___________________; As if being translucent didn’t make her ugly enough. Now she’d have frizzy hair too. This was truly the worst. Professor W had so wanted this to happen! He’s sadistic!

Something that he proved when he??? For some reason??? Decided to call Nina out in front of EVERYONE like that!! She shook her head to dismiss the question, only to feel the heat rising to her cheeks when he called her ARMADILLO. It was, perhaps, the first time that Nina felt thankful that she was transparent. This was the most humiliated she had ever felt during a lesson. She wanted to die. Could he tell??? Because her face just about said it all.

…………. And in true Hogwarts nature, it only got worse.

Of course! Nemesis Upstead had to be their usual unnerving self. They made Nina’s skin crawl. She knew for a FACT that Nemesis was not speaking in hypotheticals. And if their objective was to scare Nina into being hyper-aware of her surroundings for the duration of the lesson, then they succeeded. She attempted to scowl in Upstead’s direction (though she couldn’t manage to hide how mortified she felt). Her previous embarrassment due to Professor W’s comments coupled with his praise of Upstead’s answer only made Nina feel MORE upset!

All of this is why Williamson’s glance was met with further scowling. It was his fault they were in the rain! And he smelled HORRIBLE. Everything about this lousy day was his fault. She hated him. Which is also why she wouldn’t bother answering this next question either. It was his fault, really.

So... Miss Armada had nothing else to say....? Huh, alright. Williamson couldn't quite remember why she had such a sour expression and if he'd known he was the cause, he'd probably still not be bothered by it. But he DID wonder why she continued to come to his class when she was like this??? It was an elective, for Peeves' sake.

Originally Posted by Chelliephone View Post
K raised her hand and waited to be called on. "If memory serves," which it probably didn't. Not correctly. "Newt Scamander was expelled from Hogwarts due to having an illegal Jarvey. Which, considering the poor thing was locked up in the castle with a bunch of moody teenagers and no other Jarveys so I bet he was QUITE volatile and dangerous. Because environment." And who would have blamed the creature.
Actually, as far as WWW could ALSO recall, memory did serve the Hufflepuff correct! "That's right," he nodded to Khloe. "That's, er, the supposed reason he was expelled. AND nice connection to my previous question!" Or so he thought, according to a note he'd apparently written on the back of his right hand earlier today.

Q1 - ENVIRONMENT! Q2 - JARVEYS! Q3 - well that part was blurry, so, guess he'd be teaching off the cuff shortly.

Originally Posted by Magical Soul View Post
"Speaking of being aggressive," Ilya started right after she finished her answer. "They're pretty brutal when they're hunting those gnomes in gardens."
Oh hey, another good answer. "Precisely," he nodded to the Ravenclaw. "Some people use jarveys to remove their garden gnomes, although other people think that's... inhumane." Because jarveys WERE good hunters.

Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
“Well, they look similar to a ferret, don’t they?” . Was no one going to mention that obvious fact? No? “Apparently, they’re capable of human speech? I’ve never seen it but I’ve read about it”. He could have given more answers but being limited to one, he decided to let someone else get a word in.
"Er, yessss," that was obvious that they looked like ferrets, wasn't it? "There are a variety of theories as to how, exactly, jarveys came out. One popular one is that wizards tinkered with a pet ferret to try to make themselves a more entertaining pet; another is that they're actually the Gef from... from...." Well, from somewhere near Ireland, he thought, but he trailed off with a furrowed brow as he lost track of his thoughts. Why couldn't he remember the most basic facts about simple creatures, like jarveys?!

And had the prefect really never seen (or heard) a jarvey talk before? The professor scratched the back of his head. "Guess you're going to experience this for yourself today." See, there really was a silver lining to every cloud. Speaking of, the clouds overhead let out a warning boom of thunder, which reminded WWW that he needed to hurry up this lesson.

Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
The Snakette bit her lower lips as she tried not to laugh at Williamson’s defensiveness. Jarveys, in general, were usually rude. And in any case, they could pick up these phrases from anyone. Merlin knew even students could be foul mouthed too. “I know, Professor. Just a little joke, I promise.’’ Listen, aside from Rainwater and Eris, Williamson was the only other professor she felt truly comfortable with. Then she was shaking her head. “I’ll take a visit to the Healer after the lesson.’’ Just a determined student here to learn all that she could. And Claudine was feeling warm and fuzzy because he cared.

As she tried to focus on the answers to the fresh question, the third year pressed the back of her free hand against her nose as though trying to hold in another sneeze. She didn’t need Williamson forcing her back to the Castle. When she felt her nose had settled down, she raised the same hand. “Jarveys are classified as triple X by the Ministry. That means they should be no headache to witches or wizards who are skilled enough.’’
Oh, a joke. Alright. WWW was just tired from digging this pit of mud for what felt like forever, so he might have been less inclined to laugh than normal. "...if you're sure," was all he had to say to her comment about the Healer. What, he had to trust a kid's judgment now and then. And plus, he couldn't remember why he'd suggested she go see the Healer in the first place. His memory really WAS getting bad.

"Oh," right, he'd asked a question. "That's correct. They're really not that bad and I'd expect everyone here will handle one with ease." Ya hear that, kids? Your professor had faith in you. For now.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
When it was her turn, Naya gave her input. “Jarveys are usually found in Great Britain, Ireland and.......” Her mind had suddenly gone blank. And what? She knew there was one more place. After what seemed like an eternity, Naya was able to finish her answer. “North America.” Merlin! How could she forget that? Seriously?
Williamson nodded along, waiting for the Gryffindor's answer, trying to ignore the jarveys nearby, and waited as she thought up the last bit. Aha, there it was. "Correct on all accounts," he nodded one more time. At least, he thought she was right. He also couldn't even visualize a map of the world at the moment. It was all so blurry in his mind...

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
"Not only are they aggressive when hunting - Professor, they are BRUTAL with insults. Nasty little potty-mouths they can be! They say the worst things." She nodded as she lowered her hand. "Mostly I think they're funny, but sometimes I bet they're a bit much to handle." And they might get annoying after a long time. Imagine having to hear them go off at you alllllll the time. She wondered how any handlers of jarveys dealt with the little things!
"A great answer," Williamson replied to the Slytherin girl, name unknown at the moment, and to the class at large. "It depends on how easily annoyed you are, too, I think, if you would want to keep a jarvey as a pet or in your garden." Just his two cents there. Jarveys talked a lot more than dragons, for example, and were thus worse pets to him.

Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath suddenly got the weirdest feeling that he was being watched, and he looked up to see Windu squinting at him. Why? Did he do something wrong? If so, he had no idea what! Never mind, moving on… They were talking about Jarveys now. Heath considered the question, trying to recall something to say about the creatures that hadn’t already been said or even what had been said. He vaguely remembered once hearing his grandfather talk about using a Jarvey to de-gnome the garden, but… didn’t somebody already mention gnomes?

From there, his thoughts turned to other types of animals that Jarveys ate. Had anybody said that yet? He didn’t think so, but knowing his memory, he could never be sure! Before he could forget what he was going to say, he raised his hand. “In addition to gnomes, jarveys also eat rats, moles, and…” What was that other animal? He was drawing a blank. “... something else.” He couldn't believe he just forgot his own answer mid-sentence! Merlin, these memory lapses were embarrassing!
WWW didn't know why he was staring at the kid, he'd already forgotten why himself. He thought for a moment about staring down Nina Quesadilla instead, but blinked a few times when the Ravenclaw boy spoke up. Good for him, a good answer! "Hang on, maybe one of your classmates recalls..." he looked to the next hand being raised.

Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
"Animals magical or non magical feed of their environment, if it's stressful they are often anxious to." Blake added and then moved straight into the second question.

"They eat smaller rodents, moles, voles that sort of thing." Blake felt fairly confident about that answer, though he didn't know much about Jarvey's ... and the idea of it being a talking giant ferret he was kind of over this lesson before it even began.
And there it was, the other part of the Ravenclaw's answer. "Thanks, Bryan," he responded to the boy. "They do like rodents, moles, voles, gnomes, rats, mice, and occasionally owl pellets, if they can get their hands on them. I've also seen jarveys sneak bites of human food and candy, although none of that stuff- is really part of a healthy jarvey diet."

Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
She was about to offer up a response to the next question when she was cut off by the jarveys themselves. Avalon put her hand down, interested in what the creatures were saying. She peered into the cage curiously, but then she had forgotten Professor Willow's question again. Thankfully, the jarveys' yelps jogged her memory and gave her an idea of what to say. "They do speak, but it's difficult to have full conversations with them. Jarveys usually talk in short phrases." Kind of like how the one just screamed "can't touch this" and then skittered away.
Here we go, another good answer, and one WWW was pretty sure hadn't been said yet. Probably. Who knew? Who could remember five minutes ago? Not him, that was for sure.

"This is correct," he pointed out awkwardly, as she was, indeed, interrupted by some of the animals. He thought about reprimanding them, but one more student was speaking up.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Ugh he forgot that he did not raise his hand and answered in classes save for once (or he had forgotten that he had already spoken, take your pick) and his hand was raised again. "With jarveys capable of replicating human speech, does this mean that they must hear each word and insult before they speak it?" Like a parrot or portrait. "And would a jarvey be able to learn another language were it to be plucked from its English speaking environment and placed in one with another spoken language?"

He would ask why jarveys only spoke in insult but, well, he understood exactly why someone would speak that way. Just saying.
Oh look, it was James again.

"No," was his short response to the first question. "They're not like ravens. They're magical animals, James." Didn't he know this? Wasn't he like, a NEWT student? Were they still going to do NEWTs this year, or had that already happened? The Professor didn't know. Huh. He itched his stubbly chin thoughtfully. "I would say that this is possible, but I'd also like you to try to find this out for yourself." If he could, that is... maybe he'd have a chance to now.

Originally Posted by JARVEYS! View Post
It was a common misconception that jarveys only knew rude phrases. Some knew bits and pieces from a variety of the Indo-European languages. Some preferred to only speak in alliterative phrases. And others had developed catchphrases entirely of their own design.

Take the jarvey named Mollywobbles, for instance. She was currently lurking on the bottom of the cage and rubbing her two small paws together as though fretting over the students. "Dear dear dear dear," the middle-aged jarvey chattered. "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU SCREEEEEEEECH!!!!"

It was unclear who, precisely, interrupted Mollywobbles, but it may it may not have been her jarvey son, Ferret Bueller, who was currently engaged in a one-sided tug of war with the edge of one of the obstacles in the playground. He continued screeching, loudly, every time a student answer started to sound long-winded. "BIT MUCH? A BIT MUCH?" he yelped suddenly. "CAN'T TOUCH THIS." And then he took off in a whirl that involved knocking over both Mollywobbles and Kenny.

"Oi oi oi oi," Kenny
complained, grumpily slinking off to a corner to be alone for ONE MINUTE for once.
Now what was the next part of the lesson? Uhhh? The mini conversation between the jarveys, coupled with James' question, actually jogged William's memory, which was a good thing, because he'd already worn off some of the so-called permanent Muggle marker he'd written on one hand with.

"You might've heard a few of our school jarveys chattering just now," he stalled for time as he tried to think of what to do next. "I'm gonna... let you guys practice handling them now. Try your best to create a bond with a jarvey, feed them something here, er... and I'll introduce you to them too."

Yeah. He'd try to handle them and hand them out, yep yep. There was, conveniently, a list of the jarveys on the side of the playground/cage also, in case he forgot. Thank Merlin his past self (or maybe it was a previous professor who'd held his post) had thought to do this.

"So this is Albus," he slid his dragonhide gloves on and quickly reached into the cage to pick up the first jarvey. Unfortunately, his hand and gloves chose that moment to turn translucent, and his hand passed right through the jarvey.

Awesome. Excellent. See, THIS was why he'd spent two days digging that damn mud pit. NOTHING WAS WORKING ANYMORE, not even physics! "I didn't sign up to be a ghost," he muttered to himself, for the record, for anyone out there listening. He'd had plenty of opportunities to do so back in his days at the Ministry and he'd chosen NOT to become a ghost after death. Now it seemed he might be becoming one anyway without being given a choice in the matter.

He took a deep breath to appear calm to the students and his hand flickered back to normal. Uhhh. As he was saying. He managed to get hold of Albus and held him up for the class to see. "This is Albus. He's an albino ferret and has lived here at Hogwarts for a long time." Er, so he thought.

"Anyone wanna work with Albus? Come on up. You can work in pairs or alone or take turns trying to feed them and pet them. They need a soothing touch, now, just remember that." Yeah, they too had been disturbed by the loss of magic around here and the fact that he was running out of food for them. So...

OOC: Welcome to the mini-activity! Okay so I'm not going to RP introductions to all of the jarveys, but I will include a list below. Please note in your post title which jarvey you're grabbing and feel free to approach the same one as someone else; we'll just pretend you're taking turns or sharing or whatnot.

Do not RP for the JARVEYS! though. As you can see, they have their own SS account.

There's leftover cat treats from the start of the year, a bucket of dead mice and voles, and some kibble like this in a mostly-empty bag. Feel free to get creative lol. You could also pretend there's some old cat toys resting on top of the cage!

SPOILER!!: Posted List of School Jarveys
  • Albus (Albino) (M) - a long-haired, all-white, older jarvey with red eyes
  • Alice (F) - likes to preen; a very pretty, sleek jarvey
  • Ivory (Albino) (F) - intelligent jarvey, also all-white, related to Albus
  • Mozart (M) - very, very old, hard of hearing, but cuddly jarvey
  • Ferret Bueller (M) - sneaky, slippery, youngest jarvey, related to Mollywobbles
  • Maui (M) - handsome jarvey, v. good at tunneling and tumbling
  • Mollywobbles (F) - cuddly, jarvey mum of Ferret Bueller
  • Rubeus (M) - a large, curious jarvey who loves treats
  • Cersei (F) - a troublesome jarvey who likes to nip fingers
  • Kenny (M) - a long jarvey, sniffs everyone and everything, says "oi oi oi" a lot
  • Jolene (F) - a curious, slinky jarvey who does not like Alice
  • Pretzel (F) - a flexible young, friendly, and cuddly jarvey


yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________

__________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind
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