Join Date: Aug 2003 Location: Scotland, [GMT]
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Bennett Potter Slytherin Sixth Year Hogwarts RPG Name: Atlas Ward Ravenclaw First Year | Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori SPOILER!!: Replies! SPOILER!!: Ilya Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul OW!
Though Ilya made sure to swallow the pain shooting from Bernie's stupid foot to his watery eyes because he was a TOUGH boi. Boy. He totally wanted to shove her to the floor and shriek like a banshee, but he held himself because he was a good person. Just kidding, he held himself because professor Carwyn was now addressing them and taking five points ONLY from him???
"But but what about her??!?! She stomped on my foot! And caused a scene. At least I was doing it for learning purposes," he whipped his head sassily and frowned at the professor first then at the stupid Gryffindor, crossing his arms. What was this pang in his chest, you ask? That was the feeling of betrayal from both the professor and his so-called friend. "It's Belrose." He corrected halfheartedly, not correcting Bernie's last name. Carwyn did her a favour there, to be honest. Ilya, nose in the air, muttered. "Yeahfinewhateveri'msorryIguess." BLAH. Bernie was so getting ants in her bed tonight.
Now that they were forming a circle, Ilya moved AWAY from Bernie so he didn't stand next to her. He was going to stick to illustrating on non-Gryffindors from now on, lesson learned.
“Yes, yes.” That’s what he had said. “Desist now, or you will end up in detention. You gripped Miss Gralnam’s hair before she did anything.” He shot the young man a disapproving look - one that had withered many of his grandchildren into behaving - as if asking Ilya if he would like to continue arguing. Detentions were all magic-less right now, do you really want to push this subject right now?
Carwyn looked towards Ilya for an answer to the questions for the next section but when they were not forth-coming, he moved on to the next student for an answer. SPOILER!!: Bernie Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl "I did NOT!!!" Bernie loudly protested, making sure to defend herself from more possible Ilya attacks by holding her arms up like a karate expert (which she was not). She also conveniently couldn't remember if she had or had not actually stomped on Ilya's foot. It coulda been an accident, okay?!
But the professor was calling her over to him so she flounced thataway and stood next to him smugly. See, Granda liked her better than Illy boy! Hehehehe. The Claw had even had to apologize to her, which she mostly just recognized with a small, proud nod in his direction.
Now, as for this spell they were learning....without the use of magic... wellp, Bernie could only hazard a guess at best. "Uh, sir, what's the spell called?" She raised her hand, sure she'd missed something. "It's probably got a Latin incantation...." she added, hoping to jog the professor's (or someone else's) memory.
Carwyn had never studied karate himself, but he had sat through enough matches with Eliot to know that Bernie also knew nothing about how to defend herself without magic. Poor thing. Looking down at her, he gave her a chuckle as he nodded. “They often do, Miss Gantam … go stand in the circle.” He motioned for her to join everyone else as he looked around the circle to see whoever remembered what… wait what were they discussing again? He once again looked at the paper in his hand to keep him on track. SPOILER!!: Claudine Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Oh, wow.
Claudine had not expected her answer to be so well received. That definitely meant that she was thinking along the right lines. Also, must those two {the hair pulling/physical altercation duo} be so loud and dramatic? The Snakette tried to ignore them but they were kind of loud and she was failing in doing so.
Ms. Blank. Yes. That was her. Awh, she had gotten a mention. She was proud. Anyway… the conjuration of ropes was what they would be focusing on today. It already sounded complicated for conjuration was no easy task. Without hesitation, she did as instructed: she started to form a human circle with the others. “I think the incantation is Incacerata. No wait. It might be Incendio.’’ Claudine blinked in confusion at the professor.
She couldn’t remember and blankly lowered her hand.
Carwyn nodded. “You are really close, Miss Baze. The incantation is ‘incarcerous’.” And considering their memory issues right now, he was proud of how close that sounded. He gave her a proud smile, and a nod. “Incendio is for flames!” The fingers of one hand wiggled a little, as if flames were flickering. Though, really his fingers did it without his authorisation and he stopped after a few seconds when he actually realised he was doing it…. But why was he doing it? Weird… moving on. SPOILER!!: Aboli Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Was there a commotion involving Bernie? Of course there was. There was always something with Bernie. She listened intently to Eris and thought it was VERY interesting of him to want them to think of magical stuff when they couldn't very WELLLLLLLLL practice any magical stuff. Also, she literally couldn't remember anything about the spell.
Aboli went to stand in the circle he asked them to get into and waited for someone to offer an amazing answer she could bing off of. It didn't come, though, and everyone was being a whoooooole lot of useless, including herself, so she just sighed. "Professor, I know ropes come out of your wand when you do it. And THAT is why it's part of Transfiguration, right? Because you're producing the ropes from nowhere."
And that was the best she could offer right now.
Carwyn rubbed his jaw as he nodded at Aboli, and then listened to what she had to add to the mix. “Exactly. We are conjuring the ropes with our own magic and intent, which is part of Transfiguration.” Very good. He hoped Miss Swung knew he was proud of her remembering and contributing. ‘Cause he was! SPOILER!!: Naya Quote:
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 They were done walking? Ok. Naya joined her classmates in a big circle, as instructed by the professor. And then she was distracted by the Bernie/Ilya debacle. There was definitely never a dull moment in a Hogwarts class. Wait, what? What was the professor talking about? Conjuring ropes? Apparently this was the new topic of discussion.
Soooo many questions. You would think that with that many questions, Naya would be able to answer one. Nope. She was drawing a complete and total blank. Ropes. Ropes. Conjuring ropes. Ropes coming out of a wand. Yeah, she had nothing. Determined to come up with some sort of answer, Naya went for the first and most obvious thing she could think of. She reluctantly raised her hand. ”Um.....once the ropes come out of your wand, they wrap around the target.....and um.....they are bound.” Duh! Talk about stating the obvious. Sadly, it was all Naya could remember.
Again, calling on a student Carwyn paid attention to what they said. “Excellent Miss Linksea. Yes, once you cast the spell and ropes come out like Miss Swung said, they will wrap around the person you are trying to bind.” He paused and looked at Naya- “Do you happen to remember if the ropes are the same for everyone?” Just curious. SPOILER!!: Heath Quote:
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy Heath blinked, completely caught off guard by the professor's question. The whole point of putting on an act was to get his potential captive to follow him voluntarily. Once that happened, he could lead them wherever he wanted, like into a trap or prison, but he didn't dare try to clarify what he meant. Knowing him, he'd just say the wrong thing and embarrass himself again. His ideas made sense in his head, but not so much when he tried to put them into words.
He stared at the floor so that his dark hair would fall into his face and hide his blush. This felt unpleasantly familiar, but it took him a minute to place it. This was exactly like all those times in muggle school when he tried to make himself understood and failed miserably! The only thing missing was the chorus of students' laughter, which he half-expected to happen at any moment.
Wait, why was he so down on himself? Heath completely forgot as soon as Professor Erso said to stand in a circle! He joined the others and listened intently, though the information seemed to leak out of his brain just as soon as it entered. What spell were they talking about again? Something to do with rope conjuring… Heath thought for a minute. If this was the spell he thought it was, the wand movement looked a bit like a pretzel or an unfinished knot. But what if it wasn't? He didn't want to wrong in front of everyone! Not fully trusting his memory, he kept quiet.
Turning around the circle to get the last of the answers, the Professor gave Mr Jam a smile to see if he wanted to give any last snippets of information. However, when he didn’t say anything, the Professor simply moved on to see if he could get one last answer before he moved on.
…. He had hoped that they would have known more, but with things well, no matter. He could fill them in, that was his job! “So, as we have mentioned today we are going to be working on the incarcerous spell, that conjures ropes from thin air to bind and wrap around whatever you are pointing your wand at.” So far so good? “The charm is, as I said incarcerous. Everyone repeat after me - incarcerous.” He waited, knowing that they would need to say it many many times in the last bit of the lesson.
“Because it is part of the conjuration branch of magic, this is one of the more advanced spells -- but don’t worry we will have a good lesson today.” Y’know, since there was no magic they would be doing their best!
Turning a bit more to look at a different set of students he continued. “First things first, we need to make sure we are happy with the spell itself. The charm is incarcerous -” He repeated again. “Heavily influencing the KAR -- in-KAR-sir-us. Four syllabus.” He paused and repeated this again another few times, turning around to speak and show everyone in the circle. Why on earth were they standing in a circle??
“For your wand work, it is very simply, you did to point your wand towards the item, thing or person that you want to bind and then draw a …..” he paused, what was the right shape. “A-a pretzel! Yes, a pretzel in the air.” He stopped again and drew the shape in the air a few times for them all to see with his wand. Start on the left, loop up on the left, down around the bottom, up on the right this time and end on the bottom right like a twisted almost-preztel. Mmmm cinnamon pretzels sounded great right now.
Wait, no. No getting distracted.
“Now, please make note that you aren’t to sway, flourish or brandish your wand as that will not give you accurate results… if any.” Obviously, their magic wasn’t going to work right now anyway, but if they could actually be practicing, it wouldn’t work. You know. Telling them for the future when they could practice properly.
“I want you to work with the person on your right today. You need one pillow and one piece of rope between your pair…” He paused and motioned to both piles that were by his desk.” “So decide who is going to go and get them, and then find yourself a space to work in.”
He gave them time to get sorted and then looked around the room again. “Set the items on the floor between you to start with. I want you to practice saying the incantation - incarcerous - and the want motion. As we have no magic, don’t worry about your wands, but I want you to practice the motion regardless. You have five minutes to practice your pronunciations and wand motion and then we will do the last part of the activity before we move onto the game.” OOC: Hi everyone! So, practice your pronunciations and your motions in pairs then we will move on! I’ll post in about 14-15 hours or so with the second part of the mini-activity! <3 Have fun!
Pick anyone to work with that could have been standing beside your character in the circle and have fun!
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