Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Bernie almost ran into the person ahead of her (was that Ilya?!) when they suddenly switched directions of walking. WELP. SHE DIDN'T LIKE RUNNING INTO PEOPLE. He was behind her now so... she turned around grumpily stomped after the person ahead of her. Hogwarts without magic sucked, but classes ESPECIALLY sucked. If she'd wanted to live like a Muggle she'd have just gotten herself expelled by now.
So anyway.
"I'd trap 'em, like Ab...Ab...Abby and K...ennifer said, but here's how," she answered when it was her turn. So sorry to the names of the older classmates she was butchering. She could NOT remember anything today. She shoulda had more tea at brekkie.
"First I'd lure them to a room with false pretenses, like telling them they were gonna learn magic and then making all the magic go away, and if that trap alone didn't work and they were STILL around, I'd make them play a silly game like Simon Says or Duck Duck Goose, which is ALSO a trap because then they'd be distracted and walking all around for no reason, and then when THAT didn't work, I'd pull a lever on the wall to open up a big trap door and then they'd fall in and I'd catch 'em. And maybe I'd put a net in the floor to catch 'em, and then I'd crank a DIFFERENT lever and it would raise them up from the floor in a big net. Like bad guys use." Stomp stomp stomp in a circle. A STUPID circle. This was a TRAP!!! Bernie GLARED at the floor to make sure it didn't look like a disguised trap door but WHO COULD TELL?! She also threw a GLARE up to the ceiling to check for a hidden net. BUT WHO KNEW, it could be invisible, and coulda had a spell put on it from The Times Before We All Lost Magic. WHAT WAS THEIR GRANDA SLASH PROFESSOR UP TO?!! She was Highly Suspicious!!!
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |