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Old 06-24-2020, 04:32 AM   #38 (permalink)
Sunny Raine
Resident reporter
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Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 294

Wasn’t anyone going to say thank—

Holy guacamole!

The castle was falling! Not literally, that would be very silly. Sunny did get that woozy feeling in the pit of his stomach though. The literature hadn’t warned about this sensation, but sometimes academic texts left something to be desired. In any case, magic was back and they were saved, eh?

Which is why he wore a look of ultimate confusion in response to all of the question asking. "No, no, the problem should be—"

In waving his hands around, he finally took notice to the fact that they seemed to be lacking… colour. Huh. He didn’t have much time to linger on the thought, however, because shortly after noticing his own transparency, he looked up to see the perpetually unhappy headmaster. "Well, would you look at that!" He checked his (useless) watch. "Almost time for supper. Better go wash up, eh?" He needed to figure out what went so wrong.
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