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Old 06-21-2020, 10:19 PM   #129 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Norman A. Carton

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sydney M. L. Masters
First Year
Default Wanderer
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

SPOILER!!: Carsyn
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Carsyn was trying EXTRA HARD to CONCENTRATE on remaining quiet and was doing a mostly good job of maintaining her distance and vigilance. Although the squeaky noises of someone's feet was rather distracting to the cause but the Gryffindor would like to say she was actually doing pretty well.

It was when she decided to adjust her position because her hands were cramping up from resting on them in the cornfields that she sat up to shake them out and she felt it. A tap. "Eeeeeeeeek!!!" she flicked on her light to shine to see her attacker. "Expecto patro---" she started but it was too late. She knew it was.

"Oh. Heath. Ya got me. Soooo i get to be a bubak now I guess??" And the light was back off as she went to scope out a victim.

Heath jumped slightly at the noise the Gryffindor prefect made when he tapped her. He half-expected she’d notice him before he had the chance, but somehow that didn’t happen. Apparently he was really good at being quiet and invisible… must be the years of practice he had in muggle school!

Dark eyes blinked against the shining light. "So I did," Heath replied with a slight smile… one the older girl probably wouldn't see because he was still wearing the bubak mask. As for her question, he shrugged. "Yeah, I think so…" He couldn't actually recall what the headmaster's instructions were at the moment, but that made as much sense as anything.

Okay, so if she was now a bubak, Heath supposed that made him a wanderer. Great. Somehow playing a frightened wanderer didn't seem as much fun as playing a bubak. He'd basically be playing himself, and where was the challenge in that? Unless… what if he wasn't a frightened wanderer but an aggressive, battle-damaged one?

Already formulating an idea for a character, Heath removed his bubak mask and took the flashlight out of his pocket. The paint splatter still on his face from before would help him look like he'd already fought a bubak, but he could do better! He undid his tie and rolled up his sleeves. After running a hand through his hair to make it stick up, he thought he looked sufficiently beat up and took off in the opposite direction.

Heath decided his character had watched a loved one get taken… eaten… whatever a bubak did to its victim, while narrowly escaping himself. Now he was out for revenge! He knelt beside the nearest dummy, his head bowed as if mourning a fallen comrade. This was all for dramatic effect, of course. Neither Heath nor the character he played would let their guard down for long! After a moment, he rose quietly, the sadness in his eyes giving away to determined fire. He backed away, brandishing his darkened flashlight. Here, bubak, bubak! Come out, wherever you are!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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