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Old 06-21-2020, 06:17 PM   #128 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Join Date: Jul 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Roman Gellar
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Arden Toros
Sixth Year
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Default A BUBAK! kinda.
A Poop * k8 *

SPOILER!!: Avalon and Isla
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Why was this corn so tall?! Avalon had to use her arms to forge a pathway through the stalks. And the grass kept hitting her in the face. A few times, she heard what she thought was rustling behind her, but it turned out to just be her own feet moving through the field. The Ravenclaw had just paused for a moment to listen for any "bubaks," when a growl sounded from behind her. Immediately, she whipped her flashlight up toward the predator. "EXPECTO PATRO----" But then there was a beam of light shining in her own eyes. Avalon squinted into the beam, using her flashlight hand to cover part of her face from the bright light. The delay gave her classmate enough time to grab her.

Avalon turned around to see Isla and Aboli. She let out a laugh. They must have gotten their signals crossed. "Ooo, a three-way capture!" She flicked off her light. "I guess we're both bubaks now?"

And with that, Avalon grabbed her cloak and mask. Now she had to be the bad guy. Her stealth skills were probably a little better than average, but it would be hard to catch people through all this corn.
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
In the darkness of the classroom, it was really hard to figure out where everybody was at and who was playing what role. Isla had pretty much thrown out the idea of 'Constant Vigilance' and being aware of her surroundings long ago. Her gaze was only focused on the wanderer in front of her (aka Avalon).

So because of that, Aboli caught her off guard when there was a sudden flash of light spreading across Avalon's face. Huh? Isla actually stumbled a bit and had to catch her balance before looking up to see what the outcome of her attack was. Apparently...she'd attacked them both? Well, that was a little unexpected, but okay. She laughed along. "Well, that was easy. Two for the price of one," she said. She waved them both off and headed off to attack somebody else. "Welcome to the dark side," she said over her shoulder.

So it was dark, which was working against her, and there suddenly seemed to be a full classroom of bubaks. Was anybody a wanderer anymore? Isla supposed she could switch roles, but that wasn't exactly covered in the rules, was it? Had the professor even given them rules? She seriously needed to work on her memory skills...



Aboli laughed, relieved, when her classmate did as well. At least Avalon wasn't mad at her. She nodded at Isla. "Avalon and I are both BUBAKS NOOOOW! ALL BEWARE," she said with a slight smirk before heading off in another direction...looking for a pREY...her mask over her head now.

Hereeeee little prey...C'MEREEEEEE! She held her flashlight in one hand and was acting like her other was a reaching claw, reaaaaaching out in front of her in sinister movements. She wanted to CATCH SOMEONE -


Did Headmaster Trent know this would be the perfect scenario to like, snog someone? The thought randomly crossed her mind, and she thought it was too bad she had nobody to snog. Else this dark classroom would be PERFECT and Trent might not even notice.

What a SHAME it was!

...Er, what was she doing again? She flashed her flashlight on and off a few times trying to jot her memory.
"You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough."

Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin
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