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Old 06-21-2020, 01:26 AM   #119 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

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Default Bubak going for Naya
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Naya was just getting into the creepy, weird story when the Headmaster called it to an end. So did the kids get eaten or not? She wanted to know. Anyway, it was time to talk about the bubak and the Gryffindor was listening intently. This creature was definitely made for spooky stories.

They were moving on and the activity/game seemed interesting. Naya looked down at her flashlight. Odd. She was a wanderer. She’d kind of prefer to be a bubak because they did the hunting. Being a wanderer was scarier because someone was inevitably going to jump out at her. Whatever. She was going to do her best to wander and hide and not get bubaked.

Naya went amongst the tall grass and tried to hide. That was kind of impossible, but she was going to give it her best shot. Flashlight at the ready, she crouched down and tried to listen for any approaching bubaks. If she could hear them coming, she could get away........hopefully.
Being a bubak was really fun, Phoebe had discovered, mostly because she got to seat herself in the dark and let people creep around her and the fact that she was there was a SECRET. She wanted to flick her flashlight in their faces, but none of them were close enough to touch and she had to touch them, right? That was the point of this game?

And then she heard someone coming right past her, right within reach of where she was crouching. Phoebe waited until she was nearly trod upon, and recognized that the wanderer was Naya. NAYA. One of her favorites!

Still going down! Phoebe reached for the girl's ankle in the dark, not realizing that it was going to be absolutely terrifying to be grabbed that low out of nowhere.
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