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Old 06-20-2020, 05:46 PM   #116 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Avalon Sinclair
Default captured! now we're a bubak

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Isla peeked down at her flashlight. Ohh, fourteen. BUBAK IT IS! She cut off her flashlight and secured her mask in place. She wandered off into the darkness of the room and stood there pretending to be a scarecrow. Or a bubak. Or a whatever it was.

Pretty soon, she saw a wanderer coming along. Isla squinted her eyes in the darkness of the room, but she still couldn't make out who the wanderer was. Well, she saw the girl's face, but she couldn't quite put a name with a face for some reason. Must be a new kid or something.

Regardless, she was a bubak, and the new kid was a wanderer, and that meant Isla needed to attack her. When she came closer, Isla jumped out of her hiding place. She pretended to attack like a real bubak would, but what she was actually doing was showing all her teeth and making an attempt to tap Avalon on the back. She didn't know what else to do to make herself seem like a real bubak, but there was growling and teeth-showing and the whole nine yards.

Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
SPOILER!!: Avalon and Isla

Aboli though bubaks sounded cool. Both the SOUND of the name and the way they were. Cool cool cool. "Maybe in my next life I can be a bubak and eat people's souls." She muttered under her breath, flickering her flashlight on and off below her chin. She chilled THAT out, though, because it might burn out her flashlight, and she didn't need Headmaster Trent to get mad at her for something so silly. Her flashlight had a neat ole' 25 on it, and so she was a wanderer. She began creeping around, flashes of light here and there penetrating through the darkness as her classmates attempted to combat the bubaks!


Aboli crept along, hearing motions nearby...when...she...TOUCHED something with her foot, squeaked, and heard Isla's roar - only instead of flashing the flashlight in ISLA'S FACE - she accidentally expecto-patronum'd a beam of light into AVALON'S FACE.

Did this mean they were both dead? Soulless? WHAT?
Why was this corn so tall?! Avalon had to use her arms to forge a pathway through the stalks. And the grass kept hitting her in the face. A few times, she heard what she thought was rustling behind her, but it turned out to just be her own feet moving through the field. The Ravenclaw had just paused for a moment to listen for any "bubaks," when a growl sounded from behind her. Immediately, she whipped her flashlight up toward the predator. "EXPECTO PATRO----" But then there was a beam of light shining in her own eyes. Avalon squinted into the beam, using her flashlight hand to cover part of her face from the bright light. The delay gave her classmate enough time to grab her.

Avalon turned around to see Isla and Aboli. She let out a laugh. They must have gotten their signals crossed. "Ooo, a three-way capture!" She flicked off her light. "I guess we're both bubaks now?"

And with that, Avalon grabbed her cloak and mask. Now she had to be the bad guy. Her stealth skills were probably a little better than average, but it would be hard to catch people through all this corn.
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