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Old 06-20-2020, 12:49 PM   #112 (permalink)

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Jocelyn Bryce
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Default 8 bubak
books and cleverness | i like you a latte

Text Cut: Eiji xD
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Every intention of LEAVING before he got roped into playing some background character or doing literally anything related to acting, Eiji had himself halfway through the door by the time the headmaster had corrected him. Only the headmaster seemed a bit confused himself so...did that count as reason enough to bolt? The Slytherin had precisely zero incentive to paint...grass. Or paint anything for that matter. Defense Against the Dark Arts and Crafts indeed. As clever as the words of that one little Gryffindor had been, Eiji was NOT here for this.

Also, there were not frogs. If anything there was a rabbit. At least that was the fable he had grown up hearing but WHATEVER. That was an answer for his little sister to offer up, not him. He was still trying to calculate his exit. There was no way any of this was going to help him for his NEWTs...if those even ended up happening.

WHY were people eating corn? Gryffindors. H O N E S T L Y. And that frog girl's birthday. Great. Could he leave now? Especially now that Bernadette was singing.

Blowing out candles was easy enough to manage while he made his way back around towards the door - since he had to double back once the headmaster called him out - so he was doing that when his path crossed with Missa who...well, he had no idea what THAT face was for but he blew out the candle just beside her. "Not a clue." But then she was off collecting things as instructed because...of course she was. Apparently no sneaking out with her then.

Only problem was that now that it was darker in the room he couldn't SEE anything but the circle the headmaster was forming around him...for story time. Nooooooooooooooooo thank you. Eiji instead reached out until he felt a wall and then he began patting it until he found himself in the corner of the room...which wasn't where he was HOPING to end up (ie THE DOOR) but it would do. Hood up on his robes, the seventh year slid down the wall to sit in the corner and...may as well settle in for a nap... was night time, right? It was dark and all had he ended up in this corner again? Whatever. He felt grumpy and didn't want to deal and there were people babbling nonsense way over that way....and then Eiji was jumping where he sat when one of the voices SHOUTED about an attack. Which had Eiji rolling away from the wall and patting his pocket for his wand which....wasn't on him. Wait...where was his wand? Had he dropped it? Must have dropped back towards the area he had rolled away from he went, patting the ground looking for the wand he had forgotten he had not even brought with him in the first place since magic was not a thing at the moment.

Was he in class still? Plum forgotten that too. Just...casually over here looking for his wand.

The story was actually not too bad. At least, that's what she thought based on the little that she could remember. When the professor summarised the traits of the bubak and defence method - a patronus, ugh - she jotted down as much of it as possible. She also made sure to write "DADA Bubak" clearly on top of her page of notes, which would help to jog her memory during revision in the future. At the professor's words, she looked down at the flashlight she was holding (since when did she own a flashlight?) and noticed the number 8 on it. An even number, so she was a big bad bubak. She grinned and listened attentively to the rules, determined to remember them well.

After putting on her mask, she went into the cornfield excitedly, her arms outstretched like a scarecrow. It felt good to be the seeker and not the hider. The dark setting and what she just heard about the bubak would have been enough to frighten her enormously if she were a wanderer. Unfortunately, she was also a terrible bubak. She had walked through the field too confidently and quickly that she missed any wanderer who might have been hiding in plain sight. She now found herself at a corner of the room ... aha, there was someone here on the ground! Of course, she should have checked the edge of the field first, because kids are likely to hide there. She howled like a wolf for some reason and reached out to attempt to poke the person on the shoulder.
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