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Old 06-19-2020, 02:41 PM   #103 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Norman A. Carton

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sydney M. L. Masters
First Year
Default idk how this post got so long! (#16 Bubak)
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Heath noticed the thumbs up Islay gave him and returned it with a slight smile, but his smile instantly faded upon hearing a couple of girls (Phoebe & Ivy) shriek and squeak. Feeling slightly guilty, he shot the pair apologetic looks and mouthed, Sorry! He didn’t really mean to scare anyone; he was just deeply in character.*

Blink, blink. Well, this story just took a very weird turn! Heath listened, waiting patiently for another dramatic opportunity to jump in and get things back on track, but Headmaster Trent ended the story before he had the chance. Wait, that was it? No fighting, no one getting attacked by the bubak? Wow, that was… anticlimactic! But there wasn’t time to dwell on the story’s disappointing ending. He rummaged through his bag for a quill and parchment to take notes before he completely forgot everything the headmaster said about the bubak. He was dutifully jotting things down when one fact in particular captured his attention. That cart sounded pretty cool! He wished he had a cart drawn by black cats, or any color cats really. Ooh, what about a cart drawn by Loth-cats? He wanted one of those!

Upon hearing what the defense against a bubak was, Heath was kind of glad magic wasn’t working. Even if it was, he knew he wouldn’t be able to produce a patronus in the timespan of a single lesson, so this saved him the humiliation of failing in front of everyone! He did, however, wonder what form his patronus would take if/when he ever managed to produce one. Wouldn’t it be neat if it took the form of something like a wampa or a sarlacc? Obviously that wasn’t possible, but it was still fun to think about. Wait, what were they talking about again? He’d completely zoned out! Oh, right… the bubak.

Heath listened eagerly to the instructions. The more he heard, the less it sounded like an acting exercise, and the more it sounded like a game of tag, only with flashlights and costumes.Okay, so even numbers are bubaks; odd ones are wanderers; no roughhousing… No problem! Heath was well versed in stage fighting, so it wasn’t necessary - and even if it was, he wouldn’t do it. The no screaming rule, however… that was disappointing. Way to suck all the drama out of the activity! Now he’d have to work a lot harder to convincingly play a frightening bubak… assuming he got to play one at all.

Please be an even number, Heath thought as he looked at his flashlight. He’d rather not play a quiet, fearful wanderer, thanks! That was too much like his real personality. He read the number on the bottom, and… 16. Yes!*

He looked around, mentally forming a plan of attack, and decided the best strategy was to use the element of surprise. He turned away, walking toward the tallest part of the cornfield. It was only when his back was turned that he adjusted his cloak and put his mask on so that no one would be able to tell if he was a wanderer or a bubak until they were right upon him. He stuffed the flashlight in his pocket for now and hid behind the tall grass, arms outstretched like a scarecrow's, just waiting for the right opportunity to strike.
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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