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Old 06-18-2020, 10:18 AM   #94 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emmerson N. J. Cambridge
Sixth Year
x12 x12
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

Some of these students were reminding him why they couldn't have nice things. No name calling--mostly because he wasn't confident he'd get them right--but they probably knew who they were and what they'd done. The man could only hope.

"The crying was a lie, Trent was never there. He wouldn't accept liability for kids walking through a dark cornfield. The end." Just like that, the story was over. For the briefest moment, Malachi thought he'd remembered why he had them set the room up and grab cloaks and wanted to hop to it before he forgot again.

But first.

Some information.

"Let's recap. The bubak is a dark creature," No doubt they already knew that, "which, depending on culture, can go by many names. It's said that it appears to take away the children who disobey their parents but has also been known to take adults who also break rules. It--" Hang on, "You might want to take some notes--it takes the form of a scarecrow and has a skeletal appearance as well as a black cloak that it hides its victims in before taking them away. Usually, it lures them in with the sound of a crying baby."

So don't try to be the hero, basically.

"They prowl in dark places and are most common on nights of the full moon." Here, he paused to turn the light of the flashlight onto the moon they'd hung. See? It made sense.

"Some say it eats its victims, others say it steals your soul. I trust none of you will try to find out for yourself in unsafe ways." Not that they currently could. "It's also said that it travels between the realm of the living and the dead in a cart drawn by black cats and the only real defense is, as you may have guessed...or read....a patrnous." Lights. Flashlights. Hmm? Hmmmmm? Making sense?

"That's what we'll be simulating today. If you look at your flashlights, you'll see they have a number. Even numbers put your masks on and keep your lights off, you're the bubak. Odd numbers, you'll be the wanderers to start. Rules." Because there had to be a few. "If your bubak classmate manages to get hold of you before you can shine a light--the patronus--they've taken your soul and you are now the bubak. They will become a hapless wanderer in your stead. No shoving. No screaming. No rough grabbing. Wanderers, you may not have your light constantly on, it must be off until you feel threatened. Trust your instincts. Even though there's no magic, I expect you to use the incantation; expecto patronum. You'll go through the tall grass in the cornfield we've created. It's pretty high so don't expect to see over it. Happy, I guess. Go."

OOC: Tiiiiime for the main activity guys!! It's all as Trent says. You can choose if your character got an even number or an odd number, just try to keep the field balanced please <3 I'll wrap this class up on June 21 st

So we're clear, in the dark, one group is wandering and the other is hunting them. The hunting group (bubaks) will have to find a way to sneak up on the wanderers. A touch is enough. They will then switch places and become the wanderer. The wanderer will become a bubak. You may not decide if your character has caught someone else's, you may only RP the attempt. The final decision is left to the person being grabbed.

Any questions, feel free to gimme a nudge
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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