A Poop * k8 *
Aboli had grabbed a cloak, a flashlight, and had gathered near Trent when...what...who had a birthday and why should Aboli care? Like really...she didn't care unless it was someone she liked. But for now, she didn't join in because WHY would she???
Story time?
Merlin. She was growing less impressed with the lesson as it went on, but was mildly amused that they could ADD to the story themselves. So...there were questionably behaved children AND well-behaved children..and there was a bubak dressed like a scarecrow and BABIES WERE CRYING? She thought she had gotten that all correct. To be frank, she was having trouble following along, honestly, but when it got to be her turn, she cleared her throat.
She HAD done her reading. Bubaks were rad as heck, and Aboli wanted to meet one. Her obsession with bones notwithstanding, she thought they were cool. "The crying caused ALL of the children to wonder where in the WORLD it was coming from...." she added her bit with a nod. "And so...they started seaaaaarching around for these poor, poor babies."
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |