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Old 06-16-2020, 02:32 AM   #63 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Norman A. Carton

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sydney M. L. Masters
First Year
Rhibear ~ Madam Solo ~ Dark Brooding Girl ~ Accio Jedi ~ Gryffinclaw ~ Just a doll

Heath’s mood instantly brightened when the headmaster said he made an interesting point. Now if only he could remember what it was he actually said! Oh well, no time to think about it now. Trent was talking again, and… wow, that was a lot of directions! He listened carefully, trying to commit the instructions to memory, but everything seemed to leave his brain as quickly as it entered. What was he supposed to do again? Draw the moon, hoist the tall grass and corn, drag the candles to the field, get a curtain from the box… No, that couldn’t be right! None of that made any sense!

Confused, Heath looked around to see what everyone else was doing. Maybe that would give him some clue. He saw some people carrying dummies. That seemed like as good a place as any to start, especially since he was already standing beside a dummy. He grabbed the dummy’s arm and dragged it to the middle of the corn field. He went back for another one, placing it next to the first, and was about to get a third when he remembered there was something else he was supposed to do. But what was it?

He watched several students blowing out the candles around the arena and assumed that was the thing he was supposed to do next. Why did Headmaster Trent want all the candles out? Then it would be too dark to see anything, and somebody could fall off the stage and get hurt! Never mind, he wasn’t going to argue about it. He joined the others in blowing out the candles until he heard singing and clapping. Wait, so he wasn’t supposed to blow out the candles? They were for someone’s birthday? Oops! Sorry, birthday person!

As Heath’s dark head whipped around in the direction of the singing, paint splattered his face. “Hey!” he blurted out, more out of surprise than anything else. The thought crossed his mind to tell off… whoever that girl with the paintbrush was (Bernie), but he decided against it. Maybe he could use the paint for dramatic effect. If the dummies were supposed to be injured, maybe it would make sense for him to look injured too? Ooh, that reminded him that he still didn’t have his costume.

Heath retrieved a cloak and mask and… what was that other thing he was supposed to get? Flashlight, right. Hold on… cloak, mask… ASDFJKL!!! WERE THEY DOING THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA?!?!? Just save time and cast him in the title role right now! HIs eyes darted from the objects in his hands to the dummies onstage. Wait, that didn’t make sense! The Phantom’s victims wouldn’t be all bloodied up like that. Ooh, he had it! They were doing Jekyll & Hyde! That was even better!

Getting into character, Heath put his cloak on sort of sideways so that it only covered his left side, the same side as the paint spatter on his face. After ruffling up his hair on that side, he decided he probably looked enough like Hyde, but he’d also have to play Jekyll too. Before he could finish getting into character, some girl’s (Phoebe) voice startled him. Wait, she wasn’t supposed to be murdered. He wasn’t even onstage yet! She must’ve missed her cue; either that or he did. Now he was all kinds of confused!
Old voices I had thought long since dead whisper of another life I might have led

If I could take that second chance, If I could make my life anew, If only dreams came true...
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