Voting OPEN! connoisseur of comfort ❅ Crayola's Wibby Mrs Alex Turner ❅ Netflix and meow ‘Sup peeps! We hope you’re not too Higgledy Piggledy’d out yet because it’s time to check out some House Haikus! We want to give a HUGE shoutout to everyone who has gotten involved and sent in a haiku, we’ve had some absolutely top notch submissions. Honestly, you’re all amazing and we’re in awe of your creative brains.
If you weren’t able to send one in, don’t worry, you’ve now got the chance to get involved by admiring all the wonderful entries and voting for your favourites. So without further ado! 1.
C h A o T i C . n e u t r a l
Some might describe me as such
Well then, hear me R O A R
Yet not all Snakes say,
"Let me see the manager!"
Some Snakes are in charge.
Pride of the pack, loud
and proud; together we stand!
Red! Gold! Hear me ROAR!
And Salazar said,
"I'll take all the cool students:
Ambitious and shrewd!"
5. striped blur in action
bared teeth, hissing at danger
badgers still stand strong
To all Slytherins,
My close-knit fraternity: [speaks in Parseltongue]
Just, brave, cunning, wit
Higgledy Piggledy House
Which one are you not?
House of Slytherin.
Shrewd, cunning, and self-assured:
Home of the Karens. VOTING RULES- Please vote for your top TWO entries.
- We know it's tempting, but no voting for your own entries!
- Entries AND votes should be kept anonymous.
- Voting closes on Thursday June 18th.
- Good luck to all!
__________________  _____________Take part in our Higgledy Piggledy House Cup! |