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Old 06-15-2020, 01:52 AM   #52 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sloane Aubrey Knott
Second Year

SPOILER!!: Reply to Minjae Before he left to go to paint the Moon
He really couldn’t judge Minjae on the no presents thing. It wasn’t his priority but to each their own. He was more concerned with no seeing his family and niece. ”Ah, I’m sorry man. I mean, I didn’t get any either in the typical sense either really so…”.

He’d never really spent too much time at the seaside for him to really notice if the waves were in fact larger at the full moon but he’d take the Professors word for it. Maybe he’d have to try his hand at surfing someone and then see first-hand although maybe avoiding the full moon then might be a better idea, what with him never actually having surfed.

After fluffing the brush to make sure that it was in good nick, he dipped it lightly into the paint to make sure there were no drippers and then began painting, only partially listening to some of his classmates answers as his mind focused on the monotonous job of painting the moon. Still, at least the Professor was there to help too and to be fair, he was doing a decent job at it, not that this was a particularly taxing job.

With the painting of the moon being completed, the prefect took a step back and admired his their handywork. After painting it though, hoisting it up wasn’t something he really fancied doing so he let other students volunteer for that job while he headed over to the box to grab a flashlight and mast. With both things in his hand, he looked around and surveyed the class, his eyes searching for something to help with.

SPOILER!!: Phoebe
Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
Blowing out candles was JUST LIKE a birthday, right? Like Nettie said! Phoebe gladly abandoned where she was tying cloaks into knots and pinning pieces together and grabbed up the nearest candle. Make a wiiiiiiiish and blow it out!

This was a weird activity, though, wasn't it? Were they going to just make scenery and put on some sort of play, rather than learning a lesson? Was it punishment for trying to get eaten by a kelpie earlier in the term?

And why was she holding this candle? Phoebe spotted a lit candle nearby and held her unlit candle up to it, relighting it and setting it back by her feet. Oh, more unlit candles! Light all the candles!

”Uhh…Phoebe. Weren’t they supposed to blow out the candles? He had heard that right, right? Heading over to the third year, he put one hand on her shoulder and bent down to blow out the candle she was lighting. ”We’re supposed to be blowing them out, not re-lighting them”, an amused smile on his face now as he looked at the line of candles she’d already lit again.
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