06-14-2020, 06:43 PM
Interrogation/Viewing Rooms and Holding Cells INTERROGATION ROOMS
The interrogation rooms each have an unbreakable, one way mirror and a heavy door on one wall. Behind the mirror, of course, MLE employees can stand and observe the interrogation currently being conducted. These mirrors are charmed and not always activated. Sometimes they simply appear to be mirrors on both sides. Any investigation carried out within these rooms will be recorded in pensieve form for later review.
There is no escaping these rooms but likewise, if you're within one, you'll be perfectly safe from anyone seeking to cause you harm, unless said person happens to be the employee who brought you in here. Not to worry, while some rough housing does happen from time to time. Law Enforcement officers are required to leave you alive and in relative similar condition to when you'd been brought in. ROOM 1:
The holding cells are sparsely decorated, closed off with heavy bars. The inside has table and a chair, as well as a makeshift bed which are all secured to either the wall or the floor. In some cases, both. A light hangs from the ceiling. Despite the precarious way it swings gently this way and that it is just as securely held in place and cannot be removed. It casts a yellow glow that is constantly and lazily in motion around the gray room. It may be in your best interest to ignore the occasional screams that come from the neighbouring cells. Not everyone can accept the concept of confinement. Don't be one of them.
There is no escaping these rooms but likewise, if you're within one, you'll be perfectly safe from anyone seeking to cause you harm. ROOM 1:
ROOM 3: OOC: The only people allowed to post in these rooms are MLE employees including the department head and those who are being held in the Holding Cells. All others will be deleted, unless you have permission from Felixir. |