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Old 06-14-2020, 04:12 AM   #40 (permalink)

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Join Date: Mar 2019
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Avalon Sinclair

Text Cut: some mentions before class
Avalon nodded back as Nina joined her. She wasn't really up for small talk this afternoon, but it was nice to have some company nonetheless. And she figured Nina would be okay with not chatting - she didn't seem like the chatty type. Her eyes lingered on the Slytherin's interesting choice of footwear for just a moment, but she quickly realized Nina's growing embarrassment. Avalon shrugged and let the girl hide behind her - she would always help a fellow gal out in a fashion emergency. "Don't worry, I went into the Great Hall last week with my pajama bottoms on underneath my robes," she said, reaching behind her to pat Nina on the arm reassuringly. "And I didn't realize it until I was halfway through breakfast."

And then Ewan was joining them, too. Avalon gave him a smile, chuckling at his comment about her translucency. "Speak for yourself, Jones," she quipped back, motioning to his translucent arm. At least they were all experiencing the weirdness together. She would be much more concerned if she was the only one who was turning paler every day and wearing pajamas during daylight hours.

Avalon flinched as the door clicked shut. It wasn't a slam or anything, but she had been completely zoning out, staring at the boxes of stuff on the stage while trying to remember if she had finished her Charms homework or not. And then she momentarily forgot what class she was in, until the noise broke her train of thought. Her eyes flicked back to the Headmaster. Right. Defense Against the Dark Arts. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her head.

As far as non-magic lessons went, this one didn't seem too bad so far. Avalon made her way over to the fabric, her mood slightly better now that she knew she'd be working with clothing. She never would have guessed that her sewing skills would come in handy for Defense Against the Dark Arts....of all classes! She joined Kimmie and Aboli, taking some pieces of cloth and carefully pinning them into place before adding to the discussion. "Some legends say that magic in general is stronger during a full moon," she said as she began sewing the fabric. Avalon didn't believe it, but she knew that some old stories talked about witches and wizards experiencing a magical surge during a full moon.
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