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Old 06-13-2020, 08:48 PM   #31 (permalink)
Hey Ju

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Join Date: Dec 2011
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Scarlett Mordaunt
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brenna Kavanaugh
Second Year

x8 x4

Catherine, once again, was not amused. Yes, she was annoyed, but she didn't remember why. It was probably something to do with Noah or Cecelia. That was normally it, so maybe this time it was that as well. Still, the fact she couldn't remember did not help her already bad mood, but at least it was time for Potions class.

Only it wasn't. It was Defence Against the Dark Arts. Argh. It was a good thing she was always early to classes, as she had plenty of time - just about, really - to get to the DADA classroom before her own brother slammed the door shut.


She sent him a pointed look. At least she wasn't the kid on the other side of the door, though. Still. Rude. Their father would hear about it. Only he wasn't because of the current situation. Sigh.

The Ravenclaw listened to what Headmaster Trent had to say, and her mood got slightly better as she heard they would be painting some stuff. That wasn't exactly the kind of learning she was used to doing at Hogwarts lessons, but she was up for it. She liked painting and art things in general. She was good at it. So the second-year promptly went to get a paint brush to start working on the moon right after the man himself did it.

At his question, Catherine simply listened to her classmates' answers, as usual, as she dipped the brush in the paint and started to work on the moon. She did think about the Mooncalf fact before... who had mentioned it again? Some young girl. Or boy? Shrug. Not important.

Upon Eiji Rasting saying something about Drama Club, Catherine blinked and looked from him to the paint brush she was holding. So... this wasn't Defence Against the Dark Arts? Was she supposed to be in Potions after all? Or was it Transfiguration that she had gotten mixed up just before coming to this classroom? What in the name of Merlin was going on??

Pursing her lips, the girl didn't fight the confused look on her face, yet it was fully mixed with annoyance once again. She momentarily considered getting up and leaving the room after the Slytherin, but before she moved, Heath started talking and got her attention. What he was saying was very intriguing and she didn't know that. So two werewolves could procreate and give birth to wolf cubs, real wolves with almost human intelligence!? "Fascinating." Catherine commented absentmindedly while looking at the Ravenclaw boy. She needed to look that up if she didn't forget it. Eye roll.

Maybe you'll dance, scour the buffet, or end up gossiping talking amongst yourselves!
You're happy to go with the flow and see where the Yule Ball takes you!
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