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Old 06-13-2020, 08:10 AM   #20 (permalink)

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Join Date: May 2012
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Posts: 17,243

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Ruth (Rae) Elliot
First Year
x12 x12
Yeah I broke that mirror, so what? ll NOT backward ll Official Gryfferin ll Lemon's favourite

Standing there as long as he did, Malachi had begun to forget what he was so annoyed about.

Was he upset? The arms crossed at his chest suggested to him that he was but he wasn't so sure. The Headmaster lowered his arms into a more relaxed position, figure whatever it was must have passed--but then he got a look at the stage and was reminding once more that this lesson was already a disaster despite having not yet started.


With students like his, it was the toss of a sickle as to how things would go.

SPOILER!!: Replies
SPOILER!!: Blaze
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Claudine had made it all the way to the Divination tower before she remembered that it wasn't that particular lesson scheduled for her. She had been lurking outside Kitridge's classroom, studying her translucent hands, finally looking around her surroundings in bewilderment as to why no one else was showing up. It wasn't until she retrieved a notebook with her lesson schedules did she quickly bolt down flights of stairs back to the middle floors.

How could she have forgotten?

The girl was almost out of breath when she arrived at the Arena where she slowed her pace. Oh, look at that. She was still early. Claudine cast an unamused look at the sign then moved into the room. It was forgotten how much she had come to dislike Trent and his lessons, by the way.

Spotting him, she threw him and his translucent self a nod, eyed the boxes then went to find a part of the Arena where she was less likely to be noticed by... well, most students.

He'd almost asked where the fire was with this one running the way she had. The Headmaster could hear her footsteps hammering down the corridor before she arrived at the door. In the end, he refrained for the simple fact the arena was currently filled with candles and he wasn't trying to tempt fate in any sort of way. A burning castle with no magical means of putting it out, that would surely be the end of things.

Instead, he returned Block? Buster? That Slytherin's nod--Blaze. There were go. Blaze. He nodded back.

Originally Posted by DuckyLinJi View Post
For the longest time, Minjae had the feeling that he had to be somewhere but he couldn't quite wrap his mind around what it was. It had been by pure accident that Minjae had seen Claudine enter the Arena and that had made him remember that they had DADA class right now. How on earth could he have forgotten about his favourite class?!

The Hufflepuff opened his bag and looked inside of it. He noticed that he did have his textbook with him which must have become such a habit now that he took it with him without even realizing it. He stopped to look at the "sign" on the door, raised his eyebrow, before entering.

Now, he was wondering how the professor was going to teach them about this subject when they weren't even able to use magic. To him, not much had changed though. Being a muggleborn and all that, he was used to both magical and non-magical ways of getting by. Poor purebloods though, they must be going crazy right now.

The Headmaster he did not look happy at all. Well, to be fair, he wasn't either. Actually, he was quite annoyed with himself for having nearly forgotten about this class. Good thing he saw Claudine earlier, thanks Claudine.

"Good....." he had been about to say good afternoon but he quickly switched it up "...Hello Professor" there, better.

Another one.

Yoon. Right. Phew.

"Hello, Yoon." He replied with a small nod toward the boy. As if the lack of magic weren't bad enough, he'd had the hardest time remembering a lot of things these days and it didn't sit well with him. The situation in the castle was becoming all the more concerning.

SPOILER!!: Thiese
Originally Posted by Destiny View Post
The walk to the dueling arena was an extra long walk.

Flora HAD known that she was supposed to be going to a lesson, but which lesson she was supposed to be going to just kept slipping her mind. And THEN, when she did remember that it was a defense against the dark arts lesson she was going to, she couldn't for the life of her remember HOW to get there. It was an exhausting walk and an even more exhausting cycle of forgetting and remembering.

WHY were they having lessons anyway? They couldn't use magic and well.. If they were to be attacked by a kelpie, Professor Headmaster had already dismissed the idea of punching it in the snout. WHAT ELSE WAS THERE TO DO?


She didn't know HOW she got there, but she DID finally arrive at the place she needed to be and in she went. "Hello, Professor Headmaster. I would say it is nice to see you, but.." She kind of couldn't see him.

At least she could remember to be a little bit funny, right!?



Dark castle humour, yes. The Headmaster spared a smile, albeit a somewhat tight one at the reminder that he'd woken up one morning a few shades lighter and less solid than he was typically accustomed to. "I see what you did there." Good one? He'd let her know later when he couldn't see through himself anymore, if that day ever came. Merlin.

SPOILER!!: Morin
Originally Posted by Sunflower View Post
One of her New Year's resolutions was to improve her memory. Until some time ago, Jina was known for having an excellent memory. She even had to pretend to not remember some things like names of people she just met so she would not creep those people out. But now she struggled to recall simple things like her class schedule. Her magical homework planner helped a lot, because it yelled reminders at her every time she opened it. She made her way to the duelling arena after lunch, having correctly remembered which lesson she had, where it was held, and how to get there.

She noticed the sign on the door and paused for a moment to observe it carefully. Bridle on the Kelpie ... oh, that was about the first lesson of the term! Haha, nice meme. Speaking of memes, didn't they make them in one class? Hmmm ... She shrugged and walked into the room. "Hello," she greeted the translucent professor. She had stopped saying "good morning / afternoon / evening" recently because it was clearly no longer true.

"Hello Morin." Malachi saw that she'd seen the picture on the door. The man couldn't completely remember why he'd put it there but he remembered that he'd wanted to and that was enough reason to leave it there.

Morin wasn't one of them that concerned him in his class. It wasn't meant for her, but if it amused her as much as it had him when Grantham gave it to him then it was still a good thing.

SPOILER!!: Jones
Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
Since when had coming to lessons felt so draining and weird? One moment he’d been wandering the corridors with a fleeting suspicion he was supposed to be somewhere and the next moment, he was in the Duelling Arena in a lesson with no knowledge how or why he had got there. Luckily, he noticed the other students so the puzzle pieces had all fallen into place but that still didn’t remove the confused expression on his face.

Reading the sign again at the door before he walked through it because that had somehow slipped his mind, he headed in towards the rest of the students who had already arrived.

Briefly, he did note that there yet again more candle around only this time, there seemed to be no weird, spicy smell coming from these ones thankfully and instead of creating a weird, creepy aura, these actually seemed to have a purpose. Indeed, his eyes lingered on the few boxes that were on stage as he moved across the arena.

Finally, he settled next to Minjae and pulled his bag off his back, only looking up when the Hufflepuff boy had greeted the Professor. ”Huh, the Profes-. Ewan’s eyes darted around the room, searching for the headmaster, finally resting on his translucent figure next to the stage.

”Oh. Sorry Professor. Didn’t see you there. Good afternoon”. He wasn’t about to waste time really asking him how he was because it was obvious. Just as most of the people in school, he too seemed sullen, most likely due to the lack of magic. Instead, he just turned to Minjae and smiled. ”How was your Christmas?”

"Good afternoon, Jones." The Headmaster replied. To his credit, he didn't cringe at the "didn't see you there" but another part of his soul died when it was said. Becoming a less solid in appearance, not being able to remember was worrying.

Seeing his students in translucent form was equally worrying, especially when he didn't know why or when it would end.

SPOILER!!: Grantham
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Bernie couldn't remember how or why she had arrived outside the Dueling Arena, but she was here now, looking at the picture Trent had posted there. She actually felt a bit like she was in a daze, or a trance, or was possessed by one of Professor Kitridge's spirit friends, as she read it with a small smile on her face....

Huh. Had she made that? It seemed familiar for some reason. Still half-smiling, she trailed into the room behind Jina. "Hullo, sir," she greeted the Headmaster, trying to wake up a little at the sight of all the candles. This would be exciting, right? "Are we playi--- er, studying fiendfyre today?" Just a thought. She COULD say more, but Trent was already looking pale, so Bernie decided not to give him more of a hard time.

Fiendfyre? Them? The students who wanted to ride Kelpies off into the sunset? Them? With real fire? That really burned?

"Grantham, I barely want to teach you fiendfyre when there is magic and you're less likely to get yourselves killed and the castle burned down."

No magic? No way. That was how you ended up being responsible for a massive catastrophe--more massive than the storm that apparently still raged somewhere outside in the beyond. He could see it now, uniforms on fire, then kids one fire, then the curtains, the portraits and him sitting there wondering who to give detention to after.

SPOILER!!: Fuller
Originally Posted by Charely Potter View Post
Curtis was here. He remembered to be here early enough, shockingly. He grinned at the sign, it was probably meant for him. As he opened the door the class looked practically empty. Was he so early that the Headmaster hadn't arrived yet? No way. Because after enough squinting he could recognize his ultimate rival greeting the desk. So he walked up to the desk doing a 360 degree turn looking around.

"Hello Headmaster, wherever you are. I'm not late. See. HI!" Curtis spoke loud enough. He didn't shout it, but he practically did given the echo his voice likely carried with the lack of solid objects. now that he said his greetings, could he sit?

If so, he was walking towards the... Now where do I usually sit at? Curtis wondered. He shrugged and practically walked into Ewan "Oops, my bad." before deciding to stay by the figure resembling Claudine. Why? She was away from the others and he felt like being away from most people too. She got a 'sup' nod from him.

He didn't like this one. Something in the very back of his mind was insisting he didn't...but in the moment....Malachi couldn't remember why. It had to be something...the man didn't just wake up disliking his students....did he?

Malachi squinted at the boy walking through the dueling arena, trying to remember, but nothing was coming.

"I'm right here, Fuller, and I can see you just fine." He was translucent, not invisible. It was good he was on time. Was that why he didn't like him?


SPOILER!!: Renaldi
Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Missa had managed to remember they had a DADA lesson soon, what she couldn't remember however - was the WAY to this class.

WHY was her brain not cooperating??

After walking into the wrong class twice, she finallly walked into DADA - and had never been more happy to see Headmaster Trent translucent self than right now.

She almost said "there you are" too - but refrained herself at the VERY last moment. "Afternoon, headmaster"she said instead and made her way to a bleak corner to be in.

"Good afternoon, Ronald." The Headmaster greeted the 5th year. It was only after pondering how the girl's OWL studies were coming along that he realized two things.

She was a 7th year. was not Ronald.

Of course. "Renaldi. Right. Sorry about that." Or was she Ronald? Was there a Ronald? Now his head hurt.

SPOILER!!: Moreau
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
Islay had been so utterly confused earlier. The poor dear had stopped and stood stock still in the middle of the corridor before she heard it. The clambering of feet as they trudged through the halls to lessons. It was just sheer luck that she had followed those same students into the very class eh was meant to be in. Her honey brown eyes scanned the room for something familiar. Her tran—wait? Since when was her skin translucent?

So, here she stood in the doorway of the classroom as she looked at her translucent arms. “, trippy” she muttered as she shuffled to an empty seat and sat down as she looked around the room. Everyone was saying hello to the slightly less visible than normal headmaster...professor. person. Looking at the translucent girl who had just greeted their...whatever he was she decided to do the same. “Afternoon, Headmaster?” there...she’d done it.

"Good afternoon, Moreau. Do get off the ground. It's colder without the warming charms." Something he thought the girl would notice the moment the girl opted to sit there. He hadn't bothered to set up chairs. This was the dueling arena and they needed the space. He'd had the elves help however they could once he remembered he didn't truly need most of the furniture.

SPOILER!!: Mordaunt
Originally Posted by Stefan View Post
'10th of January 2102. 1:00 P.M, sharp. Get your butt to DADA, Mordaunt.'

Because he kept on missing his lectures, and walking into the wrong classroom for Merlin knows how many times at this point, the Gryffindor second year took the liberty of writing down his next set of class schedule on his arm. His logic behind it was that there was no way he'd leave his arm behind and forget where he placed it. Noah could swear however that he did have a parchment inside his pocket that bore the list of classrooms and what floor they were in. Problem was, he could not remember where he last placed it...or if he gave it to Cece during their lunch period...?

With a bunch of other confused and dazed students hurrying off to their next class in the hallway, Noah was also in that mix swerving and ducking translucent students, weaving his way around looking for the Dueling Arena, of which he'd passed several times at this point. Irritation was slowly building up, and despite the cool January weather, he could feel sweat beads forming on his hairline. From a distance, one could hear his frustrated voice, "Where in Hades' bloody hell is that room??! I swear it's just..." seeing the poster posted on the door, he quickly took a peek inside and immediately relaxed at the sight of a very translucent Headmaster.

Tired and already downcast, Noah quietly slipped inside the arena and let out a sigh of relief. "'Afternoon, Headmaster." he said as he tried to fix his disheveled hair (from all of the frustrated hair pulling), and chose a random spot inside the arena to wait for the lesson to start. He wasn't in the mood to talk or socialize, which was unlikely for this Mordaunt twin, however in his defense, he's had a very rough day so far. Just moments ago, he had a scuffle with a blasted common room door that wouldn't let him out to attend this very class.

He wasn't going to miss any more of his lessons, lest he wanted to be skinned alive and fed to the dragons by his dad.

Trent raised a brow at the outburst coming from the hall.

Honestly, that had been him two days ago. Couldn't find his office. Couldn't remember why he needed to find his office. Granted, the man hadn't yelled but he'd been as frustrated if not more.

"Afternoon, Mordaunt." The Headmaster returned, leaving the boy to his hair. This was a frustrating time for all. He knew that much.

SPOILER!!: Lindsey
Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Naya was totally creeped out. Between the crazy weather, her ghostly appearance and her sudden forgetfulness, she didn’t know what to think. She had been in her dorm room relaxing, when she couldn’t stop thinking that she was forgetting something. It turns out that something was Defense Against the Dark Arts class. When she realized that that was where she was supposed to be, Naya hurried downstairs to the Dueling Arena.

Arriving a bit out of breath, Naya entered the arena. Thank Merlin she wasn’t late. “Hello Headmaster”, she said. Then she found a spot next to her dormmate (Islay). What was her name again? Searching her brain for the name that wouldn’t come, Naya just gave her dormie a smile. This was totally crazy.

This one...had a name , too. Naturally. Everyone had a name. Malachi stared an extra moment at the Gryffindor when she greeted him, trying to bring her name back to mind.

It had an "L" in it....


"Hello, Lindsey." His response had been delayed by the forgetfulness but the name had finally come back to him. Now then, was she one of the good ones? The colour of her robes had him wanting to believe otherwise.

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
Noah had been wandering aimlessly for a few minutes along the corridor trying to remember if he had DADA or if he had Potions. The boy lingered around the lower floors until he spotted a few of his classmates headed down the corridor. DADA it must have been... He followed them and then stopped outside of the classroom when he saw the Professor's posting. It made him chuckle and simultaneously shudder at the previous lesson where the kelpie bridling did not go too well for anyone in the class.

He entered the class to find his translucent peers and Headmaster. This was all a little eerie, wasn't it? He could barely make out his housemates and peers. "Hello Headmaster.." he nodded to his Head of House, trying to offer a smile, even when he wasn't feeling it. Noah spotted Islay and Minjae and the Ravenclaw Prefect. Noah was trying to recall his name - he knew he KNEW it but his mind blanked on his name but remembered to associate him with pancakes for some odd reason.

"Minjae! Hi," he waved... Well his hand was hard to see wasn't it? Maybe he ought to stop waving. He settled next to Islay and Naya. "Guess waving doesn't work anymore...? Can you see my hand when I do this?" He asked, waving at the two girls before trying to make a peace sign to them. Noah himself could barely see it. He frowned.

"Hello Nam." The Headmaster tried to return the boy's smile, knowing it probably came with a little more effort than smiles usually did. It was a weird time for everyone, no doubt.

Malachi thought to point out to the boy that he could still be seen, when he heard him ask Yoon what he did, but thought he'd figure it out sooner or later on his own.

They were translucent, not invisible.

SPOILER!!: Rasting
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Know what things were utterly worthless? Remembralls. Turning red when you had forgotten something was a cute little novelty he supposed and he had one that he kept with him during brewing on the OFF CHANCE that he missed something and therefore it would turn red and he could pause to reevaluate things...but what was the bloody point of them when they were red all the DAMN time? He wasn't even sure why he had one in his pocket still other than it had always been there and maybe it was out of habit. Or maybe it was still there because it had been there already and he saw no purpose in removing it nor entirely why it had been there in the first place.



He had also taken to habit of keeping his time table in his pocket, a handwritten one that he could pull out whenever his hands were shoved into his pockets - which was often. Only issue was remembering what day it was. He had also forgotten his wand but that didn't even matter given the circumstances of Hogwarts presently.

He was struggling to see the point of lessons when he could hardly remember what he had studied last night and it had Eiji in an even worse mood than he already was, and had been, all term. But as he entered the dueling area - which had been his third stop that morning while checking his time table and visiting other subjects slotted at this hour - he glanced at his hand and something he had had written there: de Talone.

.....why was that written on his skin?

Approahing the headmaster and greeting him in the usual manner with a small bow of the head, he looked at his hand and deduced that he had clearly written this here for a reason and vaaaaaaaaaguely recalled doing so over breakfast while reflecting back on his mum an dad's time at Hogwarts. Time. Talone was...uh...a thief of some sort. But got away?

"....I think I'm meant to ask you something about de Talone, headmaster," the seventh year said skeptically as he looked at his hand again and then back to the man himself. "Perhaps it was pertinent to today's lesson?" Though he was not sure why the headmaster would trust him with information like this but...anyway. There it was?

Blinking a few times, he moved once more on comfortable instinct and found himself standing beside Missa. Where he felt...right.

........wait...where was his bag?

Malachi blinked a few times at Raspberry. Wait that was a fruit, not a person.


Recard--no that was the healer.


There we go. He blinked at the boy. "De talon?" What? "No no, my boy, we aren't talking about eagles today." The lesson for today was practically the opposite of that. Of anything really. And he didn't remember discussing it with his students beforehand....or had he?

Was the lesson about talons? If so...he'd gotten the set up wrong.

SPOILER!!: Sinclair
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Avalon was more than relieved that she had made it to class on time. She had been halfway through her walk to the lesson when she suddenly forgot where she was headed. She had walked all the way back up to Ravenclaw Tower, hoping that retracing her steps would jog her memory. It wasn't until she saw some classmates making their way toward the dueling arena that she remembered she had Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The fourth year stopped at the door, staring at the poster with raised eyebrows. It looked so familiar, but Avalon couldn't remember where she had seen it before. That seemed to be the case with a lot of her memories lately. It was odd. But she did still remember the disastrous kelpie lesson from the beginning of the school year. Enough so that she chuckled mildly at the sign.

But her amusement at the poster quickly faded as soon as she entered the room. Seeing all of her translucent classmates was unnerving. She gave Headmaster Trent a polite nod. "Good Afternoon, Headmaster," she said, trying to sound cheery....but her greeting came out a little more morose than she intended. She couldn't help it - the weather was terrible, she kept forgetting about her homework, and she was so, so pale. Avalon took up a spot by herself, not really in the mood to talk to any of her friends yet. Hopefully this lesson wouldn't be as horrible as she felt.

"Good afternoon, Sinclair." He could hear the effort she'd made, even if it didn't quite translate in the end. It was good when the students still tried to keep a less doom and gloom outlook but he himself would admit that was getting harder by the day.

He'd had a full on freak out when he realized he'd forgotten his wife for the brief moment that he had.

They needed to get out of here.

SPOILER!!: Bellchant
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Defense Against the Dark Arts...

And just HOW were they supposed to defend themselves against the dark arts with no magic? Isla supposed Trent had something up his sleeve, but she was just in a somber mood as she made her way to the class. She saw Bernie's meme on the door, and any other time, she'd have gotten the biggest kick out of it. Not today, though.

Today was going to be a lecture, wasn't it? It'd be just like the speech, where they'd be warned about dying and paperwork and the such. It'd be about dark magic, though. She had kind of gotten used to seeing through people, too. Well, a little. That was something a person just never really could be expected to get used to, after all.

"Hello," she said to Trent. She'd ask him how his day was, but she had a feeling he'd give her one big, huge translucent Batman slap across the face. Not that she'd feel it or anything.

"Hello...." The Headmaster's voice trailed off. While he was remembering some names, others were slipping his mind and it was proving to be a frustrating endeavour while he did these greetings.

"Bellchant." The name came with a tad delay but it had come nonetheless.

Her name was Bellchant, right?

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Carsyn had made it. Fortunately the layout of the Hogwarts castle was still the same as it had been since first year, but the only problem was that she was having a hard time recalling when her classes were taking place. To be honest, other than muggle studies she wasn't even sure WHY they were still having classes anyway? She supposed theory was a thing for all the subjects, but theory can only get you so far. And certainly won't give you practical experience such as bridling a kelpie.

Wait, she was meant to be here now right? Given that when she walked into the room, there were other students and Headmaster Trent, well, she supposed so.

"Hello, Headmaster, good afternoon" she greeted slightly uncertainly. wait, it was afternoon, right?

At least this one's name he remembered. "Good afternoon, Rose." Enough of them had told him good afternoon by this point that he was convinced it truly was that time of the day. The clock on the wall helped to confirm that as well.

Could the memory loss stop being a thing now? It was taxing, to say the least.

SPOILER!!: Upstead
Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
If there was one thing that Nem was not exactly used to, it was forgetting things. While their memory was not exactly eidetic - the definition didn't really fit - they easily remembered anything and everything they wanted to remember. Scanning textbooks sufficed for lesson preparation, listening to lectures served as detailed note taking. Exams took minimal effort. Memory was simply not something they had a problem with.

At least until this term. It hadn't even been all that significant - the ghost-like appearance was more of an issue - until recently, when the frequent lapses had suddenly crept up on them. Suffice it to say, being a Nemesis got a lot more difficult when one could barely keep their plotting straight. It was easier to just...


... wait, what were they doing here again?

Nem blinked, and blinked again, and then the answer came back to them. Class with the Headsman, right. Once inside the arena, they ignored... everything. Candles, boxes, the whole bit. Nem also opted out of greeting the Headsman and stopped by Emo Rasting, accidentally-on-purpose swinging their schoolbag into him as they took it off before dumping it at their feet.

"Oh. Sorry." Such integrity.



This one he was also unsure he liked. But again, he couldn't remember why. It had to be something, surely. There was a reason. At the back of his mind, a voice kept yelling "demon spawn" but not for the life of him could he remember why. Children weren't demon spawns. Stupid, sometimes, sure, but this one looked as innocent as any other.

Just that thought sent him reeling, but again he didn't know why.

"Try to remember the greeting, Nemesis. Wait that's not right. That's not a name." WAS the kid his nemesis? Had he projected his inner thoughts he could scarcely remember?

"Wait." Wait wait. "Wait you are Nemesis. Upstead. That's a thing. Yes." Was it? Oh Merlin.

SPOILER!!: Castillo
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
There were many things Nina did not hate about this circumstance. She did not hate that they could not go home for Christmas (even though it was not very convenient and caused some upheaval of big plans). She did not hate that communication was cut off (she had submitted her uni applications early and Indigo would surely see something in the paper about their circumstance). She didn't hate the onset of amnesia (it made things far more difficult, but with a quill and parchment she was managing as best she could). She didn't hate any of these things. In fact, she did not even hate the lack of magic (though she worried greatly for the outcome of her final exams if she weren't able to practice for the practical portions).

What she did hate, however, was that her entire body was translucent. Some days it was her hands, other days she woke up with a see-through torso, but today it was her body and she HATED it.

This much was evident as she made her way to class today, she had fortunately remembered which class to attend thanks to her diary. Something she would have been lost without. Calyx and Calloway would likely be lost without it too. Honestly, all of her boys were quite fortunate that Nina was organized enough for everyone. She took note of the silly sign on her way inside, unimpressed and crossing her arms over her translucent stomach. This was so embarrassing. Just like this, she made her way over to their Headmaster. "I hope this ends soon, Professor." There was no 'good afternoon' today. It was not a 'good afternoon'. Her body was SEE-THROUGH.

She wanted to go stand nearest Missa and Eiji, but seeing as Nemesis had made their way over there... Nina took a sharp way and went to stay by a younger Ravenclaw (Avalon) she wasn't as familiar with instead instead. Still with her hands wrapped around her midsection, the seventh year simply nodded at the other girl and set down her things on the floor beside her--


Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no.

........................... Her slippers.

She must have forgotten to change them out in the morning. Immediately her face began heating up. Not only was this.............. absolutely humiliating. But what if she got into trouble for being out of uniform?!?! Slowly she tried backing up behind the Ravenclaw. Please don't notice. Please don't notice. Please don't notice.

Taking it all back. She hated all of it.

"You and me both," It wasn't forgetting her name that had given him pause. No. Castillo was hard to forget. Brilliant student. Dependable. Least likely to be killed by a kelpie. What had him side tracked was the fuzzy pink slippers.


On anyone else, he'd have thought it was intentional, but on the Slytherin there was just no way. "....Yeah." He ended lamely. She'd noticed by now, obviously. The look on her face said that much. There was no point bringing more attention to it. Class would begin shortly, she didn't need to run back to her dorm. He didn't have magic, he couldn't get her a temporary pair of school shoes.

Again, this was inconvenient.

Once the last of them had entered and the clock struck the hour, he knew it was time to begin. Malachi reached for his wand, as he found himself doing at least half a dozen times each day before lowering it. Right, magic wasn't a thing. He was so so so over this muggle lifestyle.

With a small sigh of frustration, he looked to his students. "Will someone get the door?" Whoever was standing closest to it. Didn't matter who. "Give it a good, hard slam when you do." Just wouldn't be the start of a defense class without the loud echo of solid wood behind slammed shut. He'd find another way of dealing with any late arrivals.

"Right then, we've only got so much time, I need everyone to get to work. There's a particularly large moon up on the stage, I need a few of you painting it with the paint I've laid next to it." Anyone could but someone had to. "I've got dummies that will need red paint--like blood, use your imagination. They're meant to have met a savage end." He didn't have to spell that out for them, did he?"[/b] Malachi moved next to the box of the stuff. He began pulling out piles of black cloth. "I'll need a few of you getting some pins into these to make them cloaks. If you can sew and get it done soon enough, fine, otherwise just pin 'em up good so they don't hurt anyone." He could already hear the chorus of "OW" and would sooner avoid that.

Yes, he was putting them to work. Being translucent didn't exempt them from work. The show class must go on. Anyone in the drama club would be used to set designing with him by now. "There's a lot of corn in the box over there. Tall grass too. I need a field." He himself climbed onto the stage and grabbed a paint brush to begin on the moon. "Let's get a move on and while you're at it, in myth and lore, as well as real life, there are plenty of creatures and phenomenon that are associated with the full moon. Tell me one of them or anything you know about one of them but please keep your answer to one."

Why did he have this paint brush? Oh. Oh right. The moon. Yes.

OOC: Class has officially begun! Please don't post your characters arriving at this point (y'know, unless you're curious about punishment sans magic). You can simply pretend they've been here the whole time. I'll be moving us along again in another 24 or so hours.
Imma say all the words inside my head____________________________________

______________________________I'm fired up and tired of the way that things are said.

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