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Old 06-09-2020, 11:25 PM   #7 (permalink)
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Greer K. Murray
Second Year
Default Blake's a little oblivious to things! lol
#heartsforhealthcare | Disney princess

Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
"Oh." That kinda sucked for Blake, right? Both of his parents making plans without him... Bernie frowned. "You don't have any siblings, do you?" That was one thing they didn't have in common, she was pretty sure.

Bernie's eyebrows went up as Blake handed her a little package in red paper. OF COURSE she opened it with an eager giggle, surprised to find a silver bracelet and a charm on it. A HEART CHARM. EEEEEEEEEk.

"Blaaaaaaaaaaaaake....." Bernie's voice came out in a small squeak as she slipped the bracelet on and turned rather pink. "Of course I like it." She didn't know what to say. It was the nicest gift she'd ever gotten, she thought. She squeaked again and threw her arms around his neck in a Hug 2.0, dropping the wrapping paper behind him as she did. And... now she felt stupid as she recalled the gift for him that was up in her dorm.
"No siblings, just me, my parents got divorced when I was young, and neither ever remarried .. yet ..." Blake and a sneaky suspicion his mom was in America with a boyfriend she had yet to introduce him to. He wasn't sure he wanted to know either. "But you have sibling right?" Blake felt a little embarrassed they had been friends for 3 years and he knew very little about her family, he was going to make an effort to learn more about her. He wanted to know her life story.

And then he was getting crushed with a hug. He smiled and blushed a deep red, okay she liked it... good. "I'm glad you like it! I wasn't sure you would." Blake wasn't sure what they were, were they friends? More than friends? He wasn't sure 13 year olds even dated, he wasn't sure he wanted to, but he liked Bernadette, and she was pretty..... "Merry Christmas Bernadette." ... Blake found himself wishing there was mistletoe ...
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