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Old 06-08-2020, 09:23 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Greer K. Murray
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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Bernadette found herself standing here, outside the Fat Lady's portrait, but she didn't really know why. Had she been about to go into the Common Room, or had she just come out of it? She couldn't recall. She was also having a hard time remembering the password today, but she was pretty sure it started with a p. Or had it been an m?

She scratched her head and crossed her arms as she had a think about it. Pig-snout or Marvelous Gobstones Marbles?? WHICH WAS IT?
Blake had been on his way to find Bernadette. He didn't really have a good reason why, he just wanted to check on her ... make sure she was okay. Ever since this mysterious weather outside he had been worried for his friends. He was always worried now that someone was going to competely disappear. Trent's had disappearance thing was rather worrying.

And then Blake nearly ran straight into her. He hadn't actually expected to find her. "Bernadette!" Blake exclaimed. He gave her a bone crushing hug. "Haven't seen you in a couple days, was worried about you." There, he had owned up to the truth right away, no since in hiding the real reason he was looking for her.
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