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Old 06-07-2020, 04:42 AM   #37 (permalink)
Sunny Raine
Resident reporter
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Posts: 294

"He did, eh?" Sunny turned around, his smile bright and sunny as he looked over at the kid [Felixir]. These kids, they were really so funny. "I doubt that'll be necessary, kiddo," he waved it off. Naaaaah, he wasn't worried about chains. Kids really just said whatever they wanted, you know? This was obviously a joke and Sunny laughed brightly because he had a great sense of humor. It was one of his most redeeming qualities next to the radiant smile and ability to predict a thunderstorm a week in advance.

His laughter had actually calmed down just before the wave of questions sent him chuckling loudly all over again. "Me? A cop? Naaaaaaaaah!" Sunny waved another dismissive hand. That was a funny thought though. If he weren't using his notebook for the important details, he might've even considered jotting down these hilarious lines to keep for a rainy day. "I'm a weather reporter. Much more reputable," he winked. "Speaking of which, any thoughts on this strange storm?" Sunny was all ears.
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