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Old 05-28-2020, 09:06 PM   #63 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
.....was it, though? It made perfect sense to David, who again just shrugged a little and blinked some more. He definitely was squinting, wasn't he? Was it that obvious, then? David pinched the bridge of his nose as though he missed his glasses being there. (He did miss them, though. Terribly. They'd been brand-new and he'd only worn them once or twice before that woman stole them.) But he often pinched his nose in exasperation when talking to Genny, so.

Naturally, her joke about 'calming down' went right past him, because when wasn't he calm? Maybe only when he was in a nervewracking situation, but that was certainly not now. The only thing he had to overanalyze here was what, precisely, to order for himself. "I uhhhhh," yeah so the squinting WAS obvious then. "I lost my glasses." There, that wasn't entirely untrue.

For the record, though, she should know he wore glasses AND contacts, Genny Tate. Clearly she was the worst of the three here. "Why are you guys eating here? Er, are you?" He squinted toward her, then toward Sam, then back to her, or maybe the person behind her, he couldn't tell. "Don't you usually go somewhere nicer after your games?" Places that served drinks and catered to the, uh, athletic and beautiful sort (like them)?????????
Originally Posted by Cedric View Post
David was nose-pinching and squinting and it was beginning to give Sam the sensation that he ought to rub his own eyes or something. Sam refrained from doing so, though, because there were probably a million germs on his hands right now.

There was a very slight lift of his eyebrow when David admitted that he'd lost his glasses. This was somewhat surprising, as Truebridge didn't strike him as the kind of person who loses his glasses. "That was clumsy of you." Sam turned his eyes back to the menu, as the man in front of them was finishing up his order.

As for why they were eating here..... Sam gave a deliberate glance in Genny's direction. "That's her doing. Pretty sure this was just the nearest place you could get food." When Genny wanted food, she wanted food now. But to be honest, Sam didn't mind. She was the one who played, so if she wanted vendor food, he wouldn't argue. Speaking of vendor food, it was finally their turn to order. "Two falafel sandwiches with extra Tahini sauce, no cabbage. One chicken gyro. A large cup of red squash, and..." Was David gonna order with them, or?
"Don't do that when I speak," she unabashedly scolded Davie about the nose pinching. Did he do this because of what she said or because his head hurt? She bet it was because of what she said. He always did this when he didn't like what she had to say, or when he thought she was being stupid. She hated the feeling, which seemed to be consistent with both Sam and David. "It looks idiotic, and makes me feel like an idiot." crossing her arms, Genny ignored how sharp her tone was by looking away from everyone. Even the vendor.

This wasn't the best mood she was in, so let's just all TREAD LIGHTLY.

"Finally," muttering under her breath when Sam started putting in their order. She appreciated the accurate order, and stepped slightly to the side to move away from the suffocating smell of the oil. Also, what exactly did Sam mean 'this was probably the nearest place'? Did he mean she was an insatiable beast, is that what he meant? she knew he didn't. Genny met his glance with a stern look, still crossing her arms from before, but didn't say anything. It was clear they weren't really having the romantic atmosphere David assumed they would. Right now, all she wanted were the sandwiches, a clean surface to rest her bum on, and an unconditionally adoring boyfriend.
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