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Old 05-27-2020, 04:40 PM   #52 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Originally Posted by Cedric View Post
Yes, Sam was always right, after all. And a little smile turned up on the corner of his lips as Genny snuggled into him a little closer. Her mood was already improving some, he noticed.

But as they neared the little falafel stand, Genny very casually mentioned something that was not so casual. Soiree? David's soiree? She said it as if Sam knew exactly what she was talking about, when really, it was quite the opposite. His brow furrowed some as he looked down her way. "What soiree? I didn't know we were going to a fancy event for David." Leave it to Genny to tell him last-minute. Contrary to Sam's plan-ahead nature, Genny was impulsive and tended to wait until the eleventh hour.

Why was David even having a soiree?
UHM. She paid him a kiss to go fetch the sandwiches yet he was still here. Looking at her. Confused. Genny decided to explain, the faster he understood all the facts, the quicker her sandwiches would be here, right? Right. She bet that was his strategy, too, got her to explain everything in one go in exchange for food.

"We're not. I am," she started patiently, looking back at him and momentarily allowing her eyes to drift to the vendor man. If they didn't hurry, the falafels will all be out... "He decided to apply for the job at the ministry. He was very nervous. You know how he is in social gatherings." Sam maybe didn't, but she did (she thought she did). David was a bit quirky. Very intelligent and witty but also awkward if he got nervous. "So, I promised to go with him to their annual opening thing." Probably a soiree. Things seemed to be quite intense right now, though, the ministry may decide not to hold this. Poor Davie...
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