Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Heehehehehee, Bernie was actually a bit amused to hear Aboli using her Stern Older Student (aka her Chef Boyardee) voice on all these other kids entering the Headmaster's office now. She liked Isla, and Kitt, and thus wasn't TOO surprised to see them tangled up with this..........erm, random man here, but she WAS surprised that Jina and Avalon were bringing him in, so to speak. Did they think they were a buncha aurors or what? They shoulda AT LEAST used incarcerous on him before dragging him in for the interrogation....
Oooh, ROUGH METHODS! Yes! Let's rough him up! Bernie clapped her hands softly at this suggestion from Aboli Bertoli. Yes, sir, I think you should ask him to write 50 inches of parchment on why he's here, she thought, her mouth falling open to say just that, but catching herself just in time. Someone else was speaking now and on second thought, she didn't really have the courage to due to the fact that she had to stop being an idiot in front of Trent and all.
Bernie's eyes actually widened as the man introduced himself. Aww, what kind of accent was that? He sounded harmless. Friendly, even. BUT! This Lion had learned her lesson from that one time when she just blindly took orders from Godric Gryffindor. Her blue peepers flicked from 'Sunny Raine,' (if that was even a name) over to the Headmaster and then back to 'Sunny Raine.'
"But where will you stay, 'MisTeR RaiNe?'" she inquired, doing air quotes with her fingers like the adults did and everything. She'd been trying to figure out where the professors lived all term anyway. Just ask Schmoe.
AND, not to Raine on the weatherman's parade, and also, not to intrude, because the Headmaster TOTALLY had this, but, "What exciting things are underway?"
SEE? SEE WHY THEY SHOULD BE ASKING Godric Gryffindor THE FOUNDERS WHAT WAS UP WITH THE WEATHER? It was a lame excuse to see the portraits, Bernie knew this, so she MOSTLY stayed quiet here. Though now she was staring at Kitt Lazarus and wondering what HE had told the weatherman??!?
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________ __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |