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Old 05-24-2020, 08:01 PM   #60 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Bennett Potter
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Atlas Ward
First Year
Default I'm so sorry for the delay <3 I've had a sore head all day <3
Toto * RotiSila * ToRo * Braveheart * Grandma & Mama Tori

SPOILER!!: Replies!

SPOILER!!: Bernie
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
SEE?! There it was, there was definitely a twinkle in Professor Eris's eyes. He DEFINITELY knew more than a few things about h00man transfiguration. She was SO tempted to raise her hand and ask him to be a ferret for them, but she ALSo wanted to behave in this class. Because maybe, maybe if she tried hard and was good enough, he'd TEACH HER how to be an animal next.

Perhaps Flora would do the asking instead of Bernie.

"Vanishment.... well," Bernie paused, her hand eagerly in the air, "Vanishment doesn't WORK on everything. SOME things, like Weasley's Wizard Wheezes fireworks, can RESIST vanishment. They're made that way. If you try to vanish those puppies, they MULTIPLY by TEN every TIME!!!!!!!!!"

Ask Bernie how she knew this. Answer: She had bought the WWW catalogue and was currently going through it and calculating how many ITEMS she could buy with her TA stipend. THE FIREWORKS WERE AT THE TOP OF HER LIST.

Carwyn smiled at Bernie as she started off this round of answers. “Exactly.” He said with a nod. “Certain items are created in such a way that you will regret attempting to vanish them in the first place.” Like ending up with ten of the item when you had tried to get rid of the offending object in the first place. He’d had to tell his own children off for said fireworks enough times over the years. Thankfully it was their job now to stop his grandchildren - he got to enjoy the fun that could come from the fireworks now. Heh.

Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
SPOILER!!: ”Catch up because I did not realise the first question had been asked!”

Okay, so technically, it wasn’t the afternoon yet but still, it was close enough. With a forced smile, the prefect sat there patiently waiting for the lesson to start. Thankful that it didn’t take long, he raised his hand to answer the question. ”There are four branches Professor. Transformation, Conjuration, Vanishment and Untransformation”. Transfiguration branches was something they had already covered in previous years at Hogwarts so it wasn’t exactly a hard question to answer.

As for a particular example, ” I guess you can look towards the muggles for an example. Turning a rabbit into a hat or vice versa? Turning it into a hat would be transformation and then turning it back could come under untransfiguration”.

Watching closely, Ewan eyes were drawn towards the match stick that the Professor had picked up, slightly curious about what they were going to be doing. Oh. They’d be vanishing objects? Well, the matchstick wouldn’t be too hard but the more complicated the object, the harder it would become. ”Vanishing objects can be difficult depending on the object professor. Something small and inanimate shouldn’t be too hard but when you start moving on to living creatures such as kittens, it can become really challenging” which is why he guessed they’d be doing it on the match sticks.

He did sort of wish that the older students could vanish harder objects though although his eyes could not see any kittens in sight. Then again, there were some students in here who would most likely try to vanish a kitten even when they weren't ready and end up obliviating it to pieces. A few names came to mind at this thought.

Oh, Mr Jones did pay attention didn’t he? Carwyn’s eyes were twinkling again as he nodded along with the seventh year. “Exactly right, perfect!” He grinned as he looked around the table. Were they all paying attention? “Which means that match sticks are a perfect place to start.” The Professor looked like he was excited about where this lesson was going. Could they tell? Whoops.

SPOILER!!: Avalon
Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Avalon smiled back at Professor Eris, pleased that he had approved of her answer. Even though part of it was wrong, she was glad that she still had the general idea. Indeed, she had been doing her reading. Plus, she had learned something new today - switching was actually a type of transformation, and it wasn't a branch all on its own.

Avalon nodded at the Ravenclaw prefect's answer. She hadn't worked much with vanishment yet, but she knew that it could be pretty complicated depending on what you were trying to make disappear. Avalon recalled the common room grumblings of the older students who were struggling with trying to vanish kittens in their Transfiguration classes. "I'd assume that it takes quite a lot of focus. If you aren't totally familiar with the object's characteristics or aren't completely focused on the spell, couldn't you risk leaving part of it behind? Sort of like splinching in apparition?" It was more of a question, really, but she was curious. That would be tragic for any sort of living thing that you were trying to vanish. Most transfiguration spells required extraordinary focus, but Avalon reckoned that vanishment required even more.

Carwyn nodded. “Indeed, Miss Sinclair. High levels of concentration are definitely required.” He paused as she went on and then added after her; “Partial Vanishment.” He stated, giving her the name. “It is studied at NEWT level.” The old man gave her a gentle smile. He didn’t want to scare anyone off from his favourite subject.

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
So the Room of Requirement was a good study? Hmm.. He'd have to spend some more time in the room learning all about it in great depth. What limitations it might possess and what not? Interesting... A new activity for him to try.

Vanishment was the Transfiguration form that they would be studying today. Hmm. What facts did he know about vanishment? "The more complex the object or the thing you are trying to vanish is, the harder it is to successfully perform vanishment." So was the RoR difficult or easy?

Again, Carwyn found himself nodding. “Yes! Well done Mr Nam. We start small,” he twirled the matchstick between his fingers again. “... and we work upwards as we get used to vanishing more complex items.” Until they could vanish even the most complex items.

SPOILER!!: Claudine
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Claudine vaguely wondered if there would be lessons about switching one's ears onto a cactus plant anytime in the near future. If there were, she wouldn’t be actually looking forward to it because… well, it didn’t make sense at all. As the answers were continued, she couldn’t help but be glad that they weren’t tasked with making any notes. It seemed that Vanishment was the winner of the branches of Transfiguration today.


Onc she had been called on, Claudine volunteered her answer, lowering her hand as she did so. “Invertebrates are easier to Vanish than vertebrates.”

“Perfect, Miss Blaze. They are indeed. Just as inanimate objects are easier to vanish than invertebrates.” Could they see the correlation between items to vanish emerging? Yes? He hoped they did, it was important.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Once everyone had responded to the first question, it was on to question two. This one required more thought and Naya wasn’t quite sure what she had to add to the conversation. The longer she waited to answer, the fewer options she would have to choose from. So, Naya raised her hand and decided to expand on an response that had already been given.

”I agree with my classmate (Avalon). It definitely takes a lot of concentration and focus to pull off the Vanishing Spell. The more complicated the item that you want to vanish, the more you have to concentrate. If you are not completely focused and visualizing what you want to vanish, things could go very wrong. Oh and you don’t want to miss and hit something unintended with your spell.“ Wouldn’t want to accidentally vanish a classmate.

Carwyn nodded instantly at this answer. “Definitely, Miss Lindsay! If we don’t concentrate and have a clear head when we actually perform vanishment things can go very wrong. I have had multiple students in the past while they have been learning who, instead of vanishing their frog, kitten or another creature ended up with a wide variety of large, confused creatures instead.” Silently, he hoped that that wouldn’t happen today. They were all going to pay attention right?

SPOILER!!: Charlie
Originally Posted by siriusblackliveson View Post
SPOILER!!: Catch up
Charlie had showed up to Transfiguration with a smile on her face, only because she was hoping there would be no mystical creatures, or anything that would make her go ick. Which was why she liked transfiguration so much. Finding a place around the large table she stood between two people htat had gotten there before her. She listened to the first question, well there was vanishing and changing things shapes. She raised her hand "Well you can change something to something else. I suppose you'd call that morphing?" She had more of a question in her voice but that was likely do to the faces she felt turning toward her as she answered. She strongly disliked when everyone was watching.

Turning her head back to Professor Eris she listened to what he was currently saying. They were going to vanish things. Lovely. She wasn't sure what the ins and outs were but it always amazed her to watch people vanish things. "I agree with Avalon about the focusing. But do you have to focus on where you're vanishing the object or thing to? Because if you can't picture where it needs to go will it actually go anywhere?" Reign it in Charlie. He absolutely does not need to hear your every waking thought on the subject since you're nervous about how to go forward with this lesson. She was only a second year. She didn't know it all yet.

“It is simply a form of transformation, Miss Rivers.” He said with a kind smile. She wa s right in that the items did morph but that wasn’t the actual name for it.


Carwyn smiled and shook his head. “No, Miss Rivers. Don’t worry about where you want the item to go. The trick is to concentrate fully on the item that you are looking to vanish.” Did she see? He hoped he did, but if she didn’t he would help her.

SPOILER!!: Aboli
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Aboli had pretty much guessed what they'd be talking about? COOL. She raised her hand after listening to what other people had to say. "Professor Eris, you just said the spell was Evanesco, did you not? So yes, that's the spell's name, which has its roots in Latin. Vanesco means to vanish, I think..." she had read that. Yep. Not that she was a Latin expert...but a lot of the spells did come from Latin.

How elitist. Hmph.

What she did NOT know was the bit about the vertebrae. Cool, Claudine. So something without a spine was easier to vanish.


Carwyn shook his head as he let out a soft laugh. “Well, I fell into that one, Miss Song!” He hadn’t even realised he had said the spell already. Ah well, at least Miss Song had been listening. Well done. He was still grinning though, and he nodded as she mentioned Latin. “I believe that is also true, thank you.” How had he forgotten that he had said the spell already? Hmmm. He couldn’t remember saying it out loud.

Originally Posted by AlwaysSnapesGirl View Post
Vanishing things, huh? This was definitely a spell Ivy wanted to learn. It seemed so useful!

And difficult. It sounded really difficult to learn. But that obviously wasn't going to stop her from trying!

As for what she knew about it already, besides what had been said? "In the story of The Wizard and the Hopping Pot, the son tried to use the Vanishing Spell on the pot," she said, raising her hand. "It didn't work on it though! Kinda like what Bernie said about the Weasley fireworks, though the pot didn't multiply." The hopping pot was fictional though, obviously, so it wasn't a super useful bit of knowledge. Maybe good if someone liked to play trivia though?

“Ahh! One of my favourite stories.” He grinned at her. “My great-granddaughter loves this one though I doubt Ellie really understands it.” He chuckled slightly. “This goes on the same thought as what Miss Grantham said - some items simply cannot be vanished.” Aww, he missed Ellie cuddles. Moving on.

SPOILER!!: Nettie
Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Trinetta immediately perked up. As always, her focus was completely on the transfiguration lesson at hand and not at all on the red sky outside and this just happened to be a FAVORITE topic of hers. Vanishment! EEP! And perfect timing too, as she had just been reviewing her notes for NEWTs on that exact subject.

She raised her hand. "Well, when you vanish something, it kind of goes to between sort of place. It's not truly GONE, but it's in a state of...non-being, is what I think they usually refer to it as in the text," she explained. It was all quite confusing.

“That they do, especially if you are using a vanishing cabinet or even the Room of Requirement. When you close the door, the item is no longer there and will return when you require it - if you use a spell and vanish it yourself, it will be exist out of existence until you conjure the item again.” He was proud of his seventh years today. He hoped that they could tell they were all studying for their NEWTs later this year.

Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Isla watched the matchstick the professor was twirling around. For a moment there, she thought they were in for a spectacular magical demonstration, but no. Just another question.

As she thought about vanishment and what she could chime in with, Isla's mind wandered off to exactly where thing went when they were vanished. It was too abstract of a concept for her to grasp, but in her mind, she had always imagined this big, empty room. When somebody vanished something, it just went away to that room, and then when they needed it again, it left the room and came back.

So, yeah. That's not what happened at all, and she knew that. That's just what she pictured in her mind. So what actually did happen? Isla raised her hand. "There's this quote about vanishment, Professor, and I know the quote, but I was wondering if you could tell me what it meant," she said. "Vanished objects go into non-being, which is to say, everything." Yup. She was pretty clueless on that one, but that's what the quote said.

Carwyn nodded and motioned back to Miss Gladin. “It is as Miss Gladin just said, they exist in an in-between place. They have not been destroyed as you can still retrieve and reconjure the item back to you however if you put your hand onto the table where the item was, you will not feel the item under your fingertips as if you had hidden it.” He smiled at her. “Does that help?” He hoped it did. This was a complex branch of transfiguration, so questions were definitely understandable.

SPOILER!!: Islay
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post

SPOILER!!: catchup cause of le migraine

Islay had turned to Professor Eris and smiled when he had told her where to put her bag, “thank you Professor,” she smiled at the older man. As she looked around her friends she just grinned and was quiet at first as Professor Eris started the class. She raised a moment before raising her hand, “there is the one I learned in Beauxbaton, bestair it changes limbs into the limb of a creature...and I believe it is a transfiguration more than anything as it changes something into another version of said thing?” she added the last bit with a kind smile. See, she knew things.

Some things.

When Professor Eris moved on to the next topic she just nodded her head, vanishment. Her eyes widened with glee as Professor Eris’ topic for the days lesson became clear. Vanishment. THAT WAS SO COOL, she just looked at her classmates and grinned. Raising her hand she added, “Vanishment takes a lot of concentration in order to be successful which is partially why it is suggested to start on small objects – like matches.” See she had ideas.

Carwyn nodded again. Good, Miss Moreau was paying attention perfect. “The less defining characteristics an item has… the better the item is for learning to begin with.” He agreed. Were they listening? Vanishment would show up on their OWL and NEWT exams, it always did.

SPOILER!!: Heath
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath returned Professor Eris’s smile with a small one of his own, nodding at the reply to his answer. Oh, okay, they were talking about vanishment. That sounded… kind of hard, to be honest, but he’d give it a try. He looked at the matchstick in the professor’s hand. So were they going to practice on matchsticks later? If so, how did that door fit into everythings?

Heath was getting ahead of himself. For now, he tried to focus on the question asked, but everything he could recall off the top of his head had already been said and didn’t need repeating. His eyes kept flicking toward that door. What was that? Not knowing was beginning to bug him. Hmm… vanishment… door… a vanishing door? That reminded him of a story his grandma told him about something called a vanishing cabinet. Was that what that door led to?

Heath was dying to ask, but the question had been about things important to know about vanishing spells before casting. Strictly speaking, knowing about vanishing cabinets wasn’t necessary for casting, so he forced himself to come up with a safer answer… sort of. “Sorry if this is getting off track,” he said after raising his hand, “but there’s one spell thought to be a variation of the vanishing spell that only works on snakes, Vipera Evanesca. So I wonder… are there any other variations of the spell that are used for specific objects or species?” Okay, that was more of a question than an answer, but at least he didn’t repeat anything!

“There are a few that I know of.” Carwyn started slowly. “However, learning how to successfully vanish with evanesco is a big enough task for us today. In general, however I believe the biggest use for vanishing charms is used within the medical field for serious sporting injuries or accidents - crushed bones with too many fragments, for example. I have heard that it is not at all pleasant to lose the bones and have them regrow, but sometimes that causes less issues in the long-term than attempting to heal the fragmented bone.”

…. Now, where were they?

Originally Posted by littledhampir View Post
Alexandre was pretty proud that he had gotten that right. When he had said it he thought it was right but then as more seconds passed he second guessed himself more and more wondering if it was actually charms not transfiguration. But it WAS transfiguration, AND he had even gotten the sub-branch of transfiguration correct. He was pretty proud of himself, and he was even happier because Uncle Carwyn was proud of him.

They were going to learn about vanishment today? That was pretty cool. Alexandre wasn't exactly sure how often that came in handy though. When would you need to just vanish something? Maybe trash or something. But that seemed... weird. You couldn't just vanish everything. It really didn't go anywhere? Or did it sort of spread those particles into the air? Would that make the air smell like trash? He was confusing himself so he tried to get out of that line of thought and focus on the lesson. Except he had to share something he knew about vanishment, which was not much to be honest. "Vanishment is kind of like making things disappear. Except there's a separate spell that makes things disappear and they're still there just invisible. So you could still touch them just not see them. But when you vanish something it's really not there at all anymore." But he was not sure where it went or if you could get it back. He knew that you could conjure things, but could you conjure the exact same thing you had vanished or was it like a replica? So many questions.

Carwyn Eris would always be proud of his family, regardless of whether they loved Transfiguration or not.

Carwyn grinned and nodded as Lex gave a better example of the difference between hidden and vanished. “Yes! Exactly right.” He needed to stop smiling so wide, he’d have sore cheeks from smilingif they all kept impressing him like this.

SPOILER!!: Ronan
Originally Posted by Daemon View Post
Ronan grinned when he realised he'd guessed right. And when he got confirmation that vanishment really was a word and not something he'd made up on the spot. Cool. Ronan really appreciated the way Professor Eris made him, and other students, feel. All of their answers were always good even when they were wrong, but when they were right he always looked super pleased! Like a nice grandfather!

Ronan wondered if Professor Eris' grandchildren went to Hogwarts. That must be so nice, so have their grandpa around all the time.

Distracted by this train of thought, Ronan realised he now had nothing else to say because everyone had already said everything. Um. Okay he had to think. He had OWLs this year, he needed to be really good at this. "There's also," Ronan struggled, "half vanishing? Partial vanishing?" He recalled reading about that in a book, about a boy who was really bad at magic but had to save all wizardkind because some evil guy was making everyone drink potions which turned them into muggles!

... Off topic. But if he got this right he'd be very pleased. Who said reading books was a waste of time?

So many of them, Ronan. So many little Eris’ in the halls, though most had different surnames. Hanover, Jourdann and Eris were only three of your options… Though, personally the older of them, didn’t seem as pleased to have him around as Ronan seemed to think. Heh. Ah well, he remembered being sixteen. …. Somewhat.

“Partial Vanishing, yes! Very difficult to do, and requires even more concentration, if that can be conceived as an idea.” The old man gave the Hufflepuff boy a grin. He did appreciate a teenager who liked to respect the books from the library but that was neither here nor there when they were in the classroom. ahem

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
Cole grinned at Professor Eris. His answer had been good, it had added new information to someone elses answer. It was awesome that his answer could help continue discussion. He had figured out that they we're going to be working with vanishing spells today since why else would they be needing matches?

Anyway, moving on what could Cole say about vanishment transfiguration that hasn't already been said? Thoughtfully he raised his hand to say "Vanishment spells are the opposite of conjuration spells since you want something to go away (vanish) rather than making something appear (conjur)." He paused for a moment then added "Vanishment spells are difficult to cast like many of my classments have said and requires a clear and collected head. If you aren't focused there is a clear risk of causing a flock of flamingos appear instead of just vanishing one rat if your mind is thinking about other things." Like how he right now wanted to reach out and touch Naya's hand.

Carwyn chuckled even as he nodded. “Exactly, and if you don’t mind… I would appreciate a lack of flamingos in today’s class so please remember to focus when we move on in a minuted.” He smiled at Cole and moved on, one final answer.

SPOILER!!: Flora
Originally Posted by Destiny View Post
This was going to be a very long class, wasn't it?

If it wasn't for the fact that Flora liked Professor Eris, and the fact that she wanted to see him turn into a fox again because it was something that she would never ever forget and would probably think about every time she would see the man, she would've never walked into the classroom door.

Untransfiguration was a counter-spell and was also transfiguration, what? It didn't make any sense!

At least vanishment seemed easier. How hard would it really be to just.. get rid of something? Did they really need magic to do that, though? "Professor!" her hand went up. "One time, I told my little brother that if he didn't stop jumping on my bed that I was going to vanish him and my parents got realllllll mad at me so I think it shouldn't be used as a threat."

A promise, however? A whole different story.

Carwyn nodded slowly. How could she remind him so much of his own Sasha, with her energy in only one sentence? “Please do not use this as a threat, especially on any of your classmates or families.” Or anyone else, but he hoped that that went without saying. He looked from Miss Thiese to every member of the class. “Vanishing people definitely should not be done, as human beings are the most complicated of creatures, it is almost certain that the vanishment will not work, go wrong or have a wide series of complications after the fact.” Did they understand not to do this? Did they? He really hoped that they did.

… They did know not to vanish people now, right? Carwyn took one more look at all of their faces to make sure that they were a) paying attention to him and b) understanding how important a fact this was. “Understand?” He asked them, just to make sure.

Well then, time to move on! ”Fabulous. We have a wide range of knowledge at our fingertips already which is always critical before you start to work on any such advanced spellwork. Especially within Transfiguration where there is no creative license.” Unlike Charms which always seemed to be much more free and lively. However, Carwyn had always prefered Transfiguration and that wasn’t likely to change now. Much too set in his ways now he was an old man.

“As Aboli mentioned, the spell we require for vanishing anything is evanesco.” He gave her a smile, granting her full credit and not thinking anything of it. “As I mentioned in reply to Charlie, we don’t need to be any more specific than that in your spellwork. Everything about vanishing, is fully guided by your intentions.”

Carwyn smiled and paused, before he continued. “Now, the wandwork is more precise than some of our usual motions, but it looks like a sharp edged 3, or a side on M.” He picked up his wand and flicked his wand at the wall behind him, revealing this information and a diagram on the board there.

Raising his wand he carefully showed them the design; slow and large in the air. He dropped his wand in a straight line, then drew a line to the right, a sharp line further to the left, back to the right and one last long line to the left. “Did everyone see that? Five careful and decisive motions. Down, right, left, right, left.” He said as he drew the symbol in the air for a second time.

“Now, take a few minutes and get used to saying ‘evanesco’, where the influence is on the ‘ES’ in the middle of the spell; evanESco.” He looked around at them all and smiled. “Secondly, move on to practice the wand motion. Remembering that it is a sharp motion, like you are cutting through the air.” He paused and checked off the third step. “Finally, set about working on the matchsticks in front of you.” Was he grinning? Probably. He was excited to see them all having fun this lesson! “We will be moving on in roughly 15 minutes to the main activity.”

And yes, Heath - the main activity was through that door.

OOC: Ahh! We’re on to the mini activity now!

Use Evanesco to vanish the matchstick that your student has in front of them! Feel free to quietly work with the person standing next to you, but remember to concentrate!

As always, if you would like to catch up, use a spoiler tag and points will still be awarded <3

We will be moving on at some point in the afternoon on Tuesday (so just under 48 hours). If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to message me or put Carwyn’s name in the title of your post.
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