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Old 05-21-2020, 07:42 PM   #46 (permalink)
Magical Soul

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Default Izzeh
Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War |

It was getting colder, not Genny's favourite season but she grew to learn how to enjoy it, particularly with a tall handsome man on her arm to cuddle. Although she wasn't cuddling Sam right now, it wasn't like her to be too clingy when she was upset. SUPER upset, actually, because they'd lost the most recent Quidditch match to the Wigtown Wanderers. Genny's arms were crossed to keep her warm partly and to accentuate how upset she was about the result. It was physically painful to lose when you've received so many bludgers to the side in order to save your teammates.


She made it customary to go on a walk with Sam when she was angry upset, a healthy let out of her negativity through something other than physical smashing. So embarrassing to lose in front of her boyfriend, her friends and her parents. "ugh," she groaned at the memory of when she had to shower and meet all of them after the match.

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