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Old 05-21-2020, 10:46 AM
Stormdancer Stormdancer is offline
Default Transfiguration I: Vanishment

When you step into the Transfiguration classroom, for the last period before lunch on Friday, one of the first things you might notice, is how different the classroom looks today. Maybe, you notice that there is only one, large rectangle table in the middle of the rectangular room? Or perhaps you notice the lack of chairs?

Professor Eris is standing by the door to greet you, and as he does he motions towards the back wall and the cubbies that are there. “Good morning. Please put everything into the space that you pick. The only thing you need today is your wand.” Perfect, that’s it.

The blackboard behind the Professor was blank for the moment, however there was a second (closed) door behind Carwyn’s left shoulder. The door behind the Professor was on a partition that stood easily eight feet high so no-one, not even he, could see over it. Yet. at least. The room they were working in, was roughly ten feet wide but longer. Though there was plenty of table space for maneuverability as everybody began to pick the spot around the table that they wanted to work at. At each workstation around the table, there was a single matchstick.

Calling out, the Welshman told them to store everything apart from their wand in a cubby. Then he checked the time piece in his pocket because the blood red sky that they could see through the one window in the room reminded him too much of a sunrise to lend itself to correctly telling the time. Ominous as it was considering the time and the hours that had passed since sunrise, he wondered if the Gryffindor’s liked the colour. Alas, Carwyn pulled his eyes away from the sky and checked on the students who were already patiently waiting and the time piece once more.

“Three minutes to go,” he said for them all to hear. They knew he didn’t like to close his door early, yet he stood calmly at the door as he waited for the minutes to pass and the lesson to start. Carwyn Eris was excited for today’s lesson! Could they tell, as he checked the time again.

Ooc: Heelloo and welcome to our first OOC Transfiguration lesson! Please remember that we've had two months of IC classes already, so your characters would know him already! Come on in and join us, and I will move us on in roughly 24-26 hours, around lunch time tomorrow (GMT).

Class Progression
Come on in and join us!
Question One - class has now started, any catch up should be placed under a spoiler tag
Question Two
Mini Activty Introduction
Mini Activty Mid-Post / Reactions
Main Activity Introduction!!
Main Activity - Directions #1
Main Activity - Directions #2
Main Activity - Directions #3
Main Activity - Directions #4
Main Activity - Directions #5