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When Kimmie walked into the duck pond to get the ball all Islay could do was grin. This was interest indeed, and she rather liked how Kimmie was fun. That was it, she was fun and entertaining and...and a friend. SHE. WAS. A FRIEND.
When Kimmie said she’d rather waffles all Islay could do was grin. OH MY GOSH THAT WOULD BE SO GROSS, “oh god, imagine if they were waffles...they’d be tossing soggy sticky spheres around in the sky – that would be so gross...and hilarious” Islay just grinned at her. “maybe after we can make waffles or pancakes?” she grinned, o yes yes she could easily go for waffles.
OOOh she was making a game, “honestly, I’m not really sure...i just wanted to be outside before it got so cold that winter bites at our skin and bones...y’know,” she shrugged, a small smile forming on her lips. “but I’d help you invent a game if you’d like?...or just get waffles”
K's nose wrinkled at the imagery of Quidditch actually being a game of throwing waffles through the air, and she couldn't help the loud laugh that escaped.
"Can you imagine how satisfying it would be to watch the Keeper get hit with soggy waffles instead of the Quaffle?" She might even be more interested into sports if it was more comical
. "We could also replace bludgers with like, oranges or tomatoes... something equally gross when it gets hit with the bat." Essentially, she now wanted Quidditch to be an in air food fight.
The younger girls headed bobbed in agreement, she hadn't been here yet for a winter but she heard they could be brutal. Not that she wasn't used to cold and snow at home. But still, she would much rather live somewhere where it was mainly sunny.
"Good choice. It's brisk but still nice out today." And then she was offering to HELP her? K grinned at her friend and flashed a quick thumbs up to show her appreciation.
"You really are the best! And I think we should get waffles after to treat ourselves for hard work." Or just treat themselves once K gave up on this ridiculous idea.
"I'm trying to figure out what the easiest part of most sports are so I can just... combine that."