For Chellie/Kim~ A Poop * k8 *
So Kimmie wanted to do yoga with her? Fine. Aboli would oblige. She was unsure of how to feel about the Hufflepuff mostly because of Noah. Noah was HER best friend. And.......Noah's poorly explanation of his drama was a whole lot for the Slytherin to digest...but....when it came down to it, she couldn't afford to make enemies right now. She already had people who didn't LIKE her, and Aboli hated it.
It reminded her of pre-Hogwarts days, primary days, and she just...didn't like it. Bouncing around from school to school...she just....wanted to belong so badly. And finally she felt it here. And she felt it MOST with Noah. So if Kimmie did anything to ruin that....Aboli didn't know how she would cope. But for now, she would play nicely. For Noah's sake, anyway.
She had brought her own mat and assumed that Kimmie would have her own as well. With her re-usable water bottle in hand, she waited for the blonde to arrive. In the meantime, she lay on her back, gazing up at the clouds. Her favorite thing to do, honestly. It was peaceful, reminded her of her mother, and let her mind wander to all the possible readings she could get from the clouds. Alas, she had left her cloud journal in her dorm.
__________________ "You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough." 
Roman Gellar ● 1st Year ● Slytherin |