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Hogwarts RPG Name: TBD Gryffindor Hogwarts RPG Name: Zara H. Bunbury-Foster Slytherin Fifth Year | ~24 hours left and then I'll close the thread, so feel free to wrap things up ^_^ Professor Pink | Mrs. Bruce Wayne | I'm on a Goat | Glitterpuff | Dumbledore's Defense Squad | BHB Text Cut: Carsyn Quote:
Originally Posted by PhoenixRising Carsyn was distracted and annnoooyeed at this kneazle of hers who never helped in finishing the practice round AND because of this kneazle, her gerbil was now about to become wampus food. Okay, so she didn't know that for sure, but then ... ohhhhh that male, what was he looking like that?!?
Also, were gerbils not school-sanctioned because she had the thing all last year and was the rodent that much different from a rat which was allowed?? Important questions that Carsyn was feeling all sorts of guilty raising now especially when ... "Cleooooo!!!" She leaped forward to cusp it just as it was about to walk into its death.
Okay, now what were they doing again? Someone fill her in because she was slightly preoccupied and Professor W seemed oblivious to her frantic missing pet that he didn't even know was missing. Professor Williamson might've been distracted before, but he wasn't now, as he could hardly ignore Carsyn yelling, "CLEO," (was that one of the students here? No one had introduced themselves as such) and then clutching at something.
He marched over to her and held out his big hand. "That's it. Lemme see it." Whatever illegal animal or possession or whatever she was harbouring, he was entitled to see. Text Cut: Claudine Quote:
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 Ha. Good luck, Rufus. Claudine was on to you and your pal, Fiona, and she would not be showing you her eyes as she would normally show to any other creature. Neither would President so Rufus could suck it. Anyone ever heard Claudine laugh? Well, you could at that very instant because Rufus turning is back on her and lifting his tail made her so very amused. The laugh wasn’t a loud one and it certainly was not one of those cringe worthy ones. “No thanks, we don’t want to see your butt either. Hey, Rufus. Want to play with President?’’
Now, Claudine wasn’t stupid. She strategically held the kneazle in both her arms with President’s front against her chest, like how one would hold a baby. When Rufus turned around, Caudine would turn President away from the wampus’s eyes. She began pssst psssting at Rufus while moving slowly towards the course, trying to keep an eye out for Fiona as well. President was having the time of his life. At present, he was feeling very lazy. So he was quite content watching the other kneazles over the hooman’s shoulder. Did he have any interest in Rufus? No, he did not. Rufus did NOT appreciate that sarcastic laughter. H00mans weren't supposed to be this smart. And also, yes, he did want to scratch tear kill play with President.
He batted one paw up in the air for her to hand over the kneazle, starting to follow the girl without realizing it as she made the cutest whispering sounds for him. DANGIT, H00MAN, STOP MOOOOOOVING. Text Cut: Aboli & Chloe Quote:
Originally Posted by kayquilz Her curiosity was piqued. "What did it feel like?" she asked the other girl. "Did it feel all..nice - like a blank mind? Or you had an URGE?" she was soooo curious about it's similarity to the inferius curse and the affects THAT had. Sparticus eyed Rufus and Teacup in an unconcered way, his own tail flickering quite a bit. It was only when Rufus STOMPED on a treat that he LEAPT up, looking ALARMED. WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THAT?! He meowed up at Aboli to drop another - despite the wampus suddenly wrapping around the two girls like a spiderweb -
Speaking of - Aboli yelped as the wampus, quick as a flash, had them all WOUND TOGETHER. She wobbled, she FLOPPPPLED, and she was suddenly CRASHING DOWN because she was all tangled and weidhewiufheiuwhfierhfirehfiuerhfiuerhfiehrf Umm.
SPARTICUS HAD NOT SIGNED UP FOR THIS. He was too close to the HISSING cat called Teacup, and he had his CLAWS ready in case she came in for a SNAP or a SNIP or a CLIP! HISSSSSSSSS Quote:
Originally Posted by Bazinga Teacup was not happy and her treat being taken by the thing was enough to send her claws swatting at him. She didn't jump close enough to hit him but they were swinging none the less.
One minute she was hitting her partner and the next her cat was trying to be all brave, 'What has gotten into you." She said in a low tone to her cat. [b] 'It was just a weird feeling, I didn't really realize I was thinking it until I felt Tea's claws.
She glanced at the Wampus again just in time to see it tangling the two together. "Bad Wampus, bad" Could they pull their wands out yet against this thing? She still adored it but maybe she'd adore it more if it was safely in a cage.
Falling against Aboli she couldn't help but let out a ummph. "What on earth did we do to you?" Except tried to be sweet to it. She moved so she wasn't on top of her partner and tried to start removing the leash off her legs. MROWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR. SomeONE was still hissing at him. Rufus growled and lashed out, paw out, jabbing at the other two felines like a boxer in the ring. He ignored the h00mans (for now) as he busied himself with beating up their cats. Text Cut: Missa & Ewan Quote:
Originally Posted by Samia At least this time, Missa was mentally prepared for things to go wrong. Because, no, she wasn’t foolish enough to think Rufus would make this easy. Nonetheless, her knee had jammed into Ewan’s stomach - and in an attempt to not trip over with him, she had horribly stepped on his feet - which was just awkward on its own because was there cat fur on Ewan's robes??? FEELING a sneeze coming, she tried to get away from him while also trying to not let go of the leash.
All in all, Missa fell not so lightly on her butt while sneezing three times in a row.
Oh dear. “Proud of yourself, aren’t you?” she said breathlessly to Rufus who rolling on the ground next to her. Holding out the leash for Ewan to take now, she looked up “I think so, are you?” she asked her fellow prefect, before letting out a small laugh.
Looking back at the course, she realised that they had managed to complete it. “I think you can take him now, Professor,” the brunette called out, “though I am not sure if we made him run the course, or if he made us" Quote:
Originally Posted by GD2204 This cat was vindictive. An absolute evil genius. He had to be honest, he sort of respected the game of it. To be able to fool and befuddle the two of them so easy and then just flop down and roll over? Evil genius.
Next time, could he do it in a way that didn’t cause him physical pain? No sooner had he removed Missa’s knee from his stomach had his foot been stood in. Maybe she didn’t like him after all? Still held a grudge because of his fleeting emo phase in the prefects compartment last year?
But he couldn’t blame her. It was all Rufus’ fault. Taking the leash from Missa, he just nodded”Uhhh…. He wasn’t sure what was worse, having to wipe away another person’s snot rockets or the pain of his foot. ”I think so? At least I haven’t broken any bones” or at least he didn’t think he had.
Shaking his head, a small smile on his lips, he untangled the leash and looked back, the course behind them somehow. ”Next time, you can be the live bait” grinning now as he walked over to Missa with his hand held up for a high five. Team Prefect had done it! Sort of? Rufus was indeed proud. He was also a little bit worn out by all this exercise. Could he be excused to go take a cat nap now? He let out a big yawn and waited, patiently now, to be returned to his cage for a nap. "Bring him over here!" Williamson chuckled toward the Ravenclawsome pair. Not gonna lie, he'd been almost laughing for their entire run. The Americans should put a wampus on their football teams; Rufus was THAT good at tackling. Text Cut: Blake & Tom Quote:
Originally Posted by love-for-HP "Well that settles that then...." Blake didn't think they would be getting Rufus to run the course period. But ... they felt like they needed to do something. Watching Rufus flop on to his back for a belly rub. He was tempted .... Blake was ever so tempted ... but it wouldn't be wise really ... it wouldn't be ....Tom .... I ahh... I wouldn't touch him" Blake moved a little further away to resist the temptation.... "But he might like it if you toss him a treat." Blake added. Quote:
Originally Posted by Weasley174 Tom was about to move closer when Blake spoke, "But... just look, it wants a belly rub." Tom was standing right next to Blake, "Surely if we go together, nothing bad can happen." Tom knew that Rufus didn't want to do the course and so they wouldn't. "Do we have a treat for him?" Tom looked around, "He's been really good so I'm sure he deserves one." Rufus deserved MORE than just a treat. He deserved THE WORLD. He deserved bacon and pizza and thick slabs of deer steak.
But.... a treat would do, for now. Maybe even a nibble of h00man hand sounded good. He beckoned the boys closer with his powerful yellow eyes. Yesssssssssssssss, he has been SO good, give him a treaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat.... and also, RUB DA BELLY. COME ON. Text Cut: Eiji & Cole Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie .....Merlin help him.
The seventh year felt absolutely no need to respond to Cole's questions about his smell (which, for the record, were more metallic and smokey than anything else) and merely gave the Gryffindor a deadpan kind of stare. Again, Merlin help him. Especially when the fat kneazle did absolutely nothing to move towards the direction of the mouse that the Gryffindor had kept in his pocket - no judging, Eiji kept a lot of wild things in his own. Though pet toys were far from it.
As for Professor Williamson...the Slytherin wasn't entirely sure if the man was showing him the same sense of dry humor he himself had displayed or being serious. It was always hard to tell with magizoologists. They all seemed to have somewhat warped senses of humor. "I already have a pet, professor," he said flatly in pseudo lament. "Only one pet allowed per student at Hogwarts. I couldn't even if I wanted to." Which he most certainly did not and his glance ventured back to Cole just then. "I am not a particular fan of creatures in general." Save for their uses in potions and alchemy and that was the only reason he was still sticking around this class because it was a requirement by some universities for those two fields. "And he is more of an inhibitor rather than anything else."
A blob with fur, that was what this kneazle was.
Speaking of...Eiji SIGHED at the wampus took off with Cole attached by the leash. Did that mean he could just...stand here? Not wanting to risk Professor Williamson saying something, he sighed AGAIN and scooped the dumb purring machine up in his arms and started after the two at a light jog.
Ever tried to run with a purring creature in your arms? A heavy purring creature? The noise was irritating.
Also? More drool. That was lovely too.
This was juuuuuuuuuuuuuust great. Quote:
Originally Posted by Nordic Witch Cole accepted Rufus leach from Professor Williamson. He was waiting for Eji since he still had his kneazle problem to deal with when the wampus took off at a gallop tugging him along towards the course. "Eji, come on! Rufus is eager to start." Cole called over his shoulder as he did his best to hang on to Rufus leash and not drop it on the way. If he did that he was unsure what might happen and he didn’t want to risk that any kneazles or cats got hurt. Sheesh, Prof Williamson hadn’t been exaggerating when he had said that the wampus kittens were lightening fast.
By the time they came to start of the course Cole was panting and did his best to slow Rufus down, tugging hard on the leash. Eji had to hold onto the leash too right? Seeing Eji coming up behind him at a jog with the now purring kneazle in his arms he wondered how the other boy was going to be able to have a hand on the leash. Not having time to ask he threw the end of the leash Eji’s way saying "Here, grab on before Rufus takes off again down the course and over the hurdles." "This is a pet for you to take HOME home," Williamson clarified. "Just think of how nice it will be for you to come home on weekends and school holidays to find Lucky curled up in your bed, waiting for you." Sheets soaked with drool, pillows covered in cat hair... ah, it was paradise, no?
He smirked. And THIS was why WWW was a loyal dog lover.
"Don't ever say that in my class again," he warned, his smirk turning upside down like a big ol Grumpy Cat face. "Go on, now. Help your partner." As best as he could with that kneazle he had to lug around. Mistake #1 for the lion-snake pair was not exercising more so that they could keep up with him. Mistake #2 was tossing his leash in the air and expecting a boy with his hands full of fat cat to catch it.
Rufus felt the tension in his leash suddenly disappear, and took that as his cue to escape. He sped up, leaping over three obstacles in a row as he started running for the barrier at the edge of the enclosure. Of course he hadn't seen what had happened to Fiona when she'd tried this earlier.... Text Cut: Phoebe & Jillian Quote:
Originally Posted by Cassirin Oh, yay! Phoebe bopped over to where the Head Girl and Handsome Professor were waiting, along with a very adorable wampus kitten. Beans was still draped over Phoebe's head and shoulder, but Phoebe was much more relaxed about it than Beans was. "Hi. I'm Phoebe and I'm going to be your willing minion today. This is Beans, and she's a good girl."
So like... feed that wampus already. "Maybe he's hungry, and I think we should use that to our advantage. Like we can use food bits to lure him through the obstacles. I doubt wampii like socks as much as Beans does." Quote:
Originally Posted by hjhm She heard the professor call her name out and Phoebe's name as well. Good good. She needed a partner. Plus Phoebe was looking extra cool with a chill Beans on her head. She chuckled softly and waved her hand at the third year Gryffindor. Willing minion was a nice touch. She loves this vibe. "Hi Phoebe and Beans" she got excited looking at Beans. Is she allowed to pet her later? "She's very adorable"
Hmmmmm... Jillian chuckled when Rufus sat like a boss, waiting to be fed by Jillian. OF COURSE. Not that Jillian didn't want to. She fed him pieces of the treat one by one. She then carefully pet his head before turning to Phoebe, she likes her idea about putting treats for Rufus to help motivate him finish the course. "I like that idea! I did the same thing earlier with my kneazle" it could work... it could really work. "Let's start with the obstacle course?" she said. This girl was good, managing to get the treats in his mouth without even getting her hand close enough for him to taste. Hmm. Rufus did eat the treats though; he wasn't as picky as Fiona, and he was enjoying all the pat-pats on his head.
He stood up before they could try to tug him toward the obstacle course and started walking in the opposite direction, away from everyone and everything. Why? Because he was born stubborn. Text Cut: Islay Quote:
Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime Islay was trying of course to make sure that Rufus stayed behind Benjie. Benjie needed to show Rufus how this was done – yeah? “of course – “ Islay nodded and slowed the speed as best she could. She needed to make sure that Benjie was in the lead showing Rufus how everything was to be done – it was how this was going to work.
When Rufus jumped through the hoop Islay couldn’t help but grin. He was doing far better than Kasha had with her earlier, maybe Kasha had simply wanted a nap? Still, when he made it way over the next obstacle as well Islay tried slowing the pace as best she could. “good job rufus,” as she spoke she held one of the treats toward the wampus kitten waiting for him to react to it – see maybe food would slow him a bit? A treat? A TREAT? Was it deer?!
Rufus skidded to an abrupt stop and yanked himself and his leash-controller over to the treat, pausing to take an obnoxiously long sniff sniff sniff whiff of the treat.
WELL. Was she going to put it in his mouth or what? Rufus opened his mouth of sharp, dagger-like teeth, and waited for the treat. Text Cut: Kitt Quote:
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo Ayyyyyyy, he got a partner! Kitt grinned wide, stepping closer while the professor gave them their wampus. Fiona, eh? That was fine, he didn't have a preference there. "Thanks Professor!"
Oh, were they introducing their kneazles? Kitt lifted Sparky higher, the poor kneazle's feet dangling midair as they had done back at the start when he'd first picked him up. "This is Sparky. He doesn't want to do anything."SO, um, he wasn't going to be of much use.
And how much time did they have for this? The boy didn't want to sit through another stuck up feline not doing what he asked. "I think....I think....." Before he could finish, his eyes lifted once more to the Professor and then he thought better of finishing the sentence. Without asking, he tugged Cece a ways away. "I think we grab her, yeah. You take the front paws, I take the back. She's smart, I don't think she'll fall for treats and if she's anything like Sparky, we'll have to move her ourselves. I'll take the back legs. We rush her at the same time. It'll be eeeeaassyyyy."
Then they could walk her through the course. Fiona could HEAR THE BOY, didn't he know that?! Her ears flattened back on her head at his DISTURBING suggestion, and she laid down, squishing herself into a loaf so that none of her paws were exposed to this boy and his TERRIBLE plan.
She also let out a low growl of warning. WARNING. W A R N I N G. Do not attempt to handle this loaf, or it MAY E X P L O D E.
yeah, there's one thing about me that you should know________________________________  __________________________________________that I can't help from speaking my mind |