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Any excuse to get out of the shop was a welcome one for Mackenzie, who was starting to believe that Mr. Lufkin might actually be in love with his owls. No seriously, he had an odd connection with those birds. The man needed a girlfriend STAT.
"Think my boss would be into any of the other shopkeepers? Someone who doesn't mind that hair and isn't allergic to owls, preferably." She smiled a little at Jolie, giving her a nudge as she lead the way into the main hall. Only as soon as she saw what they were walking in to, she stopped them both in their tracks, holding her arm out to block Jolie's path. "Jolie..." She glanced at her as she slipped her own wand from its wrist holder, her eyes filled with fear. This didn't look good.
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"How old is he? Maybe we should hook him up with Evan." Jolie said in a tone that didn't really disclose if she was serious or joking. Older man though? Always a plus. And even if he was, from what Jolie had briefly seen, a little weird about birds, if there was anyone she knew who could handle weird guys with a balance of their own weirdness in return, it was definitely Evan. "Though I don't know where she stands with ow--"
Jolie's eyes widened at the tableau in front of them. Five dirty creepers, goblins, and a severing spell. She clasped the deposit bag from Paradise to her chest, the entire previous week's take within it, and then she fumbled for her own wand, which was in her bag since she rarely bothered to wear it day to day.
Punching their goblin square in its ugly nose to knock it off its stool, another one of the escapees spit on and then turned with their wand drawn to move down the line when his cold dark green eyes fell on the two young ladies who had just stepped inside.
And what they had in their possession.
Pivoting and while the others continued to occupy the remaining goblins, he began lunging towards his two for one, casting stunning and disarming spells with a gleeful howl. A howl that drew the attention of a red head witch among the escaped crew as well.