Originally Posted by
Optimist.Prime Islay was mid twirl when her face came into contact with something solid, soft, and warm….and it smelled familiar? her face was already reddening as she noticed the very solid body she had just twirled her way into had fallen and merlin she felt bad, she felt so bad.
no no no no noooooo she didn’t need another train indcident all over again – no one was going to believe this was an accident too. Pulling the headphones out of her ears she just gave Drew a sort of frantic apologetic face “I’m sooooo sorry Drew I – I wasn’t looking and I spun around like and idiot and my face and you and” she just groaned and thrust her hand against her forhead, not forcefully, but forcefully enough that there was a slight resounding thwack sound.
If anyone asked she’d lie and say she was swatting a mosquito…it didn’t matter that they weren’t around at this time of year, she’d lie. She could do that – no, no she couldn’t do that, she wouldn’t. She’d just face it and apologize for hurting him. ”d-did I hurt you?” she asked as she reached her hand up and gingerly brushed a smidge of the path off of his face - really if she had hurt him he could always lie and say he had gotten in a fight with something more terrible than an obviously clumsy brunette.
She was really quite upset, wasn't she. If he was that type of guy, Drew could have played on it and made her feel really guilty and probably got something out of it but he was not that guy.
"Islay!!" He gently grabbed her shoulders to hold her still. She was getting all worked up for nothing.
"It's okay. I'm good. And you didn't hurt me." Pfft...as if. He was a tall, muscly guy for Merlin's sake, a little scratch on the face was not going to make him cry and besides he had plenty of beauty products in his dorm to cover up any faults to his face.
Letting go of her shoulders, Drew gave her a bit of a cheeky smile.
"Although you now owe me one."