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Old 05-11-2020, 02:07 AM   #135 (permalink)
Lissy Longbottom
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Join Date: Jul 2003
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Moritz Schultz (#0f667e)
Seventh Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Nancy Schultz (#ac6f77)
Fourth Year
x11 x1
Default Moved some quotes around for response purposes!
curly haired prefect - "sometimes I get angry!" - 30/90 - *chicken emoji* - probably @ Disney - I speak dog

SPOILER!!: Replies!
Originally Posted by Bazinga View Post
Chloe had been pretty quiet during the lesson. She found history interesting and got so caught up in her own thoughts she would forget at times to share them with the class and to be honest to listen to the direction the lesson was going. So when they started talking about New Scamander she began thinking about all the creatures in his book and how he got those creatures, then she thought about his case and how cool it would be to have one of those.

The next thing she knew they were doing a sequencing activity so Chloe started to work on that and putting her notes in order. She didn't want to use her book, she wanted to see if she could figure it out on her own. When the professor started talking again and revealed the order she compared it with her own notes, darn two mixed up. Giving herself a thumbs up on getting the rest correct she moved it to listen to the next part.

"He was heavily involved in the Wizarding World where he had to go against Grindelwald."
Originally Posted by Anna Banana View Post
Isla compared her answers to the professor's. She hadn't gotten them all right, but she hadn't done half bad yet either. She eyed the professor with a 'you don't mean to say' expression when she told them that the expulsion was actually him taking the fall for someone else. Nope. Never. She didn't care how good of a friend someone was. She wasn't getting expelled for them.

She listened to Recard detail everything else, and she tried her hardest to keep mental notes. It was no use, though. Once she'd gotten hung up on the fact he got expelled for someone else, it was hard to think about anything else.

...but yet here was the next question. Isla had actually read about how intelligent Newt was and how he was pretty much super smart in all the subjects offered at Hogwarts. She raised her hand. "He was pretty good at Charms, I hear. Speaking of Grindelwald, Scamander supposedly used a Revelio Charm to get past Grindelwald's Human Transfiguration," she recalled.
Originally Posted by GD2204 View Post
Nodding as the correct order came up on the board, Ewan quickly jotted it down again a little neater this time so that it would actually be legible when he looked back to revise for his NEWTs. Sure, it wasn’t likely to come up but you know, just in case.

Ewan did find it interesting that Newt had been expelled though. After all, he’d done well with himself despite not having completed his studies. Or was it simply luck? He had a feeling that it was a mixture of both luck and finding something you were good at and enjoyed, something that he really wanted to do, yet something that eluded him.

Ewan continued to add all of this extra information to his notes, his quill scratching across his parchment in at a rapid speed as he did so, determined to get it all down, only pausing to listen to the Professors answer. He’d read a little about the whole wizarding war against Grindelwald but well, he’d grown up as a muggle and it wasn’t exactly an everyday point of conversation with his muggle father. Nope. He just continued to listen intently to the answers of others, only answering when he actually had something to offer.

”He helped capture him in New York didn’t he?”
Originally Posted by MadMadamMalfoy View Post
Heath finished writing just as the professor moved on. He looked up at the correct answers on the board, cross-referencing his own list. Oh, looks like he’d reversed the Werewolf Ledger and the Ban on Experimental Breeding. That was slightly disappointing, but he hadn’t done as poorly as he thought he would. At least he had the other four events in the correct order! So was he supposed to add the dates these things happened to the same parchment he used for the mini activity or…? He decided to write them on the one that contained the rest of his notes instead; that way he could put them in the right order.

He kept taking careful notes, only looking up as Professor Recard asked another question. Other wizarding world events that Newt Scamander was part of… Heath’s mind immediately went to Newt Scamander’s role in the defeat of Grindelwald, but evidently so did everybody else’s. Having nothing new to add about that, he frantically wracked his brains for something else to say until something one of his housemates (Avalon) said jogged his memory. If he recalled correctly, that wasn’t the only obscurus… obscurial, whatever the term was, that Newt Scamander encountered. He remembered hearing about another one that had survived to adulthood. What was that guy's name? It was something with a C, and it sounded like the name of the foster home his favorite wrock band supported. Crandall? Creighton? No, Credence! That was it!

Heath raised his hand and said, "Newt met another obscurial named Credence during his visit to New York. He tried to help him… and I think that was part of the reason Dumbledore sent Newt to Paris. They were trying to find him before Grindelwald did…" Or something along those lines. His memory was fuzzy on some of the details. So, yeah, he was just gonna…. stop talking now before he made a huge fool of himself.
Originally Posted by love-for-HP View Post
Bummer! Blake had gotten a few of them out of order, but he corrected his notes quickly so he had it all right for whenever the exam came.

"Didn't he partner with Dumbledore with the downfall of Grindewald?" Okay so he had kind of asked a question within his own answer, but he had at least given it a chance.
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl View Post
Aww, man! Bernie had ALMOST gotten all of the events in Newt's life right, with only the last two wrong. Well anyway. She now had to guess what in the heck Newt had done that DIDN'T have to do with creatures, or werewolf ledgers, or bans on breeding....?

She sighed but popped her hand in the air ANYWAY. Because she DID agree with Blake.

"I bet Newt was REAL GOOD friends with Dumbledore." This, she had learned, was a solid guess for any important wizard from the 20th century. It had worked with Nicholas Flamel last year! OH OH! Speaking of Flamel! "I bet Newt KNEW Nicholas Flamel, too. I bet the three of them were the very best friends that anyone could have." As for, uh, what that had to do with wizarding events?

She shrugged. "What the others said. He definitely, probably, aided Dumbledore in some way, against Grindelwald, andddddddd, I dunno, maybe his creatures helped him?" JUST GUESSING, it wasn't illegal to GUESS here.
As she had predicted, many of the students brought up the wizarding war and his fight with Grindelwald. Gabi smiled and nodded at each of them in turn. "Very good. Newt was definitely instrumental in the downfall of Grindelwald in the first Wizarding War. It showcased just how skilled he was in all aspects of magic - and showed he wasn't just focused on creatures, and was an all around brilliant wizard," she summed up. Once again, she found herself thinking that she could easily do a whole series of seminars on him! Although she was probably the only one who would find that interesting because she didn't know that Derfael Ashbury-Hawthrone existed.

Originally Posted by Optimist.Prime View Post
Islay let out a squeal of excitement when she saw that her list and the list on the board there EXACTLY the same – okay, so maybe she was a little over excited about it. When the werewolf registry was brought up she did furrow her brows a little and raise her hand in question “Professor Recard, couldn’t the werewolf registry be used as a way to discriminate those afflicted? Even those who simply were attacked and were not born as werewolves themselves?” she asked out of concern for well, anyone that happened to be among them.

Her mind immediately going to the uncle she had just heard of over the summer and his affliction. When her next question was brought up Islay listened and looked around before raising her hand once more, “Mr. Scamander was an instrumental part of the capture of Gellart Grindlewald during the first part of the first wizarding war – before his later escape” they had learned a lot about this in Beauxbaton because of how close the fighting had come to the school.
Gabi doubled back to Islay's answer, as she had brought up something interesting that Gabi had been hoping someone would have touched on. "There is certainly the argument for that, Miss Moreau," she nodded at her with a smile of approval for her answer. "The werewolf registry is a bit of a...complex issue, both in terms of how useful it is and how well regulated it is. A fascinating subject if you ask me - however we do need to stay focused on Newt," she added with a small chuckle. Perhaps she'd be interested in reading the thesis she had in one of her books on the subject? Probably not, because she was a teenage girl. But it was there if she wanted it!

Originally Posted by Cassirin View Post
WELL. So sometimes logical guesses got a girl to the right answers. Phoebe preened in her seat as she drew big stars next to each of her answers. Right and right and right and riiiiiight. Perfect score.

But why were they talking about the non-creaturey stuff? The creaturey stuff was interesting! If they got off that, they'd end up talking about some boring government bills he wrote or something. Oh! Speaking of things he wrote... "He wrote other books! Other than Fantastic Beasts. My daddy used to read to us from the Anthology of Monsters." Rawr.
Ooh, an interesting fact for Phoebe to bring up! Gabi had been certain most of them would have taken the Grindelwald route. "Good point Miss James! One of his lesser known novels, for sure," she added with a nod of approval.

Originally Posted by LilFox06 View Post
Valencia's and immediately shot up. "He was a spy." she said excitedly. "Before the start of the Wizarding War. But he was told to keep it secret." Obviously. That's how being a spy worked.
Gabi chuckled a bit. "Yes, that is pretty important when you're working undercover," she said. Although she wouldn't exactly call him a SPY. More like...a covert operator. Newt didn't strike her as one to be sneaky enough to be a TRUE spy.

Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Well, 4 out of 6 wasn't too bad, considering that Avalon had only heard some stories about Newt from her grandfather and done some light reading. At least she had gotten most of them right, and thankfully, the activity wasn't graded. The Ravenclaw listened to the Professor Recard's explanations intently, jotting down some notes as she went along. She truly couldn't believe that he got expelled for someone else! What a stupid thing to do. She didn't think she could ever do something like that, no matter how heroic it might seem. Hogwarts was jut too important to her.

Her classmates had covered Newt's involvement with the Wizarding War and Grindelwald, so Avalon decided to contribute a different fact about his life that she remembered reading in a history book. "Newt was successful at containing an obscurus, even after its host died." She had never heard of any other wizards accomplishing that before. "He was able to encase it in some sort of bubble and keep it in his magical suitcase." And from what she had heard, Newt's suitcase was amazing. It could apparently adapt to whatever creature was inside it. If only she could come up with something as neat as that!
"Fascinating things, Obscurials," Gabi gave a small nod of approval at the Ravenclaw at her answer. "It was his work with obscurials that accidentally led him to stumble into his fight against Grindelwald, in a way," she added. That and some runaway creatures, of course.

Originally Posted by Felixir View Post
When Rasting eventually turned to look, Nem merely smiled at him some more. Happy to be here, happy to learn, et cetera, et cetera. Clearly not an antagonistic bone in this little angel's body. Mental notes were, however, being made. Nem had endless hours of ennui ahead that they would have to suffer through; maybe Rasting could provide some entertainment here or there.

Things moved on eventually, and Nem sat back in their chair, spinning the ring on their thumb. The only thing written on their parchment so far was those six life events of Newt Scamander, in entirely the wrong order. Even as Recard prattled on and on, taking obvious pauses for note-taking, Nem just sat by and listened, even as tempting as it was to instead think about more interesting things.

When there finally came a question, their hand rose almost at once.

"It's not really an event, I suppose, but the rise of Horklump prejudice!" Nem put in earnestly, once they were called on. "He wrote himself that he used to dismember them when he was a kid, and then in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, he mentioned they have no discernible use, even though a lot of other creatures weren't exactly mentioned in terms of usefulness, at least not in so many words. A bit cold and heartless, professor, when you really think about it." Not that Nem would know anything about that kind of thing, of course. "But anyway, when you've got the guy everyone considers the main authority on creatures saying stuff like that, people are gonna latch onto it and absorb those ideas too, obviously. So now we have more Horklump prejudice than we might have had otherwise."

Was there such a thing as Horklump prejudice? Maybe. Did Nem actually care so much about the topic? What do you think.
That Ok. Gabi blinked for a moment at the Slytherin, unsure at first how to respond to their answer. "That's an interesting take," she noted, giving Nem a slow nod. "I'm not entirely sure that was Newt's intention. Remember that this book was written as a guide for wizards and witches who were NOT familiar with creatures and looking for practical information on them. Was it not possible that maybe he was trying to dissuade people from hunting them by stating they weren't 'useful'?" she asked them with a raised eyebrow. Snaps them for coming up with an out of the box answer, though.

Originally Posted by Watson View Post
Noah glanced at his notebook and began checking his answers against what the Professor had explained. Welp. He had gotten the order of 'Writing and Passing the Ban on Experimental Breeding" messed up with "Created the Werewolf Ledger". Oh well he was pretty close.

He listened to the Professor speak, noting that she had called out Kitt and Kale for trying to look off each other's notebooks or something like that. Oof- fellow Lions... Luckily she hadn't taken any points away from them. That was nice...

Now to the question that had been asked of the class. What other events had Newt been involved in? Well Wizarding War, events in America. "Didn't Scamander work closely with the Dragon Research and Restraint Bureau?"
"He did," Gabi smiled and nodded in response. "This way he was able to get more up to date information on dragons for newer editions of his book!"

Originally Posted by Nordic Witch View Post
SPOILER!!: Catch up mini activity
Cole was taking diligent notes as Professor Recard lectured. Newt Scamander could come up on the end of the year exam, plus he was a very interesting fellow. He was more than just an author of their CoMC textbook. He had led a life that had been very eventful. To list events in order was difficult, but Cole gave it a shot on his parchment.

Cole read and read his order of Newt's life events. The award he got should be at the end and Tina should be at the top. He was satisfied with the list. If it was correct was another story.

When the right list of events was revealed by Professor Recard Cole prided himself with having at least a few right answers. Scamander was a famous guy but he hadn't followed him that closely. One thing he had read this summer though came of use now when they we're asked what else Scamander was known for. Raising his hand Cole said confidently "Scamander worked for the ministry during the first World War where he took part in a programme to wrangle ironbelly dragons. The programme wasn't very successful though because apparently the dragons just tried to eat everyone that wasn't Newt and had his hand with them."
Gabi nodded at Cole with a soft smile. "Yes, he did work with dragons during the first World War, it was what helped him build a bit of notoriety as being skilled with creatures, and helped earn him a book deal later in life," she added.

Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie View Post
Turning his parchment over to continue his notes on the backside, the seventh year nearly found himself yawning as class continued. Despite his poor penmanship, his answered had been in the correct order but he hardly felt a sense of accomplishment on the matter. Nah, he was still thinking over the previous round of question and answer and absolutely NOTHING to do with that younger Slytherin. NOTHING.

Okay? Nothing.

Only his irritation absolutely made him pay attention ever single word that she was saying and he hated that he actually snorted in amusement with her whole spiel on Horklumps. Because it WAS hilarious.

So naturally, his hand went up because he now had something to say about it.

"Suppose there is a lesson to be learned from the fact that not even the great Newt Scamander seemed privy to the Horklump's vital role in the creation of such potions as the Wiggenweld Potion and the Herbicide Potion thanks to their juice. Instrumental in the field of healing potions as well as rather useful with some alchemy transmutations. Pure contradiction to the line in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them my classmate spoke of. So suppose a lesson we can learn is that no matter what Order of Merlin class you receive and how much a professional you are perceived of in your field that no one is exempt from ignorance and infallibility, wouldn't you agree professor?"

Oh look at that, he had spoken twice in class now. A record for him, truly. And he had done so without casting even the tiniest of glances towards the little snakette. See? He was building off her answer. Such a kind classmate he was.

Also, that Gryffindor Cole needed to pay attention. This point had already been raised and the Slytherin couldn't help but roll his eyes a bit.
Eiji was feeling particularly chatty today, wasn't he? Gabriela was a bit thrown for a loop, as she was used to him just moping around quietly - which was fine by her. Still, he earned another small smile in his direction. "It is quite possible that, at the time Newt wrote the book, he was unaware of just how useful they would be in potions," she responded. That was why he was constantly releasing new editions with new information, after all. "We all should be seeking to better understand things that we are ignorant about, as you said, no matter how successful we are in any given topic," she added as an afterthought. Believe it or not, Gabi knew that firsthand.

Originally Posted by Tegz View Post
Wait... what? Flynn had a face journey when the professor said his name because it didn't sound like she had actually heard what he had said. He was teeeechnically calling into question the validity of Scamander's approach, right? Like, just watching knarls wasn't that much in the way of methodology, was it? MAYBE he should have transfigured himself and LIVED as a knarl instead? And, actually maybe the dude didn't HAVE a thought process, maybe he just projected on the knarls. Also the professor didn't mind the use of the word jerks, he supposed, so that was good to know. But ummmmm he would.... take the random 'excellent', he supposed, even if the rest of it felt bafflingly out of context to anything he'd actually said.

Flynn was still in baffled mode so he spent the majority of the time they were supposed to order events around figuratively scratching his head. And then when he actually started on that, best guesses and all, he was still a bit head scratchy because his big problem was, if he put it in an order, he'd have the order he put it as the order that went in his head, and not necessarily the actual order. That wouldn't be any good for exams! It was better then to just wait for the answers, he decided, that way he'd remember the right order (even if he didn't get why it was something worth knowing- History of Magic was SO weird like that) stuck in his mind.

Wait a minute, how was expulsion an accomplishment? How was meeting someone an accomplishment? The others were, Flynn could see that well enough but those two? He was REALLY trying not to go glassy-eyed over here, but ended up gaping in consternation at the next question. What events? Like..... like the events that.... were.... in this timeline maybe? Like those events? That they'd.... literally just.... discussed?

Yup, sorry professor, you've lost him. MAYBE if she'd stuck to the creature bits.... Flynn let his mind, and his gaze, wander. Prefect-watching was a way better use of his time.
If Gabi knew what was going on in the poor Hufflepuff's brain, she would have definitely felt like she was on a looping roller coaster. She had, of course, interpreted his answer a completely different way - thinking that he was admiring how he had studied knarls in the past. What had been deep thought about the validity of his methods, she had taken for the ramblings of a young third year boy as he basically thought out loud about how Newt had accomplished it. The jerks bit was sort of endearing, to be honest - she liked when students presented their uncensored versions of themselves! So in summary - they were on totally different wavelengths. Whoops. Hopefully he wasn't going to be gazing off in to space too much or he'd miss her explanation of the main activity they were about to do...

Originally Posted by Sunflower View Post
After reading through the list of events, she got to work silently, scribbling away on her parchment. She was certain about the order of most of them, through her prior knowledge of Scamander and by deductive reasoning, but was confused about which came first, the Ban on Experimental Breeding or the Werewolf Ledger.

Turns out that she did get the two events in the wrong order. She corrected her error and added in the years when each event occurred. She listened as the professor spoke about each event in more detail - it was always so interesting to hear about the lives of great witches and wizards. Of course, the version that they were given was very brief, only consisting of the highlights. Jina took notes on the things that she did not previously know and which may appear on the exam. The next question got her thinking more seriously, since Scamander was quite obviously very well known for his contribution in the wizarding war. She wanted to say something more specific than that though. She raised her hand and said, "He was involved in the Battle in the Lestrange Family Mausoleum. His friend Leta Lestrange died, and that's when he really decided to join the fight against Grindelwald."

Jina smiled at the Horklump answers given by the two Slytherins, though she knew that they were not trying to be funny. While listening to the other students, he sketched a few Horklumps on her parchment, with speech bubbles saying "prejudice?" "ignorance & infallibility?".
Interesting answer from the Ravenclaw. Gabi didn't really view that as a major battle of the war, but it was important to Newt nonetheless. "Very good, and Leta was his old childhood friend that he actually took the fall for when he got expelled," she added as a fun fact. Did she mention that she didn't agree with that decision at all? Because she definitely didn't. So no getting ideas, anyone!

Originally Posted by Kolyander View Post
As Professor Recard went of the correct in order in which the events had occurred, Lukas couldn't help but smile. He was sure he had mixed up at least two of the event but it appeared that he hadn't. Sometimes guessing wasn't a bad thing. Which was the case right now but they weren't being graded on it so it wasn't like it really really mattered?

The lesson was moving on and a lot of talking was happening. More events and names and dates. There was always so much to learn and even more to remember. Rather than raise his hand and end up repeating something that had already been said, he choose to keep silent. Not wanting it to appear like he wasn't paying attention or anything though, the first year picked up his quill once more and began taking notes. At least he was doing something productive other than just sitting there.
Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Missa was ... zoning out again.

Her answer being wrong didn’t surprise her much either. She needed to do better.

Sighing, she scribbled down bits and pieces of information the professor was sharing. She really didn’t have to listen, right? She could just read ... all about this in a book. This was probably a very wrong approach but Missa had given up on History of Magic a long time ago.


The next question didn’t stir her brain either - what did though was Eiji’s avid response. He was just very active in this class, wasn’t he?

Oh, wait. Was he showing off? Was there some other agenda to this?

Okay, she needed to stop overthinking this. Maybe today he had just forgotten his unhelpful emoness back in the slytherin dorm.

Originally Posted by Daydreamer11 View Post
Well.......Naya totally got the Scamander timeline wrong. First event and last event was all she seemed to get right. She wrote down the right answers in her notes and then tuned in to the next question. Naya tried to think back, going through her knowledge on the subject. Given her performance on the previous task, it was apparently limited. The first answer that came to her mind had already been given. Naya thought of something else, but she was pretty sure that was not what the professor was after. She decided to keep quiet for now. Maybe something good would pop into her head. Maybe. Hopefully. Soon. In the meantime, she would keep taking notes. Taking notes and sucking up knowledge.
Originally Posted by kayquilz View Post
Blah blah...blah blah...wah...wah wha wah....WAH....

Aboli shook her head out of it! SNAP. Had she VISIBLY zoned out?! Glazed over eyes? MERLIN. She hoped not - her hand got to scribbling down EVERYTHING Professor Recard was saying. Did she know any of this? Nope. Was she interested? Nope. But she respected Professor Recard ssooooOOoooo there was no choice but to comply and be respectful.

As long as she didn't fall asleep first. .____.

But her hand was cramping, and that was a great sign right? Apparently Scamander had helped with the take down of Grindelwald, as far as Aboli could gather from her classmates. And that bloke, He was smart. Aboli tried to keep up with this words as best she could. Was that younger kid who had MISLED HER in Creatures last week in here? Because she would NOT be listening to any of his comments anymore. MORON.

Originally Posted by hjhm View Post
Oopps, some of her answers were waaaaay off but that's okay because she copied the correct list that Professor Recard wrote on her notes. Most of Newt Scamander's adventures involved creatures in it, so the second question was quite hard. She had the same answer like the others- he was involved in the war against Grindelwald and saying it again just makes it repetitive. No need for that. Jillian did thought long and hard just in case she left out something but so far that's the only thing she could remember.
Originally Posted by TakemetotheBurrow View Post
Heeeey, she'd actually done pretty well with that list of hers, huh? Cecelia smiled to herself, switching event number three and four so that they were in the correct order. She added the dates too on account of she was trying hard at this studenting thing today. Then she drew a smiley face at the top of her parchment because that's how she felt. Smiley.

But um...uhhh...what if she didn't know much about what Newt did outside of his creature endeavors? Because she didn't, not really. So instead of adding anything, she just jotted down a couple of the more interesting facts her classmates shared and drew herself a little bowtruckle to accompany her notes.
Originally Posted by pundantic View Post
Kale felt his face turn a violent, tomato red at the suggestion that he was doing something wrong in helping his friend. Cheating. She was suggesting he was cheating. And he so totally wasn't. He was helpin' his buddy by showing him his answers.

Kitt was new to the whole wizard stuff.

Being kind was not a crime.

And that was on periodt.

But still, in the spirit of respecting authority, the Gryffindor said, "Sorry, Professor."

Once she clicked away, he mouthed back to Kitt, "I'll help you after class." In case he was still confused.

When she moved onto the next question the third year kept trying to raise his hand, offering an answer, but his peers beat him to the chase with each bullet he knew. Eventually, the Gryffindor ran out of knowledge and had to sit there in sadness.
Originally Posted by DaniDiNardo View Post
Kitt grinned wide at his dormmate, a big ol' appreciative sort of grin that was basically synonymous with a thanks for saving his life. "Thanks, mate!" He began scribbling down the answers but stopped short at the perfectly manicured hand now on his desk.

Kitt felt the blood drain from his face at the sight of the professor, thinking he was really in for it and poor Kale too for only trying to help.

Imagine his RELIEF when he got off with a warning. Kitt nodded obediently, somewhat embarrassed to have been caught. When she walked off, he mouthed a "sorry" to Kale. Truly, he was.

Aaaaand then they were back to history talk and Newt and accomplishments. While the Professor spoke, Kitt took the time to scribble down the answers to the earlier activity. Might as well now that it was over. Was this going to reflect poorly on his grades? It hadn't been a TEST, yeah? Because then that would make him a really bad cheater.

Kitt flopped his head down onto his desk, forehead smacking against the wooden structure while all this information poured in. This was insane. Everyone was saying a ton of things he had no idea about and he wasn't sure if he should give an answer. Last time he tried while knowing nothing about the topic, Professor Williamson said it was harmful to younger kids.

He didn't wanna be HURTING people.

But man, all this info hurt for sure.
Originally Posted by FearlessLeader19 View Post
Claudine’s gaze shifted from the board to her notes checking her answers. It dawned on her with much embarrassment that she only had the first and last events correct. She proceeded to make a note of the correct order. No one needed to know just how off she was. Anyway, what other wizarding events could she think of that Newt being involved with?


All she could think of was the Wizarding War and no doubt there was going to be many students who said that. Well, this introvert was not going to waste her breath repeating that since she could think of nothing different. Only note taking would happen now.
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack View Post
.... Were those boys CHEATING? And the Headmaster's son, no less. Nina Castillo was not at all impressed. She had heaps of respect for Headmaster Trent though, and had no doubt that the man did not stand for his son cheating like that. While Nina wasn't outright staring, she did lean back to listen in when Professor Recard walked their way.

And.... She was far too nice. No surprise there. How were they to learn that cheating was wrong if she just brushed it off so easily like that? Whatever. Nina didn't actually care.

What she did care about, however, was getting the answers right. And it was no surprise that she did, though she still smiled to herself. There was nothing wrong in taking pride in one's accomplishments. As for the next question, she again chose to stay quiet. Eyeing Nemesis Upstead for their answer, but otherwise listening and jotting down her own thoughts in her notebook.

Originally Posted by PhoenixRising View Post
Okay so her order of events was WAY off, but at least it was a good exercise. Also interesting to note was that Tina Goldstein was his future wife whom he didn't meet until after Hogwart. So all you kids who think you're gonna meet the love of your life at only fifteen, get real! This was why Carsyn was all about the casual relationships right now, cause why be serious at this age? Honestly, ridiculous. There would be time for that in the future, she was sure.

But moving on though, after jotting down the correct order of events along with brief notes that Professor Recard stated, Carsyn considered the next question... It was plural, so what else was Newt influential in during Wizarding History? Grindewald and Dumbledore were mentioned. As well as the first wizarding war and other than that, Carsyn really didn't know much else besides the obvious creatures involvement and contributions ...

To be quite honest, Gabriela wasn't surprised that many people had stayed silent. The big thing that most people knew about Newt (outside of creatures) was his fight against Grindelwald. So when the same answer kept getting repeated, it was only natural a few students would just opt to remain quiet rather than keep repeating things. It made sense. Although Kale did get a small nod from her with a smile at his apology for copying notes. She always appreciated when students owned up to their mistakes and didn't make excuses.

Originally Posted by Weasley174 View Post
Tom raised his hand, seriously a lot of things were already said and he'd got the order wrong, it would have been epic to have been awarded the order of merit but being expelled from Hogwarts for something would have made for a great story.

"He was friends with Dumbledore and did a few things together." Tom had no idea what they did together but he was sure that they had done a few things that had gotten them both into trouble.
Gabi smiled at Tom and nodded. "Yes, and interestingly, Dumbledore was one of the few people who believed Newt was innocent when she got expelled," she elaborated as a fun little fact for them.

"As you have all shown, Newt Scamander is arguably one of the most influential wizards in our history," Gabi began to summarize up the lesson, which would in turn lead them towards their main activity. "Even though his main focus was creatures, he also found himself - most likely unwittingly - mixed up in the first Wizarding War with Grindelwald. Without Newt's help, it's hard to say what the outcome of the conflict may have been," she explained. That was the beauty of history, honestly - you never knew what MIGHT have happened and could only brainstorm about it!

"For our main activity, we'll be focusing back on his role with magical creatures," she explained. This lesson was meant to be a broad overview of Newt as a wizard, but there was no arguing that his primary achievements had been with magizoology. "Many magical zoos have popped up around the world, dedicated to the conservation of magical creatures, and today we'll be doing the same, in a way," she grinned. "You'll make up your own zoo honoring Newt Scamander and all the ways he has helped magical creatures throughout the years!"

She waved her wand so that the instructions appeared on the board behind her.

"I'm not asking for you to come up with a complete layout and construction plan, of course," she joked with a small smirk. "I just want you to brainstorm out some ideas. For the assignment, pick three creatures to display in your zoo. You could do more, of course, but the minimum is three," and she was sure they would find that to be more than enough. "Because zoos are important to the conservation of muggle animals as well, you can have a mixture of both magical and mundane creatures in your zoo, as long as ONE is magical," she told them. Magical creatures was kind of the main point, but she knew some people preferred a good old fashioned lion, tiger, or bear over fancy unicorns or dragons.

"I have a number of magical nature magazines - and some muggle ones - that you can use to cut out pictures of your animals and paste them to your parchment. Name each animal in your exhibit, and come up with a name for your zoo," she explained. The more creative the names, the better! "Finally, I want you to answer the question - how does your zoo honor New Scamander and all he did for the wizarding world? Think of it as a mission statement of sorts! And most importantly - don't take this TOO seriously, ok?" she asked with a small smirk. Gabi asking them to NOT take something super seriously? Call the presses.

"The main goal here is to be creative and have fun, and think about all the work Newt has done for animals - even the imaginary ones in your zoo. You'll have the rest of the time to finish up, and be sure to ask me if you have any questions!" she added before spreading out the magazines on her desk for them to use and taking a seat, signaling that it was time for them to begin! As she sat down, she took out her wand and tapped the niffler toy again on his head, which caused the tiny creature to reanimate once again. "Jacob will be running around to give you some inspiration," she added with a grin. She knew some people would be pleased with that - and others, not so much. Oh well. She was in too good a mood to care today!

Originally Posted by Assignment Criteria
-Select 3 animals to display in your zoo. They can be magical or non-magical, as long as at least ONE is a magical creature of some sort.
-Use the magazines provided to cut out pictures of these animals and post them on to your collage
-Name each animal and your zoo as a whole
-Answer the following question - how does your zoo honor Newt Scamander and all he did for the wizarding world?

OOC: Hey everyone! Thanks for hanging in there - I took a bit longer than anticipated to move on because work kicked my butt yesterday. The last part of the lesson is to make your own zoo! To receive full points, RP your character planning out their zoo and make sure you address the four main points Gabi posted on the board. If you want to get creative you can save actual images to your image hosting site of choice and include them in your post, but a simple explanation of the pictures will also be accepted! One post is all that is required but if you want to do it over the course of a few posts, that is totally fine.

You'll have the next 48 hours to get your projects done. Let me know if you have questions!

And yes, Jacob will be around causing havoc. Sorry in advance.
I'm still standin'________________________________________ better than I ever did

Lookin' like a true survivor_________________________________feelin' like a little kid
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