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Old 05-10-2020, 11:15 AM   #19 (permalink)
Neo-Alliance Followers
watch your back
Fire Slug
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Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 168
most go mad within weeks

Already mostly unconscious in the street, the baseball bat wielding escapee was easily ensnared by the newcomer's conjured ropes. Two fled from the shop after ducking out of the way of any on-coming spells, most notably the one carrying the makeshift bag full of wands, and did not bother to stop and help the one wiggling and groaning on the cobbled street. They had somewhere else to be and to potentially earn their place.

Another still inside the shop, now yielding a wand, attempted to fling a spell or two towards the shopkeeper on the ground and the woman tending to him. Only his spell struck the shield charm in place and bounced back against him, propelled him into the air until he went crashing against one of the still standing displays, and then crumbled to the ground in a daze. The crowbar wielding prisoner had been struck by the Stupefy cast at him while moving in for a second blow and lay on the ground face down with the crowbar just out of his limp hand's reach. Two more fell victim to the former cursebreaker's razzle dazzle Incarcerous, but the final member of the posse had leaped through the window, glass everywhere, with one of the shop's books clutched to her bosom and just managed to avoid the spell before taking off down the street.

And then an eerie sort of quiet fell over the shop. Quiet save for the one in the street bound by rope and snarling like a caged animal. "I'LL KILL YOU!"
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