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She couldn't help the shocked outburst when he said about the professor having work done. She hadn't even got to answer him about him being mum's teacher when she heard that she froze. Shaking her head she just looked forward again hoping that the professor wouldn't be too upset. She watched as Teacup took the treat and gobbled it up with a small smile she scratched behind the feline's ears.
Once the professor started to speak again and talk about what they were going to do she just looked at Teacup and wondered if she would actually do the task or not. Her cat wasn't one to actually listen most days. "What do you think? Can we do this?"
Teacup just looked up at her and headed towards Ewan and Drew to see what their animals were doing. She gave them both a hiss to let them know she was boss and then starred from a bit of a distance.
"For Merlin's sake Teacup." She walked over and scooped up her cat, "Sorry, she likes to be in charge." Giving a Ewan a look knowing he knew what Teacup like, but oh, hello seventh year Gryffindor she didn't know. She pulled her hair back over her shoulder and smiled. "Didn't mean to interrupt you two. Are.. are you doing well with your cats? Any advice for a stubborn one?" Giving Ewan a look like, introduce please...
This was not what Teacup had in mind she scratched her humans are to be put down before taking off towards the professor.
"Teacup, come on..."
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With his wand out ready, he was about to cast the locomotive spell when a small little cat decided to stroll over in between his legs. He knew that cat having seen it many times before and sure enough, the blonde head of his friend Chloe wasn’t far behind. ”Heeey teacup”, an amused grin crossed his features for a moment. He was about to say that he didn’t mind the interruption at all when Chloe gave him a weird look. ”Uhh…Drew, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is Drew. And I’m Ewan” he couldn’t help but laugh a little at the fact that he was in fact Drew’s partner but was the last to be introduced. His own fault obviously. ”How’s Teacup doing?” he replied with a friendly smile, although, he got his answer as the cat maneuvered away towards the professor.
Focusing on the lesson at hand now, Ewan turned towards Drew and the two kneazles near them. He’d have more than enough time to think about Chloe and whatever that look was outside of the lesson. ”That’s a great idea man. The cats will love it” he replied as Drew tied the piece of treat to the little mouse.
Oh? Another cat here now? Well, wasn’t that just lovely. Well it could just leave. This mouse is mine. Can’t you see? The Kneazle moved closer to the mouse, curious to see where it was about to make its escape. It was no match for it
Eyes on the Kneazle, Ewan raised his wand ”Locomotor” and with that, the mouse started to move towards the obstacle course and to his surprise, so did his Kneazle! Up and down the ramp the mouse and treat went and with it, the jet black Kneazle that had once been lazy!
You are no match for me little mouse! This school is my house and you will be mine! Oh I can’t wait to taste you, I’m sure you’ll taste fine. The mouse and treat had clearly offended the large Kneazle because he was now moving at an alarming pace around the track. Through the ring, up and down the various ramps and balance beams until finally…VICTORY!
With a small fist pump, Ewan just turned towards Drew with a grin as the Kneazle crossed the finish line and had finally caught up to the mouse, happy that they’d somehow both managed to come up with an idea that worked! Now, to wait and see if Drew’s cat would do the same, although, he looked as though he was more than ready. He really wasn't sure how quick his kneazle had done it in but it looked fairly quick. Either way, he was more happy that it had moved.
Hopefully this idea was going to work because if it didn't he really had no idea what else he was going to do to get his Kneazle going and apparently the Professor was relying on the two seventh years to show everyone else how it was done. Drew didn't even notice the tiny cat but he did notice the cat's owner, how could he not when she was totally gorgeous. He momentarily forgot about what he was supposed to be doing, pretty girls always seemed to have that effected on him especially ones that were clearly showing an interest in him.
It wasn't until the Ravenclaw boy spoke again that Drew remembered where he was and what he was supposed to be doing.
"Nice to meet you Ewan and Chloe." He gave the girl a smile and a wink.
"We're having the same trouble with our Kneazles." As much as he would like to help her out their Kneazles were just as stubborn.
Tearing his eyes off of Chloe, Drew turned just in time to see Ewan's Kneazle streak off after the mouse. Oh man, he really needed to getting distracted by girls. He pointed his wand at the toy mouse seconds after Ewan,
"Locomotor." The moment the mouse took off with that yummy cat treat , Berlioz sprang into action, he ran up one end of the see-saw and then down the other, he jumped over the hurdles and through the hoops, dodging through the poles and then up and over the beam before landing on top of the mouse and ripping off the cat treat. Yum.
Drew turned to Ewan and laughed.
"Food is always the motivator." Thankfully that was over and was reasonably successful.