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Couldn’t play dead, huh? That was fine. It’d been a shot in the dark to begin with. Cats and, he supposed kneazles if they were like cats, weren’t the sort to be trained into giving a show. It’d been a stretch from the beginning. The most he could hope for was that Sparky here stayed this docile for the rest of the lesson and wouldn’t try to claw his eyes on. In return, he promised not to dangle him anymore.
This was the beginning of a beautiful friendship that would be ripped apart and torn to shreds by Williamson once class was over.
Consider him surprised when Noah said he liked his idea. Did he really?? He’d only been talking off the top of his head but gee if he really liked—
Kitt’s silence turned palpable and his expression fell into one of horror as he watched the boy pull his wand out. He wouldn’t. No way he would. And if he would, no way he’d try to drag Kitt down with him.
He did.
Kitt turned the other way, pretending to be way more interested in the blades of grass this way than in the toy mouse that was moving. Shame, too. It looked like a neat spell. Granted, they all did to this newbie but not right this second it didn’t. Nope. Boy with a wand out? Who dat? Animated toy mouse? What dat?
Casually...mostly casual...okay not quite so casual as awkward side ways steps, Kitt began to create some distance. He already had 3 months of shovelling and wasn’t keen to make it 6 because someone else felt like rules didn’t apply. Kitt had heard the Headmaster LOUD and CLEAR thanks. Rules were meant to be followed.
“Put that thing away, mate. He said no magic!” He loud whispered through gritted teeth, still not looking at him JUST IN CASE. Detention by association was not on his list for today.
He hissed at Aslan, not at all amused he sought to perpetuate this business of Sparky. It was crude and unfitting. He would pay it no further attention and would pay Aslan as less if he continued.
His tail flicked but a moment when the mouse began to move but before he could decide how interested in a chase he was, the boy was moving them away.
Good heavens, where were they going now? The mouse was back that way. Ugh. Whatever. He hadn’t planned on much movement anyway.
Huh? What was Kitt going on about and why did he take a few steps away?? No magic? OH. OH. OH NO. He forgot. He didn't want to get him in trouble.. that hadn't been his intention. It was just instinct for him.
Noah blanched, he almost turned as white as his shirt (well not really - he was just very, very pale) and hid his wand immediately. "
Oops... I forgot. My bad. Sorry..." Guess they couldn't use this. He put the mice down and felt utterly ashamed. Please no one else look over here. "
Ermm... Let's grab the food then....." He headed over and grabbed the treats, handing some to Kitt. "
Sorry... if its brought up.. I'll take the blame. You had nothing to do with it... Besides we shouldn't use the mice now.."
Then he proceeded to put treats down, ignoring the amused look that Aslan was giving him.