05-05-2020, 12:49 AM
HoM Lesson 1 - Newt Scamander It was an absolutely lovely September morning - so lovely in fact that Gabi had opened the windows, which she didn't generally do. She had sensitive eyes and the sunlight bothered her baby blues, you know? But today was an exception. It was just far too pleasant outside to ignore it. Plus, the sun was still shining on the other side of the classroom, so there was the PERFECT amount of light shining in. It was truly magnificent. Sad to think in just a month or two they'd all be shivering in the cold, probably wet from a never ending rainstorm.
The classroom was decorated plainly today. No trinkets or lesson props to be found. Just Gabriela, sitting on her desk in the front, legs dangling over the side as she waited for the children to enter and take their seats. "Come on in and take a seat! I hope you all had a good summer," she greeted them all warmly as the first students began to trickle in. Well, that wasn't ENTIRELY true. There WAS something unusual about the classroom - most students just wouldn't see it until they took their seats. The creature that was currently scurrying around the floor was an enchanted toy, so no need to panic if fluffy critters aren't your thing. You MIGHT panic just a bit though, if you were wearing something particularly dazzling, like earrings, a bracelet, or shiny buckles on your shoes. In which case you might find something crawling up your leg, trying to snatch it and quench it's thirst for all things shiny and sparkly... OOC: Hello hello hello! Welcome to our first History of Magic lesson for the term! This lesson takes place the second week of school so you've had at least one HoM class prior to this, so please RP your characters appropriately.
As you can see, Gabi isn't alone in the classroom today! I feel it's fairly obvious which creature Gabi has enchanted a toy of to run around and cause some mayhem, so feel free to have your characters glance something running around out of the corner of their eye. Please do NOT RP for it however - I'll be taking care of that Class will commence in roughly 24 hours CLASS HAS NOW STARTED!. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the HoM Classroom Rules before posting! Thank you! Class Progression: Greetings + Question 1 - Name a Creature that Newt Scamander studied Replies + Mini Activity - Put Newt's Life Events in Chronological Order! Question 2 - What else is Newt Scamander known for? Responses + Main Activity: Make Your Own Zoo! |