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| Dalliesa | Ab-Bot | Hogwarts Trojan War | Quote:
Originally Posted by BanaBatGirl Yeah, alright, Mallory wasn't really a fan of holding hands with children either, so she did let go now that they were inside. And also, she hurriedly tapped his bag of snacks with her wand so that it became invisible JUST until they were in their seats. She'd OFFERED to have him put it in her mini backpack, but of course he'd refused. Stubborn.
"Matinee, it's what you call an afternoon show." Mal SIGHED at having to explain things to her brother. Yeah, why hadn't they gone to the playground? Probably because Mal wanted to do things she would do anyway even when she wasn't being paid off to babysit. But, she was a clever girl, and so she could compromise. "Look, if you're good here, we'll go to the playground after the show lets out." If it was still light out, heh heh.
She took a few steps away from Duncan now to go buy their tickets, trusting that he wouldn't run off or climb the curtains or something. He loved holding invisible things! Maybe this playgroundless outing wasn't so bad after all?? Duncan appreciated the freedom of his hand, wiping whatever suffocating cologne he had from his sister on his shirt. Did people even put cologne on their hands? He had a feeling Mal would. He smelled his hand just to make sure he was correct. Although he couldn't tell now that her general smell was ALL OVER HIM.
He wanted to ask what other names for shows there were but Mallory was making a very interesting deal with him. Duncan squinted his eyes just a little as he thought about the deal. His father taught him what 'deals' were and 'promises' and 'rewards' and 'trophies' and the related jargon of winning something in exchange for something else. "Okay." He replied finally with a nod. Although what did she mean if he was good here, when was he ever not good anywhere?? Was she referring to that time he made a scene in his father's shindig at his work? That was just a fluke, he got a little too excited...
... wait, was he all alone now?? Mal disappeared into the crowd. Duncan turned around slowly, feeling free as an eagle for the first time this day...... he saw an interesting gargoyle by one of the smaller gates. Not the one where the crowd was heading towards, but the one where all the dressed up people were going to. So, he just headed towards the entrance, JUST TO LOOK AT THE GARGOYLE. |