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Kolyander Lifting one of the service kits off of the shelf, Lukas took a much closer look at was actually inside it. Did he need what it contained or would it be better to purchase only what he was sure he needed individually. The price of the kit wasn't to bad or so he assumed having never purchased one on his own before. Maybe he would just get it so he had it, should he happen to need it. Better to be safe than sorry as his dad always said.
Tucking the kit underneath his arm, he turned away from the shelf with the intent of continuing to look around. The brown haired child didn't get far however, a girl about his age catching his attention when she asked if he played Quidditch. "Only with family." Nothing to brag about here. "Do you play?" She was in the shop after all. Unless she was muggleborn and was curious about the sport.
Isla watched as the boy took a broomstick servicing kit off the shelf and tucked it under his arm.
"I wish I had a broom to service," she said, giving the kit a melancholy look before turning back to the shelves. She shook her head.
"I don't, but I'm really wanting to get into it." She showed him the rule book she'd picked up earlier.
"I guess you have to start somewhere, right?"
She inched forward a little, looking and wishing all at the same time.
"I'm going to learn how to play, and then maybe my mom will let me play recreational Quidditch or something," she added. Maybe they'd have tryouts at Hogwarts, and she'd make the team or something. Not this year. Definitely not this year. Third year, though!
"So do you play a certain position or something?" she asked. Isla
did know the positions, and she knew enough about the game to know about the hoops and such. She had no idea which position she'd be best suited for, though. That was going to be where the rule book came in.