Salty crunch?” he repeated, utterly memorized by the girl’s description. Grilled cheese, count him in. He was now a fan. His stomach growled. Food was necessary and popcorn wasn’t going to cut it. He was dragged, against his will (?) to the next stand for food. He didn’t put up a fight- just let it happen – he wanted food too.
Whaaat,” he exclaimed with both eyebrows raise, totally judging the individual in conversation. Gave her his dad’s hoodie right after he passed away. He pursed his lips. “
I don’t know if that’s a good or bad gesture. Prolly bad. And STRANGE.” He didn’t like the individual in conversation – that was for sure.
He nodded, listening to her. So he wasn’t along in the nicknames. However, he felt certain that none of them enjoyed their nicknaemes as much as he did. “
Do you have examples of their nicknames?” He was only slightly very curious.
Get together and hang out? Yes. Chase loved that idea. Best idea that he’s heard all day – scratch that all week. “
Perfect. How about next weekend, yeah?” he proposed as the following weekend- he and Maeve were headed down to her beach house to just chill and well..

chill. “
If you could do that, I may have to say that I would…” Pause. Dramatic effect. Blink. Wink. “
Forever be in your debt.” Please say yes. Lucas was hopeless when it came to girls and Chase Spenley, the heartbreaker, could only do what he could do.
He chuckled when he mentioned that she really loved him and then froze. What… SHE noticed that? Wow. They must have been solid friends after all. “
Is it that obvious?” He already knew the answer to the question but chose to play dumb. Maeve…. He was sure he’d propose to her in a few weeks but he hadn’t found the perfect ring just yet. Marriage….Proposals… Heavy words indeed. Maybe he ought to publish his first album and then worry about his personal life later. Yeah, he liked that plan. “
Chase paused, not knowing how to react to this Cordelia person. “
Excellent. Hope she doesn’t have two heads.”