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Old 04-20-2020, 02:34 AM   #949 (permalink)

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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Brooks Robertser
Fourth Year
Ern's Walmart Greeter

F I N N E G A N__L I O N E L__Q U E N T I N

twitter - @FinnFinnFinnQ

» B A S I C S
Nicknames - Finn! Finny! Mudboy (courtesy of Zaz)
Date of Birth - August 13th, 2090
Star Sign - Leo
Place of Birth - St. Mungo’s
Residence - Notting Hill, London
Social standing - Middle class
Relationship status - Eleven years old
Language(s) spoken - English
Allergies - None
Medical issues - None

» A P P E A R A N C E
Hair - Shaggy brown, usually kept pretty neat
Eyes - a muted sort of green
Notable Features - a sizeable freckle in the crinkle of his left eye
Tattoos - None
Piercings - None
Height - 5’1, thin and lanky, awkward limbs abound (5’11 in a few more years)
Style - Preppy, he takes pride in his outward appearance, clothing is his way of expression, desperate to always look polished and clean
Face claim - Graham Verchere

» I N T E R A C T I O N S__&__R E L A T I O N S H I P S
Mother - Brooklyn Petrov
Father - Charlie Quentin
Sister(s) - Marnie Quentin, Zoë Quentin (deceased)
Pets - Otis the Bernese Mountain dog (left home with his parents)
Friends - to come? Hopefully?

» P E R S O N A L I T Y
It’s easy to see just by looking at Finn’s body language that he’s incredibly awkward. His limbs are starting to outgrow him and his head looks as though it’s starting to lean forward and break off of his neck, something that straightens itself out once he’s happily chatting away with a friend. His entire posture shifts once he’s talking about quidditch or his latest thrift store finds, his room full of hoarded broken items.

As friendly as he is, Finn is quick to be skeptical and unsure of people’s suggestions, never knowing if people were looking out for his best interest or not. This came from years of teasing via his sister, her friends, the family friends and neighborhood kids. Kids like to take advantage of his kind heart and meek nature which resulted in him spending more time indoors and with his parents than outdoors with kids his own age.

While he may not be the quickest witted boy in his year, Finny will give his full attention to those who ask for it. He may not always understand his school work or what’s being asked of him, but he’ll happily work hard to figure it out. Perhaps his parents’ overbearing attitude led to the boy being a little curbed in his learning and development.

The little Quentin has a bright shiny eye for all things old and valuable, but the value he sees isn’t in cash per say, but memories, stories. Items tell tales, and he’s desperate to hear them. He’s hoping that Hogwarts and the eventual elective of divination will allow him to learn how to read these stories better, how to get in contact with those he could learn from who may not be physically in this world anymore. And maybe, somehow, learn more about his sister.

Likes - Vintage things, clothes, pups and kittens, family, playing quidditch with the family, watching his dad work, catching insects (mostly butterflies) with his dad, trying to figure out what Marnie’s doing (he never can)
Dislikes - being afraid of things, feeling weak even though he’s not sure how to stop feeling that way, scary films, angry music, an unmade bed, when things are out of order
Habits - doodles little patterns on his notes and school work, mentally combining people’s outfits to make new ones, getting lost in his imagination, finger tapping, snapping his fingers while trying to remember things, using Otis as a pillow
Fears - everything, having a deadly allergy, the dark, everything, creatures living in his closet/under his bed, everything, dirt and infectious diseases, everything, have we mentioned just about everything scares him?
Aspirations - would love(!!!!) to own his own vintage shop some day, making more new friends! Not being so scared of everything!! Conquering fears!!!
Strengths - caring for others that need it, his gentle nature, coloring in the lines,
Weaknesses - his paralyzing fear, talking to girls????

» H I S T O R Y
The Quentins met at Hogwarts after Brooklyn transferred in and quickly became best friends before eventually dating and getting married. Brooklyn and Charlie were parents twice before Finn came along. However, the two never had more than two children at a time. Zoë, their youngest daughter passed away before Finn was even born, something that still haunts him and the rest of the family to this day. Zoë was only a few years old when she was left unattended outside one summer. Brooklyn had merely gone inside briefly to retrieve lemonade or a gardening tool, something she refuses to dwell on any more. After coming back outside to a screaming child, the Magical Games Healer was met with a sight that stopped her heart. Unknown to the family, Zoë was severely allergic to bee stings.

After several years, Brooke and Charlie were blessed with another child, Finn. With everything that had happened, the two barely ever let the young boy out of their sight. Finn grew up sheltered and doted on, rarely ever figuring out things for himself, causing him to be a little slow on the uptake. That being said, he doesn’t know any better and he’s a happy kid for the most part. But every so often he’s reminded of his sister and thoughts of being a replacement child start to seep into his head, none of which he’s shared with anyone.

This summer the light brown haired boy is finally turning eleven and a new chapter begins, one where he’s finally alone to explore who he is without a shadow following him everywhere he goes.

» S C H O O L__Y E A R S
To be added as he ages.

» M A G I C A L__F A C T S
Blood Status - Halfblood
Wand - To be added after his proper wand fitting
Patronus - N/A
Boggart - N/A
Amortentia - N/A
Former School - St. Woldoboro’s Primary School
Current year - First
House - Hufflepuff
Electives - N/A

Post color - #E2A76F
back on your feet again, lift your head, hold it_h i g h______________________________________________

_____________you wanna run it back but you can't turn the time, you start to feel like you're losing your shine
__________________________________but the grass ain't always greener on the_o t h e r_ s i d e
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