Leave it to him to try and help someone else and then end up possibly in more trouble. This really wasn’t a great year for the Ravenclaw prefect. Letting go of the fallen bookshelf, Ewan stood and gauged Professor Eris’ mood for a moment, briefly noting that he was actually as tall of the Professor now. Choosing not to antagonise the situation further, he simply stuck to the truth, simply agreeing for the most part with that Chloe was saying. “Chloe’s got the gist of it, Professor. I was in here studying” he gestured now to the rather large pile of books on the table he’d been sitting at “And she fell and hit her head behind me. I was about to take her to the hospital wing when…” pausing now to cast a glance at the uhh…Curtis? “No idea what Curtis was doing before the shelf fell over” What did he know about the fourth year Snake and his comings and goings? He’d heard rumours of him being caught in the girl’s bathroom so it wouldn’t have surprised him one bit if he had in fact pushed the shelf over on purpose. He at least wasn’t going out on a limb for someone he didn’t know. Not when his own situation was as perilous as it currently was. “I was about to help Curtis put the book shelf back when you came over Professor” He may have zipped the books back into a neat pile but there was no way he was putting them back on the shelf. That was a job for butter fingers over there. Typical Slytherin. Letting books drop to the floor as if they belonged to him. No respect at all.
Ewan stopped talking then as he noticed Chloe out of the corner of his eye and instantly walked over to her as she grabbed the table. He knew full well about her past head injuries. Sure, she was accident prone but she wasn’t the type to just go and fall over tables randomly. “Uh Professor, would you mind maybe taking a look at Chloe? Or maybe she could be taken to the hospital wing? I think she’s got another concussion” his face lit up with concern now for his Ravenclaw friend. Leave it to her to trip over a practically flat surface. He didn’t mind taking her or having someone else take her but this was surely priority over the bookshelf?