:'3 • HuffleStud • Knight of The Zodiac • Manly Beard-Grower • Cicatrice de Harry • It all happened so fast, well actually, in a slow descent into chaos. As he felt himself tipping over, he cursed inside his head before backing off. And then.... BAM! Not only were the remaining books in the shelf have fallen over but a huge pile of dust kicked up in a form of smoke. He coughed until it subsided. Well, this was great. Curtis was bothered by what was to come next. He had a feeling some adult authority figure was going to come running over and another detention for him. Now eyes were on him by the prefect and Chloe. Her seeing this for some strange reason made him feel mortified, but out of habit he shrugged as if not bothered. "I'm too short to reach for..." He crawled over to pick up a random book, "this." The book in question was about distinguishing fairy creatures. Definitely not the book he wanted, but he wasn't about to admit to purposely eavesdropping.
Curtis blinked though at Chloe suggesting he walk her to the Healer. Wow, talk about a gut punch to his head. Clearly whatever they were talking about was different than what he had in mind. He shrugged again, "Sure. I'll escort you there." That was his go-to-reaction, never look shocked but to shrug it off and look good. He eyed the left over shelf and the mess on the floor. Back to that Prefect's first question. "Help me take care of this shelf?" He was good but not that good with certain spells. |