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Old 04-02-2020, 12:12 AM   #12 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Sloane Aubrey Knott
Fifth Year

Originally Posted by Krel Ansell View Post
”Ah…used to zat meinself.” His hand remained untaken and so he quickly dropped is hand to his side. The bruise his face had sported a few weeks had finally healed. He reached up touching the spot then shook himself. And speaking of pride, he swallowed his and asked ”Can you hent me mein kane?”

And then she was yelling at the elevator. He flinched. Since his eyesight had been ruined, his hearing and sense of smell had become more sensitive. He didn’t say anything about it though. Clearly the lady was a bit upset. ”May hap ve schould take schtairs?” he offered. With her help he could probably make it without slipping on poop or owl feathers or by an owl flying into him. But of course, just has he offered that idea, the elevator doors closed. Instinctively, he reached out and put a steadying hand on the lady’s shoulder as the elevator took off.
Delyth was, if ever so briefly, in her own world of rage, which might have looked comical to some. Standing there, her arms pressed to her sides stiffly as the doors closed, she stared forward for a moment before actually answering the man next to her “Oh..uh. Yes of course” reaching down now to pick up the cane that resided close to her feet. How had she been so unobservant? Well, that was obvious, the pain in her temple was a testament to that.

As for the stairs, well, that was out of the question. The poor fellow looked like he was struggling to catch the lift up to the atrium, let alone walk up several flights of stairs and this blonde was not tall or strong enough to be a second walking stick for him. No thank you. Even now as he gingerly rested a hand on her shoulder, she could tell he wouldn’t have made it. Although, if he had asked, she wouldn’t have refused for fear of seeming rude. Take now for example, with his hand resting on her shoulder, the blonde didn’t show any sign of uncomfortableness at his touch even if he was leaning on her a little too much. Choosing to not focus on that, and also to distract her, Delyth asked the first question that popped into her head “So, when you’re not falling over people in lifts, what is it that you actually do?” her expression polite now.
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