Originally Posted by
PhoenixRising At first I was all, "no, wasn't Anna a year older than Tancred/Amelia" but i had it wrong .... she's a year older than Dominic and company
wait. Wait. does that mean Dominic and company turns 50 this year??
I second this, cause honestly, i don't think WE authorized this??
But also. hi. choose me. let's play. someone. whoever. Hogwarts closes this week though, I THINK o.o (but i'm off work till Friday so i /should/ be responsive)
Lol. Yes. Dom and company are turning HALF A CENTURY+ this IC year. #oldiesclub
I didn't authorize this. So rude, whoever did that.
I CHOOSE YOU! I'll VM you.
Originally Posted by
SilverTiger *waves* Anyone, anywhere. Odds are I have someone I can play
*needs to add to the fc list again lol*
*WAVES BACK* I'll VM you too!