feel free to join cece and Keeper <3 elephant-astic•wanderlust•stay in the ninedaaays the original Taco Belle•look at the flowers✿ A picnic with a baby couldn't be TOO hard to manage, could it? After all, she was FINALLY getting the hang of this mom thing and Keeper hardly cried at ALL anymore...except when he was hungry, or dirty, or sleepy. She'd gotten PRETTY good at anticipating how frequently these things were going to happen by now-her baby seemed to be one that just LOVED to stick to his schedule-so that helped minimize the crying a LOT. This meant MORE sleep for her, MORE energy to do things, and a MUCH more pleasant momming experience. Like today! TODAY the small blonde had packed herself a sandwich and some pumpkin juice, a nice blanket to sit on, and a few of the baby essentials JUST in case. Then she found a B-E-A-UTIFUL spot by the lake and set up camp. "I knew some fresh air would do us good, Keeper." Moms were always saying that sort of thing, did he know? Probably because they were SUPER wise and stuff. After all the Momming SHE'D been doing lately, she felt wise enough to say such things, TOO. Cradling the doll in one arm, she pulled her sandwich out of her bag with the other and sort of wiggled it free from the napkin that had been wrapped around it. It was the perfect PB&J with EXTRA peanut butter and the grape jam she liked BEST. As she brought it to her lips for a bite, she couldn't help but smile because she KNEW it was going to be so g- WAAAAAAH-WAAAAAAAAH!
But it wasn't time for HIM to eat yet!
Cecelia looked longingly at her sandwich for a second and then set it down, adjusting the baby in her arms. "Shhhh, it's okay. Shhhh." Well, he'd already taken a little snooze on the way to the lake, and he wasn't due for a bottle just yet, so THAT must mean he needed a nappy change. GREAT. Just what she wanted to do before eating. "Keeper, you're always keeping me on my toes." Seemed she really HAD picked a fitting name. "Here you go." She set her doll down on its back, careful of his little head, and unfastened his onesie so she could remove the soiled nappy. She'd had enough practice with her little brother to handle it without being TOO disgusted, rolling it up and setting it aside. After using some wipes she'd packed, a new nappy was put on and Keeper was good as new! "There. Happy now?" She eyed the baby for a moment before snapping the onesie back into place and giving him a little tickle on his tiny fake baby belly. He WAS pretty cute for a doll. "Okay, take two."
She used her wand to clean off her hands and dispose of the dirty nappy and then it was time to eat. She picked up the sandwich, bringing it to her mouth again when- WAAAAAAH!
Maybe picnicking with a baby WASN'T going to be as easy as she thought.
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