03-20-2020, 09:35 PM
HoM Lesson 2 - Neville Longbottom Honestly? Gabi was looking forward to the end of term. After everything that had happened - she still was having nightmares about Mathys bleeding on the floor of his cabin - she was more than ready to have a nice relaxing summer to recenter herself. But first things first - she had to finish this school term. She'd done a ton of prep for her classes and wasn't going to let some ridiculous rogue paintings ruin her lessons! This one in particular was one she had been looking forward to for a while.
Gabi was situated on her desk, sitting on the edge of it very casually. Considering how this term had gone, she'd decided to let her hair down a bit, so to speak. They all deserved to take it a little easy after everything that had happened. She was even wearing flats instead of her usual heels!
The other thing the students would notice as they walked in? All the desks had been moved so they were clumped in to groups. Five groups, to be exact. At the center of each desk cluster was an item that would be pertaining to today's lesson. "Welcome! Please pick a table to sit at and examine the object in front of you," she told them all as they began to trickle in. "Please do NOT touch the items at the moment. There are no assigned seats, but try and spread yourselves out, please," she explained. They would be able to examine the items in a bit closer in a moment.
Come in, select a spot to sit, and get ready. The lesson will be underway soon! OOC: Hey everybody! Welcome to your second and final HoM class for the term! Please select an item to sit by and make it very clear in your RP post which item your character has selected. As Gabi said, please try to spread out a bit so that each item has at least 1 person! Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Classroom Rules and Expectations as well as the SS RPG rules before posting. Thanks! Class will commence in roughly 30ish hours! Class has started! Please do NOT post your character entering late or face the IC consequences. Things are up in the air around here, as I'm sure they are for many people, so it all depends on how my work schedule turns out tomorrow. Class Progression Greetings and Beginning of Mini Activity Mini Activity Part 2Question 1 - Tell me some facts about my main man Neville |